A friend of mine recommended me this anime called "Touhou Mangekyou ~ Memories of Phantasm" and I liked it very much...

A friend of mine recommended me this anime called "Touhou Mangekyou ~ Memories of Phantasm" and I liked it very much, especially the Scarlet Devil arc.
Marisa is cool as fuck in this and I really liked Reimu vs Sakuya.

Are there any games with a similar story or with girls throwing fireworks at each other?

Other urls found in this thread:



In Dead Rising 2 you can dress up as a girl and throw fireworks.

Try asking over at
I'm sure they'd love to answer you.

You could play the series that anime is based off of, Touhou.


Quality thread. Good work, OP.

>You could play the series that anime is based off of, Touhou.

Shit, really? What's it like?

>tfw not sure if bait thread or OP is actually retarded


Its a bullet hell series, I've never played it myself.

But the mainline games suck. Touhou is only good because the fanworks allow it to be.


>bullet hell
Not sure if I like the sound of that, but I did ask for girls shooting fireworks, so I can't back down, especially now that I know it's the games the anime was based on.
Where can I find those games?

I'd be genuinely shocked if OP actually had a casual friend that just recommended him some doujin anime on a whim

I hate you so fucking much you baiting piece of shit.

Fuck you.

I thought this was a joke thread at first, it's kind of unbelievable that someone would see a touhou anime and not know what touhou is

I just contracted second hand autism.


Thanks for bumping your own shit thread asshole.
How about next time you start with an op that doesn't make people want to strangle you?

>browses Sup Forums
>first time he's heard about Touhou
Since we're not on Sup Forums, here:

Marisa or Tenshi?

>Touhou is an anime

>is this bait

Whatever, if you faggots are so adamant about keeping this piece of shit bait as fuck thread afloat, we may as well use it to discuss something.

So what Touhous are you playing? No new games recently, so fangames are fine.

Fuck, that looks hard, but why do the sprites look weird everytime they talk?

Fuck off.

Druggie-kun is mai husbando

Everything is done by a single man. A single Japanese man who has more alcohol in his blood than blood.

Also, he's had drinks with moot at one point.


Fuck off newfags.

ZUN, silly.

this is definitely bait

since I'm familiar with the RoTK/NA games and like them, I've been trying to play the Sengoku Gensokyo game that plays like R0TK 11, however it's completely in Japanese and that one dude gave up on translating it so it's sort of hard.

Sakuya a STICK.

I thought Songoku Gensokyo was mostly translated?
Maybe I'm thinking of another game.

who are you quoting?

your right, the game I meant was Gensokyo Ambition

>Songoku Gensokyo
Now that sounds like a good idea for a fangame.

Rumor has it he has never been seen without beer within 10 feet of him.

Hey, guys, on the topic of game recommendations. My buddy recommended me this book "RuneScape: Betrayal at Falador" and it was great, any one know any games with a similar setting?

Oh yeah.
That's the one that one poster would always post screencaps of to keep Touhou threads bumped, right?

I'd check out adventure quest

How can I stay true to my waifu with a cast this huge?

If she were really your waifu, you wouldn't have to ask.
Start by playing her game.

Have all the waifu

>her game
which is...

>liking Touhou

You already have first hand autism.

Subterranean Animism, which is the easiest game in the series.

Also, Clownpiece is the CUTEST.

Clownpiss sux

Reminder that SDM will ALWAYS be the best cast in the series.


Which is exactly why I didn't need it secondhand.

That's a funny way of spelling PCB.

t. ultra secondary

>Gensokyokan Rebellion isn't the best cast

You're shitposting but in all honesty they're a solid cast with a strong foundation and interesting interactions, not to mention its members cover a good array of niches and tastes, making them more suitable for fanworks and even canon stories than any other faction.
Overexposed as fuck tho.


>they're a solid cast with a strong foundation and interesting interactions

I don't blame OP. I blame faggots that seriously responded.

Sure. You've got
>Remi and Sakuya's Master-Servant relationship
>Remi and Patchouli beings good friends
>Remi and Flan's relationship as sisters
>Sakuya and Meiling friendship (?)
>Sakuya and Patchouli bantz
And that's just canonical stuff, it gets even more interconnected when you start guessing at Meiling's relationship with Remi, or Koakuma. Love itor hate it, SDM has a shit ton to work with. The only faction that's even in the same size tier are the Buddhists, and honestly those guys suck.


>Remi and Sakuya's Master-Servant relationship
We've had that since SoEW

>Remi and Patchouli beings good friends
Is this a joke?

>Remi and Flan's relationship as sisters
Literally the only valid "relationship" even though they never interact

>Sakuya and Meiling friendship
I see you are a just secondary

>Le sexy fairy xD

You know that's against the rules, shotty

It's the fact that all those relationships exist under one faction that makes SDM so notable.

>Is this a joke?
Patchy's profile, secondary.

>I see you are a just secondary
Meiling's Soku ending, not to mention various win quotes that imply that, at the very least, they have friendly sparring sessions occasionally.

Why are 2hu waifus the best waifus?

>sa easier than mof
even more bomb spamming but harder patterns, I don't think so sir

He was shitposting, user.

You could literally pretend SDM never existed and nothing substantial would change lore wise

Unlike your life, shotty

Because if you didn't exist, these threads would be bearable

t. assblasted OP


t. assblasted shotty

enjoy your kuso secondary thread

Aside from SSiB never happening.

Stop being a secondary and go already.

OP here, I downloaded that game in the video, EoSD, played it on Normal and I managed to beat Remilia. Man holy fuck, the game is hard and super fun, but the guy who made them can't draw for his fucking life.
What did he do to you Sakuya?

Anyway, how did I do?


So. He's now shitposting with this kind of threads? Jesus.

Fuck off.

>being autistic enough to fall for such obvious bait

What even is this thread

It's a shotty thread

That's all you need to know

Anime shit belongs on >>Sup Forums

t. assblasted secondaryOP

t. assblasted secondaryshotty

I hope your kuso thread gets deleted


wich 2hu wud you fug?

If the OP still here

If you liked phantom memory watch
Touhou Niji Sousaku Doujin Anime Musou Kakyou

Btw nice thread

the umbrella

Delete yourself


good thread like usual

faku the baku

All of them.

Better question would be which 2hu would be fuckable without dying


Thats easy too. Akyuu or Kozusu

>Every single one of her future self will remember the rape
Worth it


Your friend is an asshole and touhou is shit for the autists.

Only the best.