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born cuckold
i cant stand this guy
how do people watch him unironically
i don't think there's any youtuber more /ourguy/ then jim fucking sterling son
the reason for his 7/10 for BotW was the fact that he saw an opportunity to stand out and be controversial and rake in them youtube shekels.
his steam greenlight videos are fun, maybe1 in 5 jimquisition are worth checking out. rest is shit
Why do you guys like this fat fuck so much?
Or maybe its the fact that the games just not that good.
Or maybe he just legitimately didn't think the game was 10/10? He didn't even call the game bad.
Sup Forums doesn't, unless he says something they happen to agree with or he pisses off a fanbase.
Although the reality is he only makes money from his website and that got DDOS'd to shit thanks to his controversy.
reminder this is the same guy who gave mgsv a 9/10
He gave BOTW a mediocre review
So despite years of calling him a cuck,SJW and every other buzzword under the sun he is now /ourguy/
Hes the only reviewer with the cajones to btfo zelda and their cucked fanfuckboys.
do you actually believe that rating zelda 7 instead of 9 gave him significantly more money ?
Different isn't always good.
Same reason people watch Angry Joe unironically, same reason people go to Vice Waypoint unironically. Because they're losers.
You're right he rated it too high, the games a 4/10 at best.
>a good score is "controversial"
>His voice to mimic the whinyness of fanboys isn't much different than his actual voice.
>He gets paid to make videos where all he does is speak.
Born Slippy:
Pretty much every review that gave it 10/10 mentioned one of the following:
1) Framerates
2) Empty open world syndrome
3) Weapon system
4) Lacking in variety; repetitive elements such as monster design
But they still gave it 10/10. James just didn't ignore those issues.
He uses some dumb immature humour, a lot, but he usually has good points to make.
Blame the absolutely busted scoring system the gaming industry has. 7/10 is legitimately seen as bad.
Same reason you like 2d girls: mental illness
He is a cuck much like the rest of Sup Forums
Fat Bastard
>significantly more money
No but it's the best option he had.
Jim "Zelda slayer" Fucking Sterling, son
A natural born cuckold.
if he gave it a 4 or something maybe
a 7 is fine it was impossible to predict that kind of backlash no one is that cultish... oh wait its a nintendo game nevermind you might be right
Yeah, and Hyrule Warriors is totally a 9.5 amirite?
The guy has a history of purposely going against the grain to bait fanbases he doesn't like, anyone who can't see that is a retard.
he is cucked by a woman that looks like him a dress cant even make this shit up
Threadly reminder that he gave Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 a 9.5
He really likes DW games.
For the people saying he gave it a 7/10 so he wasn't being an asshole, if he gave it a lower score he would have risked being removed from metacritic entirely. No a critic cant just go in and give something a 0/10 to fuck with the score, he has to be subtle or they wont allow it.
Anyway, remind that he gave Dead rising 4 an 8.
>a 7 is fine it was impossible to predict that kind of backlash
>Jim had a Jimquisition video made up about fanboyism and weapon durability already and released it the next day.
This is what nintodlers actually believe
A lot of the 10/10 reviews and even the 9/10 reviews didn't mention the open world or the weapon system because maybe, just maybe, those reviewers didn't see them as flaws in the first place.
Also it's fine if he thinks the game is a 7/10 but most of the actual points he made in his review were horribly flawed.
So your saying meta-critic is worthless and reviewers are punished for not giving games they dont think are good perfect scores?
Jim Sterling is a shit-talker and has always been a shit-talker. Over the years he leaned into the SJW group.
Doesn't mean DW games are actually good. It just confirms that his review scores stem from him having garbage taste.
No but if a game has a 95 average and you come in and give it a 15 you better have a damn good reason or you're trolling.
Or maybe its because they were paid to give the game a 10/10, yeah that one seems more likely.
4 would be too much since even his most loyal fans would know he was bullshitting
7 makes it look like he put some thought into it
I heavily doubt he even finished the game since so many things in the review are contradictory and what with the video coming out a few days later it certainly makes him look "reliable"
Like I said, at least one. Seldom did they mention all of those issues. I'm just saying when they mention an impacting issue in the game and still say it's 10/10, doesn't that seem a little false? Even on the idea that 'nothing was perfect but nothing detracted enough from the experience', mentioning it in a review seems like it was prominent enough for them to acknowledge it publicly.
He likes games where he can dick around a lot, and Zelda does the opposite. It makes you conservative with weapons. I'd say it's reflected accurately in his scorings.
So your saying if i dont bend over and follow the flock i get punished?
Making the entire site worthless.
Reviewers have to be impartial and do their job user
He's a normal person, he has biases. Just like pretty much every reviewer has a bias for Zelda games. I'm pretty sure the metacritic average for home console Zelda's is like 90.