So what's the combat system like, what's the closest thing you would compare it to...

So what's the combat system like, what's the closest thing you would compare it to? Is the combat the main selling point or should I expect a story-driven experience.

Trying to decide between this and HZD.

Nier, it is an improvement on every part

No, it is just good and leads to some really cool sections especially later on. There is also a decent variety in types of combat

The combat is stylish and a tad deep. Not particularly deep but a tad. There is room for experimentation and creativity but not all that nuanced. Better than Darksiders, not as good as Bayonetta, DMC or MGR.

It's an action RPG, definitely consider it a story based experienced with above average combat.

>Trying to decide between this and HZD.
That's like trying to decide between an expensive steak and a pile of shit, what the fuck is wrong with you?

Platinum lite.

Stylish, feels crunchy and snappy, and fun overall.

Not very mechanically complex, but you can still experiment and play around with it, especially when you pair it with the pod abilities.

Runs pretty terrible even on 900 fucking p
Can't seem to get a steady 60fps when the action gets going.
I feel let down yet again

Bayonetta if you reduced all of its systems to the most simplistic and neutered whole elements like witch time. Not as fun too.

post yfw
>become as gods

Pc gaming


it's more of a very good looking visual novel for a specific target audience. gameplay is the worst part of the game, definitely don't get it if you don't usually care about waifu character feels

How about for a sonybro?

I know the Steam port is getting shit on ATM, but it always feels like console versions of games don't have these huge launch performance issues.

Dishonored 2 saw dips near 15 FPS for a while on PS4, but that's the only recent one I can remember.

Is it cracked yet? ;^)

No you fucking degenerate.

I'd give it 2 weeks.

don't even compare nier to that garbage zero dawn. Combat system is fun albeit not bayonetta deep or anything.

Trapped 20 miles deep underground in a factory filled to the brim with suicidal cultists..

just do yourself a favor and don't waste your $60 with that HZD trash

The game and the combat system is like if Platinum made a JRPG. And I don't mean it's a JRPG with cuh-ray-zee shit, it's a watered down Platinum game that seems a lot like a JRPG. It's mainly a 3rd person hack'n'slash, but it also sometimes plays out like a twinstick-shooter or a 2d action platformer.
Btw the tutorial boss is Metal Gear EXCELSUS.

the demo at least felt exactly like nier's combat, except good - the replacement of the pretty clunky perfect blocks with dodges and the charges and combos + light/heavy slots really takes the same basic ideas but felt a lot better

It has witch time though.

Overclock chips nigga.

It's not better than Darksiders 2

It's not a platinum game, don't go in expecting that.

The combat's is what Nier's combat would've been if it was developers were competent. There's some small Platinum-isms hidden here and there but this is a Yoko Taro game through and through. The character action combat isn't the "core" of the game.