You're getting close to a lovely loli when her mother arrives to cockblock you. What do you do?
Trails / Kiseki
Fake an injury and have her treat me.
Date her mother.
Wait is killing me. At least it's not that bad like waiting for SC.
Only 2 more months to go if it doesn't get delayed.
Is there a date somewhere?
No. Brittany said (in January IIRC) they're aiming for late spring. And with the last official update that the translation and editting are 100% done, now they're doing QA, Brittany once again said they're still on track.
>Tita's parents actually show up
>tfw Tita is cute as fuck
>tfw her mom is cuter
I have conflicted feelings.
who /capua/ here?
She looks smelly.
Is Josette going to be just as shitty of a character gameplay wise? She was pretty bad in SC but I guess joining at the very end of the game didn't help.
>not liking dumb bimbo
She's still useless in battle, but she is the best supporting character in the game (it's a new mechanic in the 3rd).
Well that figures, I'm just happy to know Anelace is playable for much more of the game.
Ground Orbment slots were a mistake.
She's pretty much a glorified earth wall bot.
I also hated the changes to the defense quartz. Later on I just started running Zane with an empty slot with how strong distend is and how much HP he had it didn't even matter.
>Came here to post this screenshot
>It's already been posted
Also who /holdingback/ here?
Is earth wall still as op as in the last two games?
Who /juna/ here?
Does quartz variety gets better in TC? Zane and Agath (to a much lesser extent) suffered from this.
She's got a nice pair.
She's probably as loaded as Emma
I just got into Trails in September, so it's not so bad for me. I can read Nip, so I could play The 3rd if I really wanted to, but I played the first two in English, so I'm waiting for The 3rd in English as well; I really liked XSeed's work on Trails FC and SC. I'm pretty anxious to play the Crossbell games though, and I'll of course have no option than to play them in Nip (which is fine, but given the sheer amount of dialogue in these games and ho much I talk to people, it'll definitely take a bit to finish them), but I'm waiting to play The 3rd first. I don't know much about the Crossbell games, just that they're apparently really fucking good, at least as far as story and music is concerned (I imagine the characters are great as well). Oh, and I know one spoiler unfortunately, but it just makes me want to play them more.
And then after all that, maybe I can finally play Cold Steel (in the third quarter of the year...).
I was pleasantly surprised by three late game additions in SC. It's not often I play a JRPG anymore and don't know every party member beforehand. But because they joined at the very end of the game I didn't want to mess with my favorite party and didn't experiment with them much at all.
Agate x Tita is best couple
gunfa a best
>they're aiming for late spring
Holy shit I could swear they were initially saying December 2017
If this is true then thats fucking awesome, can't wait
Ask to get close to her instead.
Will she romance Rean?
Don't be silly, Rean's canon love interest is Grandmaster
So Towa is behind everything?
Initially it was just 2017, then Spring 2017, now it's late spring.
WIll he headpat the grandmaster?
Mint is for _____
>tfw still in front of the penultimate boss of SC
I didn't want to beat the game until 3rd is out, but I remember him being difficult as fuck, I hope I'm even able to beat him after all this time
Just beat it already nigga. 3rd will be out any day now.
tongue fucking her fartbox
like the other user said, it'll probably be out in may so there's still quite some time left.
who gives a fuck, even may is pretty damn close.
That's a no brainer, it's his style.
2 months aren't that close desu. At least I still have to finish Y0, Nier Automata, GR2 DLC and Persona 5 before that.
>haven't even started my second playthrough of SC
>first one took over 200 hours
Did you talk to every NPC or something? Only took me 40 hours. Did most sidequests. SC took me me ~60 hours and did most sidequests as well. Only missed like 2-3.
How is earth wall OP? Seriously tell me, I never used it. Isn't it just a 'you can't hit me' for one hit? Hardly seems useful at all unless you absolutly know a strong attack is coming next.
So, about that Zero no Kiseki translation
Is it the EVO version?
