Lostboy was nearly 5 years ago

>lostboy was nearly 5 years ago


Other urls found in this thread:


I love how someone hacked a kid and gave him a virus for showing that he went on Reddit. Now everyone goes on Reddit here and it's the norm.



This was 7 years ago.


Can you believe this was 6 years ago?



I go on reddit but only visit 2 things Gaki no Tsukai and Spaceporn

Gurren Lagann was 10 years ago.

The fuck is this? looks like some shitty creepypasta game.



>1995 was 46 years ago

Is this a JoJo reference?

>this will be true one day
>this will be true before I even realise it

Anybody have that screencap of the kid who bricked his dad's work HD trying to Triforce?

Why do people not post malware on Sup Forums any longer? I remember it was really common for a while, even after captchas were introduced.

Remember the shazbowl

The amount of people on this site isn't worth the effort

They're better off sticking to porn sites

I can't even

It was, then someone decided to infect it with a RAT and spam it.

They like posting on Sup Forums so much they don't want to get banned.

>We've had this filthy captcha for five years

Boy am I glad I've only been browsing Sup Forums for 4 years.


I remember some guy spamming malware on Sup Forums for days.

I downloaded the program and opened the exe in a hex editor. The program was unpacked so you could see all the strings in clear ASCII.

The program basically decrypted stored saved passwords on your computer and then logged in to a gmail account and mailed sent an e-mail to the same e-mail address with all the passwords it found.

Since the file was unpacked you could see the gmail e-mail and the password so I could just log in on the gmail account and view all the passwords of people who were dumb enough to run the program.

Also, the person who was spamming the malware had a secondary email attached to the gmail account for password recovery and I managed to dox him through that e-mail.

I'm not saying I'm some amazing reverse engineer, I'm just saying that some people are really fucking dumb.

It sucks but Sup Forums would be even more overrun with shitty Chinese bots than it already is without them.

You're amazing to me, user.

>5 years

Try 7


>tfw only been surfing for 3 years
>Missed alot of the great stuff
Still i have had some great experiences on this site even if it was during the so called ''Cancer'' period.
>4+Sup Forums
>Death of Moot
>Rise and now fall of SJWs
>Sup Forums leaking everywhere
>The time where half the threads were adventure threads
>Dick Ass Thief
>Every E3
This is a nice board.

I sometimes go a week or more without posting just because I hate the fucking captcha so much. I refuse to make threads because they now only work with the new captcha, not the text one.


>I refuse to make threads because they now only work with the new captcha, not the text one.
Text works for me, though.


Pretty much everything you listed was complete shit and is the reason why this place is such a shithole these days though.

>tfw this incident made me aware Sup Forums was a thing so I could aussie shitpost all day long

Anyone who missed E32010 missed every E3 that mattered.

>3 years
Jesus christ
i've wasted nearly half my life on here

Yeah same here actually.
I blocked all the Google tracking shit so everytime I want to make a thread I first have to grant them permission again and then solve the captcha.

I really hope Hiro's not gonna fuck us over by completely removing text captcha some day.


I wouldn't even be surprised if this is true.
Last week Sup Forums tracked down a flagpole in the middle of nowhere using the video stream which only pointed up in the sky.
The fuckers read plane flights, frog sounds, astrology and a guy honking his car horn for an hour to pinpoint the exact location and put up a MAGA hat.
Some people here are evil geniuses.

reddit is okay if you treat it as a tool. don't try to read comments or engage in the communities unless you want to be annoyed. just open links.

>people used to hide CP and gore in .zip files hidden in uploaded and posted images that were literally pictures of chainlinks

Never said any of those we're either good or bad, just great to witness.

Wonder if they still use Sup Forums

None of those moments you listed are even worth remembering except for Moot leaving.

>omg these geniuses used basic means of navigation to track a certain place

Damn, good old Sup Forums does it again!

Well that explains why people don't spam malware anymore

Putting zip files in images was so cool. It's so sad that was banned, people used to share all kinds of shit like that, books in /lit/ for example.

Remember when there was no captcha or post timers?

w w w . A n o n T a l k . c o m

Thanks Finland!

what's a good way to react if you get infected?

take off the internet cable and shut off the computer?

better to be prepared just in case

Hi Shia.

