The Turok Thread
The Turok Thread
what do i do here
I want the PC remaster so fucking bad but somethings is holding me back.
Shoot it.
You need a Talisman from later in n the game that lets you do super jumps
where's monkey tag?
This remaster is a godsend. I can finally complete the first level without being hopelessly lost for hours on end.
Your automap really should mark teleporters and level gates. I've finished the first level but can't find the fucking level gates or I'm doing something wrong. I got the level 2 and 3 keys but I don't know where to use them. I managed to find a teleporter that sends me to a room where the girl explains I need talismans and eagle feathers but I don't know what to do there if anything. And I can't find the other gate I opened again.
>I managed to find a teleporter that sends me to a room where the girl explains I need talismans and eagle feathers but I don't know what to do there if anything
That's like halfway through the level.
It's a good remaster but the $20 price tag for a 64 game is too much
I didn't go into it until I had done everything because I figured given that I used a level key that it would send me to another level but it doesn't. And I can't find the other similar gate that I opened.
It's $15 right now and like $11 if you already have the fist game's remaster.
beware oblivion is at hand
is the multiplayer friends-only or is there a browser of sorts?
a buddy of mine and I just wanna run around and kill shit
Literally never managed to beat a single level as a kid.
I heard the remaster of Turok 2 is actually really fucking good.
Worth the money?
Reminder to buy it from humble if you dont own Turok 1 as it gives you both for $15
Those are just switches, they have nothing to do with the level keys. At the end of the level there is a large warp to take you to the energy totem. After you defend that you go to the hub to unlock more levels.
honestly its true value is nostalgia for those of us who had it on n64 or those who want to see other good stuff that the retro studios team made before metroid prime. it's excellent but very dated
>that the retro studios team made
Wait, wait, hold the phone Lad. Acclaim eomplyees are now at retro? RO used to be at retro during MP times?
huh. I might just do that.
Oh, I completely forgot they said at the beginning that I had to protect something. I never even got to that thing. Guess I should be looking for that.
So what's the point of them? The first one gave me some info about what I'd have to do but does the second one do that too?
as i understand it most of the iguana studios people went on to form retro studios
One of them is where you exchange an eagle feather for a talisman, the other one is where you get a Nuke part after fighting a bunch of enemies.
How do you get the red shards in this user's pic? I already beat the level but could never figure it out. Also there was a ladder that led to a closed door just past the waterfall here that never opened.
Screenshot guy here. I'm pretty sure that the door you're saying you couldn't open leads to it. I tried jumping across and couldn't get to it. I also never found the switch that would open the door at the top of the ladder there.
Shoot the seagulls
It has a browser
Strafe jump it's broken in this game boys. You couldn't do it very well on the 64 but with the magic of kb+m you can make some crazy jumps that you wouldn't think you'd be able to make
i have 3/4 kids saved on port adia and I have all the keys and the nuke piece. cant find the last kid, found the end portal and was told I failed my mission
Turn on the hints for a second just to put you in the right direction. It's probably the one where you have to jump onto a ladder from some rubble to hit a switch to open a door. There's usually an enemy standing on the rubble.
is there coop?
There's one section waaay later in the level where you open two doors with a switch. Hard to describe but it's one of areas where you come out of a larger building into an opening with two homes. Anyway a wall opens up behind some metal crates and you squeeze through it to find an area to get a child. Almost missed it myself. Be sure to ALWAYS take a second look around an area after activating switches. Sometimes more than one thing might open up
I hate to see what these threads will be like once people start hitting Lair of the Blind Ones
It was actually one of the few games I beat as a kid, idk why
>Lair of the Blind Ones
>Hive of the Mantis
I just finished the 2nd level on hardcore.
How was this game even playable on N64? Even on mouse&keyboard some of the faster jumping enemies are super hard to hit.
Anymore Turow games getting the same treatment after this? I want to play rage wars online
Sub 20 fps makes hitting enemies easier.
I'm pretty sure hardcore speeds up enemies
Fuck that, I want Gauntlet Legends next
So is there any glitches or bugs anyone encountered
FUCK Hive of the Mantids. Only level i could never legitimately beat as a kid.
No. There is no coop. The code does not work because this is a remake from the ground up and not a direct port.
Kept getting framedrops while motion blur was enabled, but I prefer playing without it anyways.
In Level 2 I somehow kept dismounting the dinosaur when i pressed a 1-9 button to change weapon, was a bit annoying.
Other than that, nothing so far.
I just got it, it's worth it if you've played the original on N64. 60fps is a great transformation, and it's vastly superior if you have played it with a controller. Textures are a little disappointing, thought they'd be cleaned up - but everything else is a massive improvement and the nostalgia factor is also a bonus for me.
Thank you
The enemy AI is fucking better than most modern games though, imo. It was AMAZING for its time.
I understand the ! pop ups telling you where the objectives are kinda ruin the experience, and that you can turn them off.
