When's the last time you played a singleplayer only game, Sup Forums?
When's the last time you played a singleplayer only game, Sup Forums?
Today. Played a bit of Zelda and Bowser's Inside Story.
Today, played some Nier: Automata
Today, I hate multiplayer games
yesterday i think
Zelda, so yesterday
what games don't have a single player mode with a tacked on MP?
and yeah, i know, shit like overwatch exists, but its in a minority of MP only shit
there are tons of SP games and people are playing them, you just aren't OP.
>Everyone actually plays them all time
The last singleplayer game I played was Metal Gear Rising sometime last year, I think I'm losing my love for vidya.
Was hoping more anons were in the same boat
yesterday, i beat day of the tentacle
I was playing Metro too but Sup Forums went in a different direction so I just played more fighters.
Today, doing the "SUPERHOT" challenges.
fighters still have SP
your playing SP against humans who join in, like it would be at an arcade
yesterday, Automata
Why would it be harder to play SP games? What does it even matter?
anyone have any tips for a normie like me before I start revengeance on pc?
Multiplayer can get old outside of fightan gaymes and that's pretty much stimulated muscle memory training.
Single player is immersive and can genuinely be fun rather than simply a mental grind. Its nice to not be competitive and just have fun than compete 24/7.
>playing multiplayer
because multiplayer games are mostly social, I don't particularly like drinking for example but I'll do it because it's social
Because it feels pointless because it literally will never affect anything if I keep playing or stop.
jet grind radio, yesterday.
No, it's the most entry level action game you can find
equip the white armour that gives you double the health potions
Played Mad Max today.
Don't start with Very Hard, for one thing, because it will kick your ass immediately
Start on normal until you get the timing of parries down, then switch to hard for a reasonable challenge
Very Hard and Revengeance are straight-up unfair in design on purpose, and you will not have fun because you don't know what you're doing yet
Yesterday. Thief: The Dark Project.
the last MP game i've played was GTA V
2 years ago
i'm done with underage kids who fucked my mom
Fuck multiplayer gaming unless it's couch splitscreen
The sense of achievement you get from playing SP games is still false though. You ultimately accomplish nothing by playing games. Play games for the experience you take away from them, the experiences you take from MP games are just as valid as SP ones
t his
Literally a few minutes ago
there isn't a single thing fun about heroic mode
Ass creed Rogue, yesterday.
>The sense of achievement you get from playing SP games is still false though
anything about VG is false
Sleeping Dogs
Im normally in the same boat, but I just got zeldo so ive been playing the hell out of that, and will probably play the shit out of Peesona 5 when it drops.
Maybe just find single player games you like, and if you dont like them, maybe sp games arent for you, no big deal. Stop worrying about it
i did some of heroic mode but i dropped it on the first zilla fight because it went on for 45 minutes and had no sign of stopping
Played FFX a few hours ago and will most likely try and finish it later, although the unskippable cutscenes are getting on my nerves.
Yesterday, batman arkham asylum.
i haven't played a multiplayer game since battlefield 3. good riddance
like an hour ago.
With single player games I always feel the need to make some sort of progress or else I feel like I'm wasting time. Multiplayer stuff is typically more addicting and never really has any lulls or slow moments in the gameplay that tend to make me lose interest.
Granted, I did just beat Hollow Knight and am going to tackle SotN next.
Game's fun, but it handles difficulty in a very lazy and shitty fashion.
Last night, right before I went to bed. Playing through GTA:SA for the hundredth time.
the difficulty is literally bethesda tier, so sick of developers doing this shit
it's funny because if they only increased the damage done part, it would be way better
doom knew to do this back in the 90s and not make enemies spongier
They're all videogames man. Doesnt matter if they're sp or mp, if you enjoy them, then you dont hate video.
Literally currently playing Tales of Berseria.
Multiplayer game make-up like 10% of my video gaming, and I'm being generous.
