Reminder that Refusal is the only good ending.
Reminder that Refusal is the only good ending
Is this Mass Effect? Haven't finished it yet, but I always figured destroy was the best option. Why would you throw away all your effort over the series by getting everyone killed anyways? If you do refusal, isn't it just destroy but the next cycle does it for you? Seems kind of a waste to kill everyone for no reason.
refusal is brain dead retarded and shep would never do it.
destroy is the only choice.
Control is the patrician choice.
I agree, its about letting fate run its course, its about the fight, it shouldn't come down to a choice at the end, its not fair for everything Shepard and the group fought for to just wittle it down to a "choose a colour"
Control is the Illusivepill and doesn't solve the problem. It just adds Shepard's personality to the faggot kid
Considering Sheppard is the only capable dude in the galaxy, that's a good thing.
Thats not control user
There's nothing stopping the Shepard AI from eventually coming to a conclusion similar to the original Reaper AI's. Destroy is the only sane choice and is what Shepard fought for in 3 games
Because if you destroy everything, Andromeda can't happen.
No, you an become the reapers and control them. That way you can rebuild everything they destroyed and preserve the galaxy.
It's also the ending with the least collateral damage. Synthesis destroys the concept of life
Reminder that Control is illusivepill and Synthesis is sarenpill.
There is. The Sheppard AI isn't a purely logical autistic kid AI, it's literally Sheppard with all his human qualities, it even mentions how it will never forget about those who died to reach that point, which prove it isn't an entity of pure and cold logic.
Also there's nothing stopping someone else taking over and becoming the new AI, just like shep did. I like the control ending the most but it's definitely not a complete solution.
The kid only advocates against Destroy. The kid is the Reapers and is trying to stop you from winning the war.
Reminder that destroy is the only ending in which Shep lives.
>not choosing destruction
What are you, a traitor to humanity?
And Destroy is the Londonpill
Why would the kid try to trick you? If he wanted you he could just kill you instead of pulling that "we let u win bc u got to this point" bullshit.
Only one true ending
You don't really become an ai, you become something wholly different, they even say shepard can change the consensus. A little bit like the ending to ghost inna shell
You died three years ago, Saren. Please go away.
Taking the reaperpill is the only right solution, all organic life is always doomed due to mortality and the harvest is the best solution to storing as much of it as you can.
Transhumanism is Satanism.
I want Saren to stop posting on my board.
Unfortunately Andromeda happens regardless because the ships leave sometime during ME2
>Spend three games trying to stop the rippers
>Have a tantrum at the very end and let the world burn
Great ending.
>let fate run its course
>fuck the mass effect trilogy and everything you did to prevent "fate"
Being this retarded
Submission > Extinction
Prove me wrong. Protip: You can't
Besides, Sup Forums is a turian board and that will NEVER change.
Well it is a bit rage inducing that even if you get the geth and everyone else on good terms the only good ending requires them to be destroyed. desu I'd sooner pick the geth over the quarians but I can't stomach the other two shit endings where they'd still be alive.
Are there any krogan transported to Andromeda? I wonder how they'll retcon the genophage away if there are
>no bogpill ending
>Are there any krogan transported to Andromeda
Surprisingly, yes. Apparently, what the universe needs is more krogans.
>I wonder how they'll retcon the genophage away if there are
They didn't retcon it. There's a 4% chance a female krogan can give birth in Andromeda.
It's better to die standing, than live like a worm.
>t. Reaper
There are, they have their own ark. They have some weird ass explanation about the genophage, like they underwent gene therapy while in cryostasis (this is impossible) and began to build a natural resistance to the genophage so its effects aren't as potent.
>first game kicks off with a message from the previously destroyed Protheans, allowing you to fight back against god-machines
>superior ending where you cast a message in to the future, so the next race and fight back against god-machines a little better
It's the most poignant ending, subverting the typical "humans are the bees knees" trope common to everything.
Wew, that's like a reboot. Everything is right back at when ME1 began.
And if the leaks are correct, Cerberus and Illusive Man are at it again. And why wouldn't it be? The main antagonist being a white racist in charge of a hate organization, that's SJW's wet dream[/spoilers]
If you truly think submission is the best, then shut the fuck up and don't share your garbage fucking opinions with us any more.
Feel free to submit to that.
Destruction is the best ending.
It carries to completion the original plan with the least damage (and potential damage) done.
With ENDING_GREEN you are mind-raping everyone in the fucking galaxy and forcing them to permanently change - who knows how exactly - without consent.
With ENDING_BLUE you are making Shepard into a tyrannical God-dictator, who even if paragon, might not be benevolent b/c who knows how he migth change after becoming that.
So, ENDING_RED is the smart choice, the one that players take who aren't stupid and don't have alzheimer's, forgetting halfway that your objective from the start has been to destroy the reapers.
With the genophage a Krogan can have 1 child a year, without it they could breed hundreds. The whole point was that they could live if they stopped killing each other.
but how centuries can a human personalty survive before being driven to insanity
Fucking humans, get off my board! REEEEEEEE
t. Dalatress
Are Reaper-submissives the Mass Effect version of cucks?
really activates your ezo...