Yeah, I mean FC took me around 160 hours and SC 200 hours. That's going through all NPCs, checking under every nook and granny for missables and completely unnecessary leveling of Josette, Mueller and Julia who I never used because there were better story-related characters to use Chapter 8 was pure hell because of that, not looking forward to it.
normal version with evo-ripped VA
OG OST too, I assume
>2 months aren't that close
There was a time I used to think that, but I've got so many games to play these days that I don't even see six months as a long wait.
I like these JRPGs so much. Speaking to ALL and every NPCs really itches my autism nerve and I love it
Don't forget the chesses.
I'm more concerned whether it's a good translation or a "translation" by some retard with babelfish. I've pretty much given up on visual novel fan translations because of that shit.
I missed that chest. Checking all the chests was significantly less fun in SC though.
ask em
Is eight leaves sword girl still playable?
Fully playable.
You mean anelace? Yes, see pic related
Came here to post this.
>No Vita version of ToCS3
At least put it on PC or make the first two go onto the PS4. What kind of retarded shit is this?
Yep, and she probably will come in CS3 to headpat Rean too.
I miss those isometric models. They should have stuck with them.
they have some charm but they made it hard to tell how sexy some of the characters were supposed to be. schera and the other circus lady were supposed to be half naked, but you couldn't even tell.
>Start replaying FC
>Get reminded of the bullshit that is Carnelia
Really kills my buzz.
Just use a guide. No one will know.
I didn't think anyone could be slower than me in finishing JRPGs. Spent 67 hours on FC and 94 hours on SC.
>every nook and granny
Doggy dog world.
Nigga, you slow as fuck. Took me 67 hours for FC and 107 hours for SC. And that's with the game running in the background on pause while I'm doing other shit/alt-tabbing.
>Renne and Tita will never be lolis again
I don't know how to feel
A teen is fine too.
Spend 1 turn to protect from 3/4 hits, depending on your party positioning
Same reason why Grail Sphere is the best S-Craft in the game. Spend 1 turn to protect from 8 hits because the range is the entire field this time.
I really want to impregnate teenage Renne
I guess I can see why that would be very useful, but I can hardly consider a defensive ability to be 'OP' when you can just kill things faster without wasting a turn on defence. Sounds like an ability I'd use in only the longest of boss fights.
That's the thing. Boss fights and Monster Chests in FC and SC are long
How did The Legend of Heroes go from this
To this?
It stopped being shit.
Only Mueller is strong out of the ones you get, and he requires a specific party setup to get mileage out of him. Julia's crafts just plain suck for a physical character
It still hurts, Sup Forums... Why did he have to die?
I fail to see the problem.
As someone who haven't play either, Cold Steel clearly is superior.
You /mixed/?
>tfw got halfway through Cold Steel 2 and lost all motivation to finish it after being spoiled over Crow dying, Osbourne being alive and being Rean's father, and Rean getting involved with Oroboros in a thread that was supposed to be about TiTS SC
Impregnate both.
*blocks your path*
Rean getting involved with Oroboros
But that's not true yet
>halfway through
How far?
Literally who
70 hours in, liberated roer and did bleublanc's mission where he kidnapped and pretended to be machias
was having so much fun with the game, took a break and entered a SC thread and things were fine until some faggot dropped a bunch of CS spoilers for whatever reason and I lost all motivation to play
He's Rean's canon love interest and fellow mech pilot.
Yeah one day I'll play something other than FC1&2
Ignore that retarded fujoshit. Rean's canon love interest is the blonde girl Alisa.
>tfw watched this
>then watched the opening videos for Zero and Ao
>tfw now I want all three games
fuck man I know I'm happy we're getting the 3rd but I wish xseed would announce a crossbell localization too.
Except you can literally choose to ignore her and there's no romance there, meanwhile Rean will always chase after his husbando Crow to bring him back, regardless of love interest.
Does anyone else feel like Xseed isn't really working on anything interesting beyond the Trails stuff?
I mean their "upcoming games" section on the forum has boards for Fate/EXTELLA, Akiba's Beat, Trails, Story of Seasons, Shantae, and Exile's End. I don't even know what half that crap is.
Given their underwhelming lineup, they can't seriously stop Trails after The 3rd, can they?
>and there's no romance there
lol nice headcanon.
They literally confess that they're in love with each other and make out.
Fuck off.
Wait for the fan-translation