Enemy team has Mei

>Enemy team has Mei
What do you do?

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Wonder why I'm still playing Overwatch before closing it and booting up TF2 again

Uninstall and play a better game

Kill her

Why are TF2friends so insecure

>Kill her
You're now frozen

>Getting within 5 feet of a Mei
You're not bad, are you?

Eat Chinese food

>implying Mei can't move
>implying she's not hiding around a corner
>implying she's not standing on your objective
>implying you have a choice

I hate overwatch but I kek'd



This. You're life is worth so much more.



Use a movement ability
Kill hee in the 1.5 seconds it takes to get frozen
Check corners before you go around them
Listen to your team's callouts
Stop lone wolfing

Follow any of these rules and you'll be out of Gold in no time

Laugh because I remembered Symetra has autism

>Use a movement ability
she backs off, negating your attack
>Kill hee in the 1.5 seconds it takes to get frozen
300% impossible unless you're ulting
>Listen to your team's callouts
Only good for avoiding her
>Stop lone wolfing
Doesn't stop her

pick hanzo and roadhog


>itt: salty faggots who can't fucking outskill

git gud

Who do you play? I'd be happy to give you some pointers.

I don't play OW, is Mei actually broken or are people just mad aout getting debuffed/walled?

You can't pick two characters.

Wall ride up and stay there.


>Who do you play?

This is about me vs non-mei players
I have no counter

well either or, unless you play solo


Considering you're one of the easiest characters in the game to counter, I'm gonna have to disagree.

She's a well rounded hero
Noobs just cry about her the same way noobs cry about everything that kills them in a videogame

In this match-up of your theory vs my experience, my experience wins hands down




Post rank

>mfw this ship was started entirely because Mercy and Pharah are the only two heroes who can stay in the air


Explain these ships to me. Who decides them?

I'm the Mei.

I'm writing an overwatch fanfic without shipping

>hes resorted to whining about ranks

also because of this pun

The japanese

>Pick Zenyatta
>Wait for you to stall with the ice shield
>Charge up a shot while you're sitting there

>Pick Tracer

>Pick Reaper
>3 headshots is all it takes
>Wraith form if I fuck up

>Pick Mcree

>Pick Sombra
>Now you can't use the ice wall or shield to get away

All ships are stupid if you ask me



Be glad that she's frozen in there and that we're out here.

Post it and we'll see who actually has the experience



no one asked you


smoke her fucking ass with my mad zenyatta play


Rank is a number determined at random, it holds no meaning towards a player's skill

You're just mad Tracer is gay, but not for Widowmaker, aren't you?


I guess I play the closest thing to a spy, pick sombra, and hack her before she can use her cheesey heal.

Or uninstall, open up TF2, and play a real spy.



No, i don't give a shit about pairings in a game without any story whatsoever

>people still letting Mei and D.Va get to them
You've had 10 months to get used to them. How do you not know how to counter them after this long? Mei's a ton of fun to play, both as and against.

>Rank is a number chosen at random
Plat or Gold?

>>Charge up a shot while you're sitting there
I'm gone and your balls fly into the abyss
You best be running or else it's round 2 motherfucker
headshots is all it takes
>>Wraith form if I fuck up
You're being slowed, you're not getting those shots off
90% of the time any reaper I fight ends up using wraith for to escape which is fine because my job is done
>>Pick Sombra
>>Now you can't use the ice wall or shield to get away
You still get frozen

>mfw this is 100% true

>*teleports behind you to stab you in the back*
>*was an after image*
This is how fucking stupid you sound right now. Are you both 12 or what?


There's no way a competent sombra gets within range of mei. She just pings you down from medium range while you're hacked.

You can keep crying about rank for as long as you want, but it'll never say how good a player is

this is my final reply to you since you're just moving the goalpost

There's no greater feeling in Overwatch than learning how to use Zenyatta well. He goes from feeling like a squishy waste of space to being a terrifying killing machine while keeping up as a competent healer. You can carry teams with him no problem. It helps that he's the best character design, he throws out motivational quotes to help your guys as well. Zen's the best.

There's no way a competent sombra exists


Ships are only dumb because it's clear from what we've seen love interests are going to be off screen characters.

THIS. If you find yourself 1v1 against a Mei it means that:
A) You're a flanker, so you also have some escape ability to get out before becoming an icecream
B) You're alone and not with your team even if you're not a flanker, you're an idiot and it's your fault for being out of position

Mei's m1 is is one of the weakest tools in her kit, her m2 is way stronger and more efficient, too bad low level scrubs ignore it

post more zen

delete this

>Still scared to post rank because it will out him as the absolute scrub he is

whats the little puppet thing from anyway
I know I've seen it before

woah so you are telling me mei did her job as an ambush hero? Hmmmmm


This. I use her lmb maybe 20% of the time if that, more as a punish against overextenders or to deter tanks than actually expecting people to stick around and be frozen. Most characters are mobile enough to escape, it just works well as an area denial tool. Most decent players won't let themselves be frozen unless they're either approached from behind or busy in a teamfight. In both instances trying to lmb them just makes them aware of your presence, you're better of getting the first hit with an rmb headshot.


Use pharah you dumb fucks

best in thread

Reminder that the punk/ultraviolet skins aren't completely worthless




Right click her twice.



Mei is thin. THIN!!


I prefer Mei being thicc because it makes her stand out a little more from every other girl in Overwatch. It's not like it matters anyway, the external storytelling and "lore" are a complete mess so you're best off just playing the game and not worrying about insignificant things like character weight.

I realise if she's killing me I should stop being shimada main shitter with an allergy to teamwork.

Mei is a 1v1 monster but hopeless in anything more, if you're having trouble with her beyond bronze look at where you are then look at where everyone else is.

>Mei with nigger lips


>I posted a reaction image and typed "ahaha", which silences the opposition!

If you primarily use her rmb she's a monster for picking off headshots and steamrolling teamfights. She's also good if your team's coordinated, because regardless of your health you're guaranteed to have at least one guy stand idly next to you and wait as soon as you icecube, leaving them free to be picked off. It always happens, even if they weren't after you beforehand.