Has anybody had any legitmate issues with the Switch or do autists just treat it like shit and complain when it breaks...

Has anybody had any legitmate issues with the Switch or do autists just treat it like shit and complain when it breaks? I don't plan to get it but all these insane bugs really make the console out as some cheap piece of shit.

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The Switch and its accessories do feel somewhat cheap, but I haven't had any issues with mine. Even my left Joycon works when I cover it with my hands, behind my back, or further away from the console

Literally every console ever has day 1 bugs.
Is it happening to people who treat their system well? Yes.
Is it happening to more than 1 percent of all people? No.
Is it a problem? No.
Can you get a refund if it fucks up? If you didn't buy it from chinatown, yes.

Mine had a whole patch of dead pixels in the upper-right hand side. Sent it in, got one that works just dandy. My real issue with the switch is being unable to play anything that uses joycon as a controller with more than one person because they're so tiny, just trying to hold the fuckers makes you hit the screenshot button over and over and over.

>Is it happening to more than 1 percent of all people? No.

>Is it a problem? No.

These two things are mutually exclusive, dickbag. Don't dismiss those < 1% of people. It's non-zero, and the company should own up to whatever inevitable amount of broken shit they sell. If you don't hold them accountable, you get busted products being pushed out before they're ready. See Microsoft's 360 red ring of death in 25%.

>Literally every console ever has day 1 bugs.
gees SNES/N64/PS1 had so many bugs on release good thing they patched :3
kill yourself retarded

Personally have not had issues, and everyone I know had no issues, except for a friend that dropped his then stepped on it because he's dumb. Screen cracked just like it happened to his vita and psp. What a retarded fatass.

SNES had horrible burning plastic because the tabs they used to stop you from playing SFC games out of the box were in a different place than in later models.

N64 had broken tabs in the expansion slot preventing people from putting in that ram carts, and though it's not with the system itself, I feel the n64 controllers deserve a special place in hell for how easily they broke.

PS1, not sure on what exactly was wrong with day 1s but i'm 100% certain I remember hearing about them. Probably something with reading discs/the system being too sensitive, which is why the psone came out so quick.

Left joycon is fucked. Playing Bomberman I always run into bomb explosions because the stick stops responding. People saying otherwise are liars.

No dead pixels and my unit hasn't crapped out after hours of playtime total, so I think I'm good. I don't know if I have the left joycon issue, because I'm not a faggot and bought a pro controller for when it's docked. Speaking of the dock, I'm not a turdmuffin and bought a screen protector that was applied literally the second the device was unboxed, so the dock hasn't scratched the screen.

I expected very little from this thing, which I wasn't planning on buying originally, but I'm honestly in love with it. I haven't been this excited about a Ninty system since my GCN days.

Nice try drone, enjoy seeing your company go bankrupt in 2018.

I'm not a drone you little cunt. I'm allowed to like something, especially considering the lack of games and questionable design choices. I want to hate it, but I can't. Not yet anyway. They got very lucky.

I haven't had any issues with mine
>feel somewhat cheap
Did you get the pro controller? That things battery life is absurd and overall is pretty good for a nintendo controller

same here except I haven't talked to my retarded fatass friend since the day after he got his Switch so I can't confirm if he's busted it yet

Yeah they weren't patched instead they made this little thing called hardware revisions.

the screen gets dirty really easily, but other than that my switch has been pretty much flawless.

It's bomberman. Even after the patch the online is still unplayable.

Returned that shit just the other day.

No I love my Switch so far even though I haven't played much of it.

Can anyone tell me if the pro controller is worth it? My local Meijer has one in stock, and I'm sure it won't be for much longer.

>treat it like shit
Autists are the ones spend 45 seconds each time they dock it to make sure the screen doesn't get scratched. Normal people expect a product to not get ruined instantly just through advertised use.

Mine came with two minor scratches but they are barely noticeable when it's off and not visible at all when it's on.
It's almost impossible no to get the small scratches that look like misty glass because of the dock but those happen in the black area where no image is displayed.

They sell out very quickly and for Zelda at least the experience is significantly better, in my option. I'd go for it, it will be worth it in the long run.

