Literally cannot turn the camera with your mouse

>Literally cannot turn the camera with your mouse
>they literally fucking disabled mouse movements to prevent people from shooting accurately with the pod
>have to rely on the retarded lock-on like a dumb controller player that can't turn his camera while doing all actions

if you support this trash you are worse than shit, refunded at the speed of light, eat shit yoko taro

Other urls found in this thread:

>controller lets you shoot wherever you want and mouse doesn't
lol controller confirmed more accurate than mouse


kek, become as god pcbro

It's almost like hack and slash plays better on a controller or something


>He plays third person single player action games with a mouse

>lock on
>playing on normal
Get outta here


What kind of pleb plays this without a controller.

You are just a wannabe master race but have no clue why it is.

What the fuck, PCbros. If you wanna get on board, get with the tide.

Why would you want to play this anyways?

If you want robot ass try sankaku

>using a control stick to aim in any kind of game

this is why consolefags will never know true glory.

>Using the inferior input method
>Wonder why it handles poorly
Autism, as far as the eye can see

>he uses a mouse and keyboard to play flight sims

>have to rely on the retarded lock-on like a dumb controller player that can't turn his camera while doing all actions

But that's wrong you retard, any player worth his salt is doing claw grip so he can aim/shoot/jump/attack/dash all at the same time. And for all the idiots who have never seen this, no it's not uncomfortable. I've been doing this since I was 12 in 2005.

Another PC u c k realises that devs don't give a flying rat's ass about their dead platform. That's what happens when 99.99% of the userbase is composed of pirates.

Literally superior to controller or stick in WarThunder


Good that they purchased denuvo to protect this gem of human ingenuity. I fucking called it. Jap devs are the worst when it comes to coding. Guess they really need that single hardware specs to mask their incompetence.

Or you can just rebind everything to anything in the options menu. Putting shoot on LT and swapping it with the lock on you never use made it much better.

>yet another PC port is garbage
So this is...the true power...of the master race...whoa...

I'm going to play with a DS4 on the PC anyways behind my TV.

>platinum game


>fucking up your hand
>looking like a retard
>still having subpar control
You literally forfeit the ONE fucking niche the controller excel in, the comfort.


Nier: Automata you say?
*sips macchiato*
Pfft, I don't lower myself to that mainstream trash
*buys iPhone*
I only play good games like Sankaku
*unsheathes skinny jeans*
But you probably never heard of it
*makes typewriter noises*

>PC fat tries to tweak, ruin or change the base game and then claim its bad

wow, what a surprise

B-b-ut Sup Forums told me it's GOTY 2017!

>unsheathes skinny jeans

>mfw PCbros get blacked this fucking hard
Ty so much Yoko Taro
GOTY easily

>tfw left negative review so that devs will stop porting games to PC

>implying I'm not comfortable

I started doing this in 2005 BECAUSE the Xbox controller was too big for my shitter hands. I've been doing it 12 more years after that, IT IS comfortable for me. Holding controllers the normal way (where you can't jump and turn at the same time BRAVO) feels bad. I don't even understand why that's the mainstream holding method, it feels like yo have no control. Claw also helped me out with fighters a lot until I bought an Arcade Stick two years back.

>hack and slash
Wrong! It's a schmup.

>holding the control like a literal retard, completely destroying the ergonomics while at the same time looking like an actual DURRR

Good. Steam is filled with anime trash to the brim

Mouse allows quicker and more accurate control of the camera, when the devs know what they are doing

>I've never seriously tried it
>therefore it must destroy ergonomics and be retarded

You only play western genres, don't you? KB+M is only nice for first person and isometric, it's absolutely retarded for action games or fighting games, my main genres. Let's see you clear Legendary Dark Knight on DMC4SE with KB+M, champ.

Btw, it is comfy, see

Just because you can endure the pain and get used to it doesnt make it a good solution. Jesus fuck, look at the hand. You would have to pretend to be absolutely retarded just to suggest that looks comfortable.

>action game
Kek, get out.


>in a flight sim

I'm not suggesting that it's comfortable, I'm telling you it is. Try it for a week. Guitar is pretty uncomfortable in the first few months of practice, but nobody ever heard Hendrix and Clapton complain about hand cramps. I got used to this shit TWELVE YEARS AGO, and it took less than a week to click. I don't understand how you people can play action games without constant camera control.

>He plays Third person action games with a mouse and keyboard


>playing games on easy mode.
I can see why a PC elitist would have to do that.
Since no games are developed and/or balanced for PC, the only games you shouldn't play with a controller are multiplayer games.


hey PC masterfucks



Ah, its for manlets I see.

Anyways, DMC doesnt require aiming, Nier does (at least hard mode does, being a faggot and playing on normal who cares what type of control scheme you use?)

Anyways I've beaten DMC3 on Dante Must Die mode with KB+M, it wasn't any harder than with a controller. DMC4 wasn't as good so I never bothered playing the harder difficulties.

>control scheme is fucked intentionally by the devs and not by the hardware
>consolecucks are perfectly aware of this fact
>they still resort to it and try to insult PC-herrenvolk
I mean come on, we've always looked down on the console subhumans, but this is just sad.

