Lothgar Online, a new 2d old school hard core PVP MMORPG launching today

New 2d old school hard core PVP MMORPG launching today 17.3.17 10 PM CST. The game is called Lothgar Online and it's based on the retro game called Dransik which was brought online in the year 2000 by the same developer that is launching Lothgar Online. Both of these games are based on the old Ultima games.

The game will have old school leveling, skill, crafting and PVP systems. The whole world is open for PVP. If you die you drop your backpack and a chance to drop 1 equipped item. After your corpse decays to a certain stage your items can be looted.

Lothgar Online is made with advanced editors specifically built for the developers main game called Elderlands. The main developer that is a senior network engineer working on a game called Star Citizen as his day job has built technology that will be used in these games aswell as in Star Citizen.

literally a tibia ripoff

main site

This game will die if it isn't already.

i only opened this thread because i thought it was a tibia thread

It'll be dead in a week. No one wants to play a "hardcore traditional MMO" except autists.

I want to play it
>Can't even register
Why the fuck are you advertising it here?

now I want to play tibia

good old school server when

>launching 10 PM CST

Well, I'm starting a new character on a Tibia server now, thanks.

It will launch at 4am for my country
oh fuck me


But this vantage point isn't like Ultima at all m8

chill anons,if you don't like this rpg just don't play it

Loved Dransik, one of Jason's earlier works and was in the beta for this (even have some footage of me testing, breaking the game, etc), but quickly dropped it when the last wave hit and a bunch of backers joined and started shitting the game up. I dropped it cold turkey and hadn't been back since.

Shame, I really do enjoy the old 2D style RPGs and pixel graphics, but the community is full of people looking to exploit, cheat, and screw people over, most of them hadn't grown up a day since Dransik died.

can we create guild in this game ? if yes then let's make one and become the strongest

hmm can't seem to make an account to even get passed the log in screen

How much do you get paid per post?

Don't worry, I'll give it a shot, maybe

i only found this thread while browsing Sup Forums

i might give a shot at this

anybody else wants to play ? maybe we can make a guild

>hard core PVP MMORPG

yea whatever

this is what happens when you make an mmo game with open PvP

is the entire world pvp ? even the towns ?

Fuck off, creator of Lothgar Online

if it's anything like dransik then you can attack someone in town, but the guard will kill you

PvP isn't the problem, it's people being filthy cheats and scammers. Most of the population of Dransik were BRs which was already a red flag, but the years since then, the ones returning to this still act like children and do anything they can to fuck over others.

>tfw you'll never be able to just do fair trades with everyone because people would rather try act edgy and hardcore by trying to cheat and exploit others

make a game and give people the option to cheat and scam and it will attract cheaters and scammers
especially in the case of dransik where there was literally nothing to do but cheat and scam people

>item level requirement


What's the point of open PVP with item drops if you can't use them?

There was lots of crazy shit going on back then, in Dransik. Guilds would invite people who had gotten lucky with rare drops or were from a disbanned guild, and would backstab them by waiting for them to be vulnerable, dropping them from the guild, and then killing them, or getting them killed purposely to loot their stuff.

It's the realization that will all just happen again that made me drop LO, those people reappearing, talking shit, acting big, and openly saying they found or would find exploits to abuse.

why do BRs swarm all over these game like a bunch of roaches?

Because it's free and they have some internal instinct to fuck people over, apparently it's human nature to them.

we still don't know if this game will be capable of exploiting or scams

it's free and you can scam people, that's what third worlders are good at

There's always going to be ways of scamming people, as for exploits, time will tell.

and how do you think poeple will try to scam you ? you already know how these scams work,you shouldn't have any problem