No issues with mine

Before I go out back out to get it, can you tell me why it's better than the Grip. I honestly think the Grip is really nice, but I would like a D pad for the inevitable 2d platformers that come out...Donkey Kong please.

>using sheet acrylic for the screen lens
>not gorilla glass or even tempered glass

this bugs me a lot, I have a Vita and it doesn't attract as much dust as the Switch does. why is that?

Not him but it actually has some weight like a real controller unlike the joycons, joysticks and buttons are better than the joycons, and it has a really good battery life.

If you really enjoy the grip, then it may not be worth it. I just enjoy that it has more "weight" and everything feels like it's a higher quality that the joycons. Plus, as another user said, the battery life is great and there are no joycon connection issues.

>People saying otherwise are liars
Eurobong here, I'm pretty sure there's been exactly 0 reports of Joycon problems over here, and I've used three Switch's myself and tested them for this issue (there wasn't one).

Sure, the console's probably still fucked since we're a small market compared to the US, but basically I'm almost certain that the problem is exclusive to a particularly factory/manufacturer that ships to the US of Shart. It's not a worldwide problem.

Still pretty pathetic of Nintendo to get it this wrong though.

>make the console out as some cheap piece of shit.
that's what it is
it's $300 and has a fucking plastic screen
$100 phones have glass screens

joy con connection issues

Thanks anons. I think I'll go out and pick it up.

I just hate to spend 70 more dollars, but I know I'll have somebody to play with sometimes, and they'll most likely like the Pro controller more than the grip.


I bought mine at launch and, after nearly two weeks of Bomberman and Shovel Knight (yeah, never cared for Zelda), I've only had one issue. Sometimes, the right Joy-Con's buttons feel stiff, as if they're sticking into the rubber. A bit of cleaning and pressure-testing before usage fixes this for the time being, but it comes back if I haven't played it for a while. Odd.

To my knowledge, I don't think I've treated it roughly at all. I accidentally dropped the left Joy-Con once, but it still works just fine.

No issue with screen or dock.

>autists complaining about scratched screens
Just get a screen protector; I'd be surprised if somebody didn't make 'em.

Yes, my dock is scratching my console, my boyfriend got the Orange screen of Death and my sister got problems with the left joycon

Just Jewtendo stuff

How dare those ungrateful faggots complain that Nintendo made the dock scratch their screens. Stupid fucks should have bought the Official Nintendo Switch Screen Protector for an additional $14.99 plus tax if they didn't want the product they just bought to ruin itself.

If you're worried about getting a broken unit just buy it from walmart. Even if you buy it from them online you can return it to them in store for any reason. So if you get the less than 1% chance of having issues you can just give it back to walmart and get a new one.

>just buy a 20 dollar accessory if you don't want the system to scratch its own screen

Go home anti semitic posts belongs on that Board

It has very low build quality

As with everything low build quality, it could work fine or literally snap in two at a moments notice

I sure loved when the internet was around during the ps1 and n64 oh wait it wasn't so you couldn't accurately measure the amount of broken units and retards that immediately went online to bitch and moan

Dsp bought a broke one


yes it was

Probably takes less than 5 minutes to put electrical tape over whatever is scratching shit on the dock.

its a 90$ dock

those fall off after a few hours use docked mode. lol melts the adhesive

I got a Switch about a week ago. There's definitely a few oversights in the design, you can tell they rushed it out the door. The kickstand is useless, the left joycon definitely has reception issues etc, but overall the console feels fairly well built, no dead pixels or any other weirdness.


My cousin bought a Switch day one when I told her not to. Now her left joycon desyncs while it's IN the Switch system meaning she can't play it in portable mode.

Said she tried contacting Nintendo, don't think they got back to her yet.

The absolute contrary, everyone whined about the left joycon. Meanwhile I can use it without any connection issues while having it 5 meters away, behind my back, with my hand around it, under an blanket. No really. I was actually suprised.

had a bit of controller lag, no desync though (left joycon) but my tablet, my phone and a mic where exactly between the controller and the Switch.

Also had my switch freeze on me once after playing for 3 hours straight in a very hot room, around 40 degrees... which I just turned off and after a while I resumed play... wasn't phased by this one as my xbone, ps4, 360 have frozen before as well and that's it. aside from from that, it has worked perfectly fine.

