Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that this is the worst game of 2017?

Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that this is the worst game of 2017?

Other urls found in this thread:

looks pretty good desu





>dust has settled
It's not even out you antishill



Someone post the Thunderbirds pic


Butthole effect fartgas




If you are bothered by the insane cynicism and hatejerk mentality of places like /r/games, just don't go there.

Having played most of my 10 hours in the single player, this is not NMS. This game is rough around the edges. Yes there are some tech problems. Yes the animations are all over the place and some character models are subpar.

But man if you are a Mass Effect fan, you are going to love it. I spent last night wandering around the Nexus, and everything I was doing, the quests, the conversations, the ambiance, it just screamed Mass Effect. The gameplay is better than it has ever been, the setup for the story is great, the characters are intriguing, the Tempest is awesome...

Just shut all that shit out. The reddit gaming subs are in hardcore hate MEA mode right now, just laugh and move on. I remember when ME3 came out I used to get super defensive and wasted countless hours arguing with people on BSN. I'm a little older now and realized that getting upset because some nerds on the internet said mean things about the game I like is pretty dumb. Who gives a fuck? I remember I didn't get Destiny for the longest time because the reddit hivemind agreed it was terrible. Same thing that's happening now. It must be awful, I thought. Surely so many reddit posters couldn't all be wrong. Ended up buying it on a whim on sale and I absolutely loved it.

Play the game and decide for yourself.






But user, destiny is dogshit.

What has it got in its pocketses?

someone pls post the screenshot with the dialogue options

>current year



For Honor is way worse


Wow. What a challenging game. GOTY for sure



>this is real


Christ... That Salarian isn't sitting on anything is he?




other games allow ai abuse


He's trying to say he enjoyed it but didn't want to try it at first because of internet backlash, it's his opinion anyway

I like that boulder. That is a niiiice boulder.

It's not AI abuse. It's a case of standing there as the AI just makes an idiot out of itself by failing at performing basic tasks.

I fucking love how the character models freeze up

They couldn't even get something simple like character creation right, there's like 8 black presets


Better than Nier desu

>tfw you're trying to watch the game and participate in a bar room brawl at the same time.

im convinced that this is bait


What's wrong with it?

Gotta buy the day one DLC for the white presets.

Why is Shrek wearing a wig anyway?

the animator has never seen anyone run, ever.

I guess this is what happens when you're more focused on hiring a diverse and inclusive team, instead of just choosing the best people for the job.



Stop shilling.
Or at least tell your comrades to only create 1 thread at a time.
Either way.

This will be the nms of the 2017 Sup Forumsga


no, it's going to have a critical score of 92, you heard it here first


these have to be edited

>we wanted to make the characters ugly so we made them into monsters
If Bioware wanted to make more relateable characters then just use relateable face models.

>every rank Sup Forumsack shitposting at full strength about spooky jewish witches instead of it just being kusoge
this is why it will succeed anyway.


lmao what the fuck?

Probably the best graphics of 2017

Nah, it is just TORtanic 2.0 in the making.

I'm guessing this is pasta from somewhere on plebbit? Maybe r/masseffect?


Game is gonna bomb.

Has anyone been able to make a decent looking female Ryder yet

>Hating the game only because people look realistc

V is full of whining

What bothers me is how the devs have tweeted saying they're aware of it but they'll consider whether it's something that needs to be fixed at a later date.

I'm not paying to support that kind of batshit logic.

Can bioware make a so bad it's great masterpiece with this game? A Deadly Premonition experience would be top tier

>game is rough around the edges.

That's an understatement, I mean just look at this shit

Did they even test this game? Even Bethesda makes better games than this

>because people look realistc

Where do you live? Milwaukee?

What other bad news could possibly ruin your day?

You're right. I forgot people looked like playdough.
nice bait

>TFW from Green Bay area
Holy shit dude my sides

It's their only hope.

Oh come on, this is a witch hunt.

I mean, ME3 had everyone go all exorcist on you when talked to them but they continued to fiddle around. Especially my beloved Traynor did that.

But if people said that was a good indicator of the quality of the whole game I would call them crazy.

People have a bone to pick with Bioware. I looked at some of the "lulz, Andromeda animation" videos with added sound effects and everything in YouTube. Atleast two of the channels I found also had uploaded video in the style of "how Sjw ruined Biowhere" and "why does Bioware pander to gays so much?". I think that is important to remember, some groups have hated Bioware for a long time.

motherfucker, you're on ground zero for TORtanic, this is not a bioware fan friendly space

The game isn't even that bad. It's extremely frustrating that you guys will dismiss a game as "bad' because you dislike the political

Opinions of the individuals who made the game. Would you still call BoTW a good game if the

People behind Nintendo came out hoping for white genocide too?

Because, fact is, Stop judging a legitimately good game on outside factors, judge a game based on the game alone.

And btw, judging games should be reserved for those who actually play it

In case you didn't know, this is Sup Forums - Video Games, not Sup Forums - Politically Incorrect

The end.

>green bay
enjoy your
packer traffic jams

Well, nothing is perfect. Like in a real world characters have some flaws. Its normal.

Post your face when Bioware announces it's newest project - KOTOR 3.

The dialogue is also atrocious

Reminds me of the ol' black soldiers in Battlefield 1 controversy. People were banging on about "realism" but were happy to use guns that either never saw widespread use or never really got off the drawing board.

Did you even watch the video?

This goes beyond "just funny animations guys, it doesn't affect the game :^)"

>this spacing
Are you sure you have the right tab open?


The puppets?



What am I not seeing?

It baffles me that there's still people that defend contemporary Bioware.

I don't.
Game day means no travel on those days. But during the game it's quiet.
Fun fact. Green Bay is tied for 10th fattest city in America.

If the people at Nintendo were calling for my death I certainly wouldn't give them money.

Post proof that its a good game. I've seen plenty of ingame evidence to suggest otherwise.

>packer traffic jams
But Sarah is q2 and this is obvious. Are dare to argue?

Well done.