What games are you playing right now, Sup Forums?

What games are you playing right now, Sup Forums?

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none, i'm shitposting on Sup Forums

i was playing the sims 3 earlier though



Pasta thread do not respond.

what do anime feet taste like?

Mad Max and SFV Vidya feet thread?

>Mad Max
dammit, i was gonna get that but forgot, and now it isn't on sale anymore

tell me it's no good

Why isn't Rin wearing shoes?

I wish I were a rich old man, so that I could pay Rin to let me fuck her footpussy

like an everlasting gobstopper

2d feet is so god tier

I like that 3d feet isn't that good looking though, that would make me have a boner if I saw women in sandals every time, although sometimes it happens

It's Ubisoft style fetch quests and arkham combat. World is gorgeous and it's worth it for screenshot mode alone. I wish they made more use of road wars though as convoys are finite but seriously the best part of the game.

Why do you care what games I'm playing?

I love you and I want to know everything about you, user.

well shit

it'll be on sale again i'm sure



>That JADF image set

>ywn have your dick bullied by anime feet


>not liking all of the above

>2 asians beat on a ginger white manlet
Looks racist.

what about armpits?

>ywn suck on those toes


not hairy enough

>toeless legwear
>toe ring
>single thighhigh

we're reaching a critical mass of lewd here


armpits + sideboob = MUH

Side boob is where it's at

who is this fag and why does she have so much feet artwork
not that I'm complaining

Electricity got cut in my building so I went to the mall to leech wifi and shit post while having a coffee. I predict no games for me today

Granblue Fantasy.

O-Oh ok...

planning to buy Estival Versus right now

why NASU won't go die in a hole?

I'm playing through Nioh right now. It's a lot of fun but the lack of enemy variety and bland levels drags it down a bit.

Why is this man allowing this girl to put her feet all over his face and her socks in his mouth?

nozomi tojo

art is mainly showing off her plump body and paizuri, almost no degenerate fetishes with the rabu raibus

Why wouldn't he?

that's fucking disgusting


post more rin

i wish that were me tbqh

>3D stuff