I've played for many hours at a time and the protector is fine. Don't buy a shit one. I have zagg and it's great.

The joycon issue is real but the thing feels great in your hands and seems to be solid. Great performance and screen for a handheld, and easy to hook in and play on tv.

Only thing is that the pro controller should have come with the console. It's necessary and feels great

The Switch has no shielding for any of the audio processing connected to the AUX port. Get a pair of IEMs or other really low impedance headphones, and turn the volume all the way down when you are playing a game. You will notice a constant buzzing, it's also noticeable when you're playing a game and there are quiet parts. This happens on 100% of the units. They cheaped out hardcore and now handheld mode is fucking useless.

>have to get special headphones
>then have to turn the volume all the way down when you are playing a game to experience a particular bug/problem/flaw
user, even if this is real, you're just being autistic. Take your pills and go to sleep, or at least stop posting.

>low impedance
You need low impedance headphones and absolute silence in the game to hear a really quiet buzzing.


Are you maybe autistic? Only an autist would come to such a conclusion.

You beat me, gg

Where can I even get one now?

Shut up, stop lying




>I can only spend money to solve my problems by having someone else fix it


Why does this keep happening


>special headphones
>what 99% of people are going to use in handheld mode

pick one


I agree what's wrong with your cousin. I hope to God she's in Grade School, because that's the only way I can think you put them on wrong.

Knowing your left and right is something you should know when you're in preschool.

I've been playing Breath of the Wild constantly since release and haven't had any issues aside from the console getting a little hot

What about when you put it in your ass though?

brofist you kinky cunt

What a war that was

>$60 for an HDMI adapter made from cheap plastic which can damage the screen

I almost envy the fact that you have nothing better to do with your life than this

1% of 1 million is ten thousand, that's not insignificant at all

it honestly just seems like your standard launch console problems with some questionable design choices from nintendo that can easily be fixed
but Sup Forums will blow everything out of proportion of course

It works even better

>its okay to be charged 90 dollas for it to fail to do the very thing its literally designed to do

I have run into the left stick going to shit when I have the screen on a desk and the controller under the desk on my lap

mostly kept running into L being spammed repeatedly after pressing it once

>half L press

It's a mix between
>Switch actually does have issues

The thing it is designed to do is display output. The fact that it scratches the screen doesn't equate a failure in that dept.

You're basically bitching that you have to blow into the carts to get them to work.

linkto the zagg?


>bro, the DOCK isnt a DOCK

Current fault rates for home consoles according to a local retailer:

Switch: 0.75 %
PS4 Pro: 0.79 %
PS4 Slim: 0.82 %
Xbox One S: 2.30 %

Take it with a grain of salt since these rates are based on some thousands of units sold, not millions. Not looking too good for Switch though since the console has been out for only two weeks.

>Nintenbro 36
how many images do you have on your nintenbro folder? [spoilers]I'm legit curious.[/spoiler]

I don't get it, are early percentages supposed to be lower? How could you say it looks good or bad either way?

When will they learn?


Pro controller is so damn good. I was pissed when the 70$ was announced but I've played Zelda for like 70 hours with it and it feels so fucking good and I barely have the thing ever plugged in.

The 70$ is still a bit bullshit but meh. I'm excited to play a game that takes advantage of HD rumble since the controller is supposed to have it as well.

Yeah but every brand new product has it's bugs and

I once had the same amount of free time, honestly I don't envy it. Sitting here shitposting all day everyday was suffering. Life may be hard but this place is a special sort of hell you don't want to trap yourself in for 24 hours a day.

> are early percentages supposed to be lower
..yes? For the Switch they were 0.30 % after the first 7 days. It's not like every faulty system is completely dead on arrival, might take a few days, weeks or months before problems occur.

I haven't really noticed anything, but then again when I turn the volume down to zero, I just take my headphones out.

>it does the thing it's designed to do
>it also does this negative thing I don't want it to do
>this somehow negates the first thing

Go eat a Snickers ya dumb cunt.

Looks like you weren't around at the time, chum

Like you said, these are early numbers. The percentages aren't cumulative, so I don't know what you mean by this. You only get 30 days to return to most retailers in the US.

>does what its designed to do
>destroy the screen docking

Lack of software