>Xbox controller was too big for my shitter hands
What the hell!? How small are your hands!?

>PCfags will NEVER EVER understand this feeling

So, you got used to it being uncomfortable. Thats one way to do it I guess.

>using mouse and keyboard for an action slash game
literally kill yourself

I was 12 in 2005

Subhuman PCbros deserve shit ports. Eat my dick faggot. I'm glad you had to at least pay full price for it before realizing, lmao

Yes you can turn the camera with your mouse, and if it's too slow for you then turn it up the settings...
Were you seriously expecting 1:1 mouse movement from a console port?

Do you even have the game?

This reads like you read a post about someone who complained after playing the game for a grand total of 2 seconds before the camera controls were even enabled, athen made this thread because you're a trash zealot for consoles.

Protip: This isn't an fps, you can plug controllers into pcs!

Sup Forums is buttblasted because they can't play the game

I'm playing just fine user.
It's regular Sup Forums shit stirring without facts.

So this is the reason some games games let you reverse the x axis.

>controller has a dedicated dodge button.
>"press button whenever shit happens to dodge"
>kb+m only has double tap dodging.

>He's playing with a KB+M

>1:1 mouse movement

what the fuck are you talking about?

>taking the ~5 minutes it takes to program proper mouse control

fuck that, just copy paste the control stick logic in there.


>PS4 version
>comfy discussion

>PC version

PC niggers ruin every game

>PC verison
>here are some issues that could be address the make the game better.

>PS4 version

>I know absolutely nothing about game engines
Great post friend.

>PCfags having taste.

>PC cucks this mad

All you fags care about is muh controls and muh fps and 4k resolution. You only care about graphics and nothing else.

Case in point, Total Buiscuck

Literally not even true. I'm playing it right now and you can aim with mouse

>Controls and FPS
>Not being extremely complimentary to gameplay rather than graphics

Even Resolution brings some kind of shit to the gameplay table.

finally an eceleb to tell me what to think


You get to a point where fps and resolution is pointless. 60 fps? Fine but muh 4k resolution and then whining when most games don't accomodate it is stupid.

Morons who play with a keyboard instead of a controller deserve it with an Action JRPG. Like how fuckign stupid can you be?


"To use the PS4 DualShock controller on your PC in Steam, load up Steam and check for updates, then once the latest update has installed, plug in your DualShock 4 (or connect via Bluetooth) and you'll be good to go! To find out how to use a PS4 DualShock controller on your PC without using Steam, read on below."


This. 60FPS is absolutely essential for optimal action gameplay, but resolution isn't a fucking crisis. 1080 is fine, even 720 is fine. I play old ass games in 480 all the time, thankfully most old ass games run 60fps. 4K is a gimmick for people trying to justify their specialist monitors and GPUs. 99% of the industry doesn't give a fuck about you.

>locked options
Holy fuck, not buying this nip trash

>playing with a keyboard


>programing a linear axis adjustment versus a velocity axis adjustment is hard

wow, you sure seem like the expert here.

>platinum game
Pee cee master race



>someone want to play a character action game with a fucking MOUSE
>this is the state of the PC industry today

>playing with a mouse and keyboard
>This is PC cuck's in a nuthsell

Did not pre-order. Game looked good and hope they fix the port. If they don't, I'll simply not buy.

>if I make the same post 5 times, people will think im smart

>39 FPS

>that entire setup with self-evolving android fluidly gaining levels and new attacks throughout the battle

>I-im not mad, the g-game is shit! Its s-shit! E-every console exclusive is s-shit! C-consoles are shit! M-MUSTER R-R-RACE is #1

Nier is not a character action game, it's an RPG


not an argument.

I can't get more than 35 fps at 900p, actually i am used at all at 60 fps since i own a literally toaster and i don't own a controller.
How much i am hurting myself?

>get caught being a faggot
>respond by being an even bigger faggot

S..Sony wins now right?

>Heh, dumb console peasants with their shitty hardware and games
>I WANT that game, peasant. GIVE IT TO ME.
>W-WHAT? You mean I have to play it, LIKE A PEASANT?

>he doesn't wish he could play Vanquish with a mouse

You can just call him a pc cuck user

>he has to play the entire game with a controller
>he cant seamlessly switch between controller and KB+M depending on the situation
>he paid $60 to play the beta version.

pCucks BTFO

I appreciate the information he's spreading with his videos but I can't stand listening to this guy. I can't pinpoint what bothers me but to top it off his videos take twice as long as they should

With action mechanics.
I would understand OP if it was turn based and a lot of menus, but that's clearly not the case.

That's my problem with most of youtube.

>to top it off his videos take twice as long as they should

this is the problem with modern day in general.

"why write an article that would take 5 minutes to read when you can waste everyone's time and bandwidth with a 20 minute video?"

the worst is when I'm looking up the location of some item or some shit where nobodies written any guides yet and I have to find some video of a 12 year old faggot with 6 minute intro and 12 more minutes of begging for likes and subs before he finally fucking gives the information I'm looking for.

youtube was a mistake.

Yeah I have a gtx960. That's max settings.