Find A Flaw
Find A Flaw
They base their decisions off of youtube comments
Describing the flaws would waste too much precious internet.
they think that they are smarter than the fucking developers
They are fine when it comes to analyzing and explaining game design and ludonarrative.
I just dont enjoy their political comments
if someone is popular, they no longer have an opinion worth listening to
He recommended summoning in dark souls
They exist.
- hiding voice behind some shitty helium effect
- rambles on, can tell they're just making vids to pay the bills, rather than provide any insight
I could go on
condescending cucks
retarded SJW cucks
Not a single member of the team has actually worked on and shipped one single fucking game yet they have managed to cement themselves as all knowing game devs that can drive the medium forward. Nothing but pretentious wank.
Flaws in their arguments. Said arguments are just guesses and theories presented as facts.
Unnecessary annoying voice, don't know at all why it's there. Maybe a lack of confidence in their own voice?
well memed, user
The squeaky high voice is actually a result of their first episode. The animator made it as part of a university submission but was over the allotted time so he just sped the video up resulting in all the audio being pitched up, They ran with it as a kind of nod to their roots.
trying to be "that" guy who intellectualizes everything
>it's another shitty web show with a womeme who pretends to get and like vidya
Presumably if some of their design opinions had more merit, they would be more widely implemented
Video gamers as an oppressed minority
Their claims are either already obvious or don't have enough justification.
they like games
They make more videos about history than game design, and every game design episode is about some kind of shitty business model or multiplayer design
>They are fine when it comes to analyzing and explaining game design and ludonarrative.
they really aren't
pseudo-intellectual cuckolds
we're out of internets
what do
It's written by a guy who claims to be a designer but has no real experience in anything more complicated than mobile garbage
I'd rather not waste the internet required to tell you why you are wrong.
when we run out of internet the martian jews will return to take their revenge on our effeminate race and the egyptian gods won't save us this time
repent heathens
Don't bother doing basic fact checking like learning fucking names
No Porn
They're pretentious SJW cocksuckers who think they're always right.
And I don't mind the SJWism that much really, I can filter it out if it gets too obnoxious, it's the rest of it I can't stand.
then go on.
how and why?
His voice is incredibly annoying, he’s an insufferable prig, and he substitutes his political and philosophical opinions for actual game design discussion.
I wanna say something but I'm desperately low on intern
I hate how they change the pitch of the voice to make it seem like they're these "cute" Rayman-ass things talking.
Green Bean Man talks too fast.
>He's such a newfag he doesn't know they decided to defend Snarqueesian and that pruple-headed beached whale because "muh Gamergate"
And even then it's not that hard to pick out from the rest of their stuff, just like in their old Call of Juarez video where they get maximum triggered over the fact one of the missions is Mexicunts stealing white womyn to prostitute them back in Mexico
did hbomberguy trigger you?
>what if everything we know is wrong
>what if Jews are peaceful aliens
Remember when they tried claiming Missile Command was an incredibly deep, narrative experience?
pretentious faggots with shit opinions and no research
Theyre nowhere near celebrity status
Some of Moviebob's film reviews can be pretty decent/insightful. Outside of that, he's completely insane.
>no research
are you actually this delusional? you can claim they have shit opinions all day and that's not skin off my back, but no research?
Why are you so narcissistic that you just can't be okay with not liking something? You have to take it to the next level and act as if there's no merit to it just because you don't like it. You're an echo chamber inducing piece of shit snow flake
>squeky squirrel voice
>retarded content
not him but they didn't even bother putting in the effort to google skyrim names and proceeded to get every one they mentioned hideously wrong
>They are fine when it comes to analyzing and explaining game design and ludonarrative.
lucky for you, their demographic is just the group of people that are as dumb as you