Is this game worth playing if I'm not a yu-gi-oh fan? I watched some seasons when I was younger but nothing more. This game seems to exist in its own little universe.
Is this game worth playing if I'm not a yu-gi-oh fan? I watched some seasons when I was younger but nothing more...
This game is insanely fun, the card game rules are thrown out the window, you can fuse monsters by just using two random ones without polymerization, and has insanely fucking broken artificial difficulty.
grow some taste and read all of yugioh RIGHT NOW
The game is fun, but if you plan on finishing it then you'd better be ready for hours upon hours of grinding, there's no way to prevent it either, no matter what you do, 70% of your playtime in this game will be in the mandatory grind for better cards.
Shit, I'm actually playing this game right now.
The game was actually made before the card game was even an actual thing, so knowing the rules isn't really necessary.
Also look up a GameFAQ on fusing cards, it's necessary to fuse in order to win after like, your second duel.
Forbidden Memories is barebones and literally the worst Yugioh game there is, expect to grind for hours if you want any hope of actually beating the game because the AI is programmed to blatantly cheat at the beginning of a match, and then slowly start to draw worse cards as the match goes on, and they have no set decks.
Anyone who tells you that game is worth playing is a nostalgiafag.
Duelist of Roses is the real patrician's PS1 yugioh game of choice.
>Duelists of the Roses
Pardon me m8
DotR isn't on PS1 though.
Whoops, you're right.
DoR is still the shit.
Yes, it's really fun and the rules are much simpler than the actual card game clusterfuck.
Also, muh Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon.
The game straight up cheats. I could never beat it.
Its good and Bad at the same time
The Good:
>top tier OST
>the closest thing you'll ever get to Duelist Kingdom in terms of summoning big monsters without Tribute
>can fuse shit without Poly
The bad:
>literally everything else
>the endless grindan
>the actual, cheating A.I.
>can only make 1 play from your hand per turn, reducing all strategy to just "Summon big monster ASAP" and win
>grind powerful cards from the low meadow mage
>grind megamorphs from Pegasus
>Win the game
It's not really hard, just tedious as fuck.
Someone post the cheating AI webm
Somebody post the cheat-webm showing the AI switching better cards from their deck into their hand.
Game basically comes down to
>Kick the shit out of most things with Twin Headed Thunder Dragon fusion up until labyrinth or so
>Spent a fuck long time farming for Meteor Dragon
>Learn star sign boosts
quick tip to help the uninitiated
Fast A-Tec (with traps)
at least 15 fusions (no worries about face-downs or ups)
5 magics total: pure magics, equip, etc.
1 trap which opponent MUST trigger
Go to or below 6999 damage
Without using a trap card, I think that the conditions are the exact same except for the fact that you must go to or below 999 damage. and, of course, a-tecs are mandatory on Pegasus for megamorph drops
absolutely not. it's broken as hell. i enjoyed it as a kid, but it's absolutely terrible.
does that game have Link Summoning?
Why would you want to play a Yu-Gi-Oh game if you don't like Yu-Gi-Oh?
this game cheats? HOLY FUCK i spent hours trying to progress just screaming how bullshit the ai was
i can finally move on with my life
>fuck long
>buy jirai gumo,, dark energy and seiyaryu
>spend 2 hours on "jono 2" until he drops 3 red eyes, you may get 3 meteor dragons as well
>as much time as you're willing to waste on low meadow mage since he shits out good cards left and right
>maybe s-tec pegasus between fights for a chance of dragon treasures, widespread ruin and megamorph
Get 3 MBD, 3 meteor dragon, 3 skull knight and you're set, if your initial deck doesn't have raigeki and dragon treasure reset until it does.
look up a guide or watch some speedruns for strats so you know what you're doing and how to play, You need to do weird stuff to get ahead, like it's a good idea to restart until you get a good deck, it only takes like 20 seconds a restart on a emulator with turbo
I was actually way better at this game than I gave myself credit for back then, I got all the way to like the final 7 or however many are in the final gauntlet up to the last guy, I thought I just sucked and the game would have been easier if I knew what I was doing since all I did was basically fuse thunder-dragons and boost them, which is actually the best strategy funny enough
it was fun, but I had to cheat since the PC cheats too.
Use an android emulator for max comfort
I really like the art style with the think outlines.
A very great game
check this 5 cunts