Shut the fuck up, ALWAYS wasn't 7 years ago. There's no goddamn way.

>mfw I definitely still have some image files with injected zip files in them because Sup Forums won't let me upload them

holy fuck I completely forgot about that shit

It was the day before that CHilean earthquake. //v Harmonized so hard we almost destroyed Chile.

Yes, and how many people just randomly know frog sounds, astronomy, and have the capability of triangulating flight paths to a single town?

You're fucking shitting me. Wasn't this almost greenlit too?

This, sometimes rebbit has niche information about things that are less than legal, but as soon as you make an account and join in the circlejerk you might as well hang youself.

>shrekchan was 5 years ago
thanks Sup Forums

Thousands, probably millions?

Those are basic survival level skills.

They're just sinks bro chill out haha

I remember finding on Sup Forums some old school .zip of the Improvised Munitions Handbook. Never tried it but was neat to read.

>moot was so tired of Kimmo's bullshit he posted all his e-mail correspondance and basically told Sup Forums to do whatever it takes to stop him
>some guys went to his appartment and installed "WARNING PEDOPHILE INSIDE" posters on his door and shit

Is that still around?

I forgot, was lost boy the reason for capcha or was it that finnoswedish autist and his shitty chan?

I think you're grossly over-estimating the majority of people, at least in the US.

It is closer to being true than it is to not being true.

Honestly it's not as impressive in the information age

shieeettt, whatever happened to that place?

If you don't reformat after any kind of compromise you are a retard


I only made an account to store subreddits I find neat

When did moot do the Duke Nukem-related thing?

Could be prevented in the first place by not being a dumbass and downloading a fucking .exe from here of all places, no matter who posts it. R.A.T's are incredibly hard to remove and won't be detected/removed by most AV programs, the dude who made it felt so guilty about it and made a program or whatever to get rid of it because he was wary about terrorists using it.

Also, when was the DuckTales Moon level theme and what was the occasion?

Seems like you're exaggerating greatly the amount of people who know this shit in the modern era.
And even if there are millions, the world is 7 billion, of which only 200 thousand or so browse this Mongolian throat singing site.
It still requires SOME effort and skill.
Or at least the determination to go through with it.

>I forgot, was lost boy the reason for capcha
Shit man was it? I remember when it happened and the entire catalogue on Sup Forums was nothing but a porn pic spammed literally everywhere.

Someone should have hung the faggot that did it captcha is annoying as fuck.

i miss gets

remember [sound] threads? I really missed them when moot took them away.

That's ok, as long as you don't browse tumblr also.

They still work you know.

Why can't gook just do it like swfchan and have users solve a captcha one that allows you to post for 12 hours?

That's gonna still stop most bots and isn't annoying as fuck.

>that one day where everybody just kept photoshopping crysis guy's fist into everything, and every thread was just something getting punched by crysis fist

This is a reminder that the captcha was put in place because someone wrote a virus that would upload random files from your desktop to Sup Forums and wrap the virus around them as an image file that said "Save me and rename me to .jar"

and people did it. repeatedly.

Is this some inside joke or something because I've opened it on my phone and computer a bunch of times and nothing ever happened

>even if it was during the so called ''Cancer'' period.
2007 onwards is the cancer period.

Oh they do? I just gave up after a while when they first stopped working for me.

Those still happen on most of the other boards.

Wasn't it only Sup Forums and Sup Forums that got them disabled?

Pretty sure it was those brightly colored colored rectangle images with "save as [some file extension], open and shit bricks" that finally brought in captcha

Why did he take them out again? Bandwidth?

Remember that one time when the CIA tried to do the same thing to people and they didn't give enough fucks so people like you were able to blow it wide open?


No it was finland autism who ruined it for everyone (kinda like what 8ch tried to do). Though to be fair, if that faggot didn't start, it would eventually happen by others, like when stormfront started their BUGS mantra and assumed majority on Sup Forums which still remains today. Or maybe when GG started their one sided war against Sup Forums? Fuck knows, in the end, capcha was destiny

>open image
>windows defender pops up

I thought this was a meme

>3 years
>that was 2014
>it's already 2017 now

The threads only appear once in a blue moon to avoid too much attention.


I mean there is always /wsg/ that allows you to just post webms with music.