But honestly, Turok 2 was a bit of a backtracking guessing game without it.
I haven't but one user showed a clip of them climbing a ladder in the Port and was immediately jettisoned off the world map and came falling back down on top of the platform where the ladder lead to
>That little wave Endtrails do just before they cloak
>tfw opengl 3.1
>But honestly, Turok 2 was a bit of a backtracking guessing game without it.
it's still that way
Holy shit I didn't know they re-released Turok 2 on PC.
Still, who is getting the money? Akklaim has been dead for a long time.
Re-Volt remaster when?
Who here playing with an N64 controller for maximum nostalgia?
But my nostalgia was the PC version.
Any idea on getting local multiplayer to work?
>Endtrails cloak
>they sudoku as the Predator from time to time
vidya used to be cool, lads, what happened
same, spent hours last night trying to update it to no avail
I always have a problem with any split screen multiplayer on PC with console ports. I would try having the same kind of controllers. I.E: 4 controllers recognized as xbox controllers or 4 usb controllers. That's what I had to do with Renegade Ops. If you try to do a usb controller and a xbox controller for split screen it only recognizes the first one until you plug in another of the same type
I finished the original as a kid, this game has some really cool weapons
How does the difficulty level work in this game? Debating if i should play on Hardcore for my first playthrough but not if the enemies simply become bullet sponges
when you beat the game on hardcore the first time and only time you dont get a message that pops up after the credits that says "im a faggot"
Chances of us getting more and better smut pics of Adon with this rerelease? She's criminally underrated
I'm playing the first one atm. How come Turok is an old geezer in the first game and a young lad in the second? Is it is son or is it a prequel?
I watched an hour long playthrough of Turok 3
To me it looks like the Left 4 Dead devs ripped off the game's level design
I'm pretty sure turok was a title? Or some kinda family name. One game had two turoks.
The role of Turok is passed down through the generations. T1 Turok is Tal'Set, T2 is Joshua. There was some confusion when the games were originally released because Joshua was on the cover of Turok 1 for some reason.
I'm about half way through it haven't played the level in ages. It trigger my autism so hard because I need to make sure to search every available path and corner of the map.
Turok is a rank.
Sort of like I am major.
Man, even as a little kid I thought she was ugly and had an annoying voice. She is not underrated.
Nightdive is getting money
Not really only one that I ran across was riding the dino in River of Souls. If you select a weapon it will dismount you and running into dinosaurs will send them flying like you charged them.
Then when you go back to remount sometimes it will launch you across the map. Pretty funny glitch actually, gonna be fixed in the next patch.
I'm glad they remastered this. Hope to see some more old Acclaim games come to PC. They used to be my favorite devs for N64 together with Rare. Would love to play Extreme G or Shadowman again.
Joshua was in turok 1 because the original story was that he earns the title of turok in 1 and the story continues in 2. They scrapped that for whatever reason
Don't you talk shit about my very first waifu. Adon is cute. CUTE!
If she didn't have negro eyes she'd be top notch
Nightdive already did Shadowman only 5 bucks on steam senpai.
>Yellow sclera
She looks like she has hepatitis. No thanks.
I am in death marsh now
>implying you could even hit that ass
She's a hologram which only exists physically thanks to those gold ornaments, her original body is long gone.
>first level
>takes over 90 minutes to beat
What the fuck were they thinking, shit is exhausting
I remember playing this on n64, but I didn't have a memory card so save. One day I made it to the third level, I think. Took me hours. I was sick of it but couldn't stop playing or I would lose my progress.
*inhales marijuana cigar*
fuck you, the end-user
*flicks ash in your sandwich*
*gazes down with furrowed brow and a disapproving triangle mouth*
I know. I wish they had made one large interconnected world, but with a better mapping system and warp points for fast travel. An actual FPS Metroidvania.
Somebody post the cloaking effect, is it still the same?
she was my first videogame fap
How do they already know that Turok is coming to save them?
The legend of Turok is known by the inhabitants of the Lost Land.
N64 magazine was so great
these faces are fucking terrifying. did they based them off Chuckie?
I knew about Turok as a kid but I never got around to play it. Is there any sense for a guy who never played this to actually get this remaster?
Hardcore isn't as hard as Turok 1's hardest difficulty which was arguably impossible to win.
Turok 2's Hardcore is the normal difficulty setting+ much more cinematic in gameplay.
Yeah, I feel like they could have done the expression better, even with N64's low poly count and texture resolution.
Even if you have never played Turok its still a really good game and with KB&M controls with 60FPS its aged way better than the 15FPS of the N64 version.
You really won't find anything like it in modern games.
I don't think the story really matters so sure. Turok 1 is worth play though I'd say. They're fun FPS games with pretty good death animations. 2 also has multiplayer, which while I haven't played it, it's apparently considered pretty good.