>So, ENDING_RED is the smart choice,
>Killing Edi
>Killing your bros Geths
Fucking no
This is retarded amercian ending like hurrrrrrr destroy everything fuck yea americaaa
EDI was garbage, and geth aren't people. Joker was a trash character, and I was happy to kill his waifu.
Turning everyone into husks isn't a genius idea. And what about all the husks that now have full sentience again? What will happen with them?
>spend 3 entire games trying to find a way to destroy the reapers
>climax of the trilogy
>finally get the chance to destroy the reapers
>decide to walk away instead
The refuse ending is just a thinly-veiled "fuck you" from bioware directed to everyone who didn't like the ending (ie, everyone)
Destroy is the only ending that allows Shepard to survive. It's the best one. End of discussion
hi rebbit
I hope your mother will die tonight
>save the galaxy once and for all from the reaper threat
>b-but muh AI bros ;_;
There are three magical roads (at the tippy top of a massive anti-ripper weapon that the entire galaxy busted their balls to complete) sitting in front of shepard that deal with the rippers. There is nothing poignant about the refusal ending, under the circumstances its the stuff that a 1 INT shepard would think of doing.
Shepard died for our sins asslord
What about all of the Reaper tech the Illusive Man filled him with? Will it stop working and turn Shepard into a cripple?
>What will happen with them?
They will just live normal like nothing happen?
>save the galaxy once and for all from the reaper threat
He didint do that with red ending.
Sooner or later someone will create those machines again and again full circle
>in the wreckage of a fallen space station in the middle of a destroyed city
Unless they have enough cash to ressurect him again, I doubt it.
But they still look like husks. Would you hire pic related?
Can't be much worse than the Reapers, and we fought off that.
Doesn't prevent andromeda canon wise if that was your suggestion.
Destroy is the only choice. Sheppard spends the entire trilogy with the goal or either preventing the reapers returning and then destroying them if they did. Refusing does the complete opposite and synthesis/control are the result of an indoctrinated sheppard giving in and fooling for the old reaper bait and switcharoo while he lays around in London hallucinating off his ass
Only degenerates and edefags choose anything else but destroy
As opposed to the authoritarian, bootlicking Control ending designed for Yuropoors? I know you guys love that kinda shit.
>importing krogan who haven't been beaten into submission and united by Wrex for at least several centuries
they're just asking for Rebellions 2.0
So they basically managed to force (in cryostasis no less) what Mordin and co. had just corrected prior to Andromeda? That's quite retarded
Based on their timeline these krogan are the same crazy violent fucks as ever. So I don't see how they won't keep wrecking each others shit again just in a new galaxy
I fucking love the Geth but they're not worth choosing either of the other two endings.
>refusal ending perfect war assets doesn't give you the best ending because pissy devs were mad people didn't like their thematically inappropriate endings
It was so easy to do
>Sooner or later someone will create those machines again and again full circle
Good thing the races of the galaxy have a fucking superweapon capable of destroying all AIs in the galaxy.
>there are people that thought spreading magic machine space magic to everyone in the galaxy or making Shepard a god with unlimited power were a good idea
Destroy option is the only correct choice.
i didn't know i wanted this
5 years later and i'm mad again
Can't remember why exactly but doesn't the starbrat say things didn't go to plan or something so... fuck it, I would have preferred the dark matter version they ditched because bioware are a bunch of retards
Saren was an evil villain who wanted to combine organics and machines into frankenstein abominations. Yet shepard is the good guy if hewant to do this.
TIM wanted to somehow control the reapers, and you fought against him that entire game, and even killed him 5 minutes previously for wanting to do this. Yet 5 minutes later, shepard now thinks controlling the reapers is a good idea.
Destroy is the only valid ending. Your entire goddamn goal was to destroy the reapers.
>Good thing the races of the galaxy have a fucking superweapon capable of destroying all AIs in the galaxy.
The crucible and the citadel are both destroyed in the blast, nobody knows how the citadel was built and the crucible only fired from intervention from the childAI.
>Refusal is the only good ending.
>[any ending to ME3] is the only good ending.
>[any ending to ME3] is good
end yourself my man
Except the only reason those two dudes's plans sucked was because they were Reaper's puppets.
As far as we know (and no, your headcanon or theories don't count) Sheppard wasn't a puppet.
who gives a fuck about poignancy when you can shoot a generator to make the citidel fart out a giant fuck yeah cloud of evil alien killing awesomeness?
note how the endings that give the reapers the victory (green and blue) are positive colours while destroy, the one that lets you save the galaxy is a negative colour? Blue is paragon, red is renegade. The reapers have been indoctrinating Sheppard since the start of ME1 and the final step is to try and trick his lizard alien humping brain into picking the positive colour. Instead if he breaks the brainwashing he picks the red colour, booting them from his mind for good. Blue puts him under for good. Yeah I think the indoctination theory is on the money. Fuck anyone who doesn't.
