>it gets good 10 hours in
>it gets good in the second half of the game
>it gets good with 1.X patch
>it gets good with DLC
Why does Sup Forums say Dark Souls 2 is easily better than Dark Souls 3?
>it gets good 10 hours in
>it gets good in the second half of the game
>it gets good with 1.X patch
>it gets good with DLC
Why does Sup Forums say Dark Souls 2 is easily better than Dark Souls 3?
>it gets good
But it starts out good.
Because 3 is "Hey you guys liked it when we oversimplified Bloodborne so we did it here too"
Maybe the problem doesn't lie within Dark Souls 2
Maybe there's something about Dark Souls 3 that's unlikeable
Maybe people have different preferences and aspects of games they enjoy
Maybe, just maybe Sup Forums isn't a single person
Didn't we just have this thread?
DS3 is literally "hey remember that thing from DS1? and this? and that? and those?". is better?
DS2 is the patrician's choice. If you don't like it, you should go back to
Dark Souls 3 is too hard
I had to start over and respec because I was so underleveled because I kept dying
Are you implying Dark Souls 2 isn't that?
Nope since DS2 is about losing memories and things becoming forgotten.
shit taste
DaS1 is literally "hey remember that thing from DeS? and this? and that? and those?". is better?
DeS is literally "hey remember that thing from king's field? and this? and that? and those?"
DaS2 has worse PvE than DaS & DaS3, it does however have better PvP than DaS & DaS3
my problem is that with DS2&3 the experience just doesn't feel fresh anymore and I really don't give any kind of a shit about exploring the world and finding secret stuff, I just care about getting the right stuff for whatever build I'm doing
The only good things about the DS2 are 6 of the 9 DLC bosses and the level design(not the enemy placement) of the non ch-op areas of the DLCs, the rest is pretty much garbage.
I wish das2 was the last game, and not this cashgrab shitfest of das3
Imagine das2 with das3 level of polish... Game of the century
It would need more than just "polish" for that
Who's got that tasty picset of all the shit Dark Souls 2 brought back from DS1 and Demon Souls?
>recycling an actual boss from DS1
>I guess we can't use quelagg again
Better go scorpion, it's still an arachnid so they won't notice.
>Didn't we just have this thread?
user, the flow of time in Lordran is distorted
lvl design of dark souls 2 is shit even the dlc
I liked all of DS2, even before SotFS.