Only multiplayer I play is with friends offline (Sm4sh, Mario Kart, etc.). And last time I played multiplayer online was splatoon. Been very fun and got kind of invested into it, but I usually avoid online multiplayer only games.
everyday, only games I play
This is true. The only people that we should look down on are those who watch LP videos but rarely, if ever, play games.
They're all I play anymore. It feels so much better it being me and the set difficulty of the game, and no rng, team mates, or people much better at the game than me. Multiplayer games don't feel acomplishing at all for me, plus I prefer 2D games and most multiplayer games aren't. Multiplayer games that are meant to be played with friends are perfectly fine though, often fun as fuck, but competitive ones can eat a dick, but are sometimes okay with friends.
>You ultimately accomplish nothing by playing games.
Except having fun and enjoying yourself
>and am going to tackle SotN next.
You are about to have a good fucking time
Today, Pathologic, I'm jewing the town's economy on day 2.
>You are about to have a good fucking time
Played it forever ago and I'm noticing a ton of stuff I missed and am having a shitton of fun already. Weird how so many people nitpick away at the game when it gets much more right than wrong.
Witcher 3
Yesterday. Played HuniePopfor the puzzles
10 minutes ago, Hollow Knight.
Divinity Original Sin 2, Shantae 1/2 genie hero and Stardew Valley have also been in rotation.
today, played witcher 3, I play a lot of multiplayer though cause I love to talk shit on overwatch and make kids cry
Rimworld a few months ago. Want to try out the new patch.
It's breddy gud
I'm playing diablo 3 right now, still trying to get a kridershot after 2 years.
>Divinity Original Sin
>Single Player Only
FTL, finally beat the Rebel Flagship just now, actually.
on Easy Mode
Been loving this. best Stealth I've played in a long time.
Been playing Shadow of Mordor. Decided to do a no upgrades run, but it's still piss easy. Apparently the sequel is going to have difficulty settings
I played a bit of Splatoon's campaign on Cemu without gyro in anticipation for the Testfire.
Also currently playing Zelda.
Finished Dark Souls yesterday.
I hate multiplayer games, at least PVP. Borderlands 2 was the last time I played one, and that was probably 3 years ago.
Horizon Zero Dawn today.
I only play singleplayer games
Ive been playing Nier Automata and Atelier Rorona Plus recently.
if i can have fun by myself why would i try and have fun with others?
Yesterday played No man's sky.
This is literally the reason I stopped playing DotA.
Like, 3 hours ago.
i wish, its better not knowing what pussy feels like than knowing and not getting any.
That happens to people all the time user. Most popular thing I've seen people do is stop playing vidya for awhile. Pick up another hobby. Read a book nigga.
Sonic CD
Learn to parry early. Start on normal mode. The game is designed to be replayed over and over as harder difficulties are balanced around having upgrades carry over from previous playthroughs.
I only play singleplayer only games.
Elementary school, I think. If you're above the age of 13-14 and still playing single player games, then I think you need to take a look at your life as a whole and revaluate what you're doing.
I don't play multiplayer anyway since I pirate all my games
It's been the oposite for me. I couldn't masturbate gud untill I knew what it was supposed to feel like. Knowing what it's supposed to feel like has improved hentai for me 100x.
A better question would be "when was the last time you played a multiplayer game"? I think it's been over 5 years for me. Most recent single player games I've played are Breath of the Wild and Nier Automata.
When I feel for the Overwatch hype at launch. I'm not doing that again.
About an hour ago, running through Banjo Tooie.
>remembering there will never be Banjo Threeie
This fampaily
The life of the poorfag is a harsh one.
Playing FFX right now. Blitzball pisses me off so much....
Me too.
literally playing Project Diva Future Tone right now
Been playing botw since it came out.
I only play singleplayer games because I believe Dev's who have to rely on making a gaming experience eventful without needing its own customers to do so are worth my money.