The Reapers are probably dealt with if Sheppard had gotten the most guys on his side anyway
>shepard could've done it because he's space jesus and totally different
>(lol no, of course I don't I have anything to back this up)
>destroy ending
>leviathan race take over the galaxy again
Nice job destorycucks.
ok edi fags
Why would the Reapers try so hard to kill their own puppet? They try to blow the shit out of you before you reach the Citadel.
Well then they better get to fucking work figuring out how the RED_ENDING blast worked so they can duplicate it in case of another AI outbreak in a thousand years.
With Bioware's writing? Come on, user. He was THE impervious space jesus.
This. Fuck this game in ever orifice.
They probably banked on taking Sheppard over completely before that point and since he still resisted they could count him off as a deniable asset who's death would have been the crushing morale blow needed to wear everyone down for another easy cycle.
Me too
The final bit on the Citadel before Anderson dying does feel really surreal. Anderson has no visible wounds until TIM gets Shepard to shoot him and his walkway was nowhere to be found
TIM also appears out of nowhere looking half like a husk from all the Reaper tech he pumped into himself
Shepard being controlled to shoot Anderson might symbolise his internal struggle against the indoctrination with Anderson being Shepard's own will to fight and destroy the Reapers.
Illusive Man saying that it's a shame Shepard can't see Earth like he does and that it's perfect is something that I can't quite figure out, though
Refusal is a practical joke played on people that didn't like the endings.
>hey here you can compromise with us, or just kill us all. Whatever you want.
>everyone dies
I can't see how it isn't a joke. If you didn't care about the outcome you would definitely choose destroy since that kills the reapers which was kind of the main goal of the series.
except if that was true, I would be less mad
I enjoyed ME3
I enjoyed going on wacky adventures with wrex, I enjoyed the air of desperation as you marshaled your rag-tag army to save the milky way, I enjoyed having the quarians barely back down from wiping out the geth and finally letting bygones be bygones
Mordin mumbling the major general song as he prepares to die was one of the most genuinely emotional experiences I've ever had with vidya
which is what made the ending so much more agonizing, it's not that the writers COULDN'T nail the finish, it's that they DIDN'T
Destroy is the only ending that ANYONE who's been focused on shit going on should pick.
That's the plot of ME3. You watch everything suffer because of it. They shove it down your throat. Then there's the plot of ME2 that has Collectors liquidating humans and you have to save them and they're corrupted pawns of the Reapers reallocated to liquidate your people.
Then there's ME1 where Saren is indoctorinated and you save him at the end by making him realize his mistakes and you save the Rachni that were corrupted.
To pick anything other than destroy is just ignoring everything up until that point. Literally everything.
There are lots of red herrings in that, stuff that just seemed out of place.
I still think it's a case of Sheppard hallucinating.
Just remake Edi? I never got this all AI are destroyed consequence.
Is there some lore reason they can't rebuild robots? Nobody left a flowchart written on a piece of paper?
I don't think anyone said they can't rebuild robots, only they won't rebuilt robots that will go out of control or they don't intend to
You can remake robots sure, but you might not necessarily be able to build the same EDI again with all her 'memories', as all her storage drives would have been wiped clean.
Then again, this is the series where shepard was dead for 2 years and they bought him back to life. So who even cares space magic can do literally anything.
If DESTROY didn't wipe out the Geth and EDI it would easily be the best choice. Maybe that's why they added the retarded twist to kill all synthetics so it wouldn't be blatantly better than the other two.
With CONTROL I don't know if Shepard won't eventually snap in time. Could be 1'000 years or 1'000'000 years. Shepard is a living being and I can't imagine him living that long without going insane.
SYNTHESIS is just too bullshit magic for me, I don't even wanna acknowledge it exists.
REFUSAL is kinda funny, like Bioware saying "Oh want a better ending? Well fuck you everyone dies THE END!"
So overall I'm gonna have to go with Destroy. It hurts that Legion's sacrifice was for nothing but that's the fault of the shitty writing
To be honest I think I agree with you but it was so long ago and the experience left such a sour taste I forget the good stuff. I knew it was going south when it gave me some meaningless points for sticking my neck out for the Rachni through 3 games though.
I remember that, but it failed to take into account uniting the Geth and Quarians which makes that whole argument invalid to me. Especially since when they rebuild, they will know to look out for mistakes of the past. Especially since paragon Shepard is Space Jesus and can mend millennia old hatred in one phone call.
And about your second point about the space magic. That's why I never considered the Mass Relays being destroyed an actual thing to consider and worry about. If they ever made a sequel I'm sure they would find a way to hand wave it.
Not the same personality wise, but AI algorithms would still exist. Joker can find a new sex bot.
To be fair, krogan were beginning to overcome the genophage with gene therapy around the time of ME1. That was why Mordin had to make a new one, so it's not exactly a retcon.
But yeah, I miss how Cerberus was treated in ME2. An extremist organization sure, but one with good intentions. 3 and Andromeda just have them as mustache twirlers.