Is this game actually a 10/10? Or is it just shills and paid reviews talking?
Is this game actually a 10/10? Or is it just shills and paid reviews talking?
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It's actually 9.7(was 9.8)/10
How about this revolutionary idea
How about playing it?
I've heard good things about the emulation, why not playing it?
Or maybe you don't want to discuss anything and just want to shitpost like a fucking animal? Hmmmm???
I've got your number baka
*disappears within the shadows*
I think people think it's a 10/10, and that's OK.
It's not so much paid as refusal to do certain things, like exclusives interviews and editorials. When development/production and journalism become symbiotic in any market, you know shit is fucked.
Shit is fucked.
It's nice, but far from the flawless gem everyone is losing their minds about.
If it hadn't been titled "The Legend of Zelda" it would've got 8/10. a good review, but not an insanely good game.
Framerate drops like crazy, so if you're used to 60fps you're gonna have a bad time.
I'd say play it on WiiU, not worth an entire console, but definitely worth the $60.
People have differing opinions. That is literally all that's going on with this game and Sup Forums is just too autistic to understand that and instead makes up conspiracies of Nintendo shills and Sony shills to explain the various scores.
it's a 9.9/10
Easily GOTY. Major developers are probably holding back on their big projects because they know they can't compete with it.
It's worth a play for just about everyone but the most jaded autists who can't handle framerate dips or weapon degradation. The game does so much right that any faults are largely nitpicks and far from game breaking.
Shills will tell you it is a good game with great exploration and progression.
Redpills will tell you it's an empty do-nothing game with buggy terrain, poor combat, with no music and a dumb story.
There's no such thing as 10/10, perfect, flawless game, so no, it's not 10/10. It is, howerver, an excellent game and easily one of the best ever made.
10/10 doesn't mean perfect. Perfect games don't exist.
Its worth buying and completing, number scores are for autists
When the competition is hot garbage, BotW seems like the best thing ever.
Boboklin fights drop to single digit fps when camera is zoomed in fsggots. That's not a nitpick
Shilling aside, i believe this aswell.
Having HZ:D release like 3 days before was a bold move, and probably led to some good sales. But zelda will overshadow anything releasing the next few months at least
It's great. Not perfect, but easily in the top open world games designed. It does what 99% of open world games are unable to do. It actually feels like an adventure. Not just dots on a map showing you where everything is.
I havent encountered anything like that in the 75 hours I have playing the game. I don't think I've oriented the camera to get those kinds of frame drops, but I could see how you could feasibly set the camera in such a way to lower the framerate.
What I've noticed far more frequently is when I knock Moblins over, the game stutters for a bit. That's a bit irksome, but fortunately combat is so infrequent that I'm not constantly reminded of it.
>it's never happened to me so you're lying
I believe you when you say it could happen, I just haven't experienced the conditions to make it happen.
I don't deny the existence of bugs in games just because they don't happen to me.
For me, yes. Best game I've played in a very long time.
I'd say so. It has multiple flaws but is a masterpiece nevertheless.
10/10? I dunno, maybe. It's really really fucking good tho.
Funny how autist sonyfags get when its about 10/10 scores
its largely an unpolished game. think skyrim, but zelda.
7/10 at best.
It's especially bothersome when fighting the Colossus monsters and it's rsining. Its own of the reasons I avoid battles in the rain
best zelda in along while, but the thing all zelda games consistently have is good stories, and story in this one was nonexistant so a 10/10 is impossible
It's not shills, it's just people who can't fault a game because it's Zelda. BoTW is a great game, but it's far from perfect. There's so many mechanical issues, and everyone who's reviewing it aren't counting said issues simply because Zelda gets a pass.
I love the game, but its more like a 8.8 out of 10. And no, I'm not making a Twilight Princess meme. That's honestly what I would score it.
The design, exploration and combat have been greatly improved from other Zelda games. NPC interaction is also improved, though not as good as it could be. Music is lackluster and forgettable. Story is laughably bad. Voice acting was a mistake. Then there's some smaller issues like shrines and korok seeds which shouldn't be repeated in a sequel.
I genuinely would give this game an 8.8. But since reviewers are such a joke, I can see how a great game with flaws would be a 10 to them.
It's the first game I've played in a long time that I don't hate.
>game is almost constantly getting sub 30fps
Going to be honest here, to me it's easily a 10/10.
That's not to say there aren't certain flaws, like framerate dips in certain areas as well as the rather underwhelming ending, but I find them to be so minor in the grand scheme that it's hardly worth bringing down a whole 10% of the score over. Many of the things that people are divided on (weapon degradation, the minimalist style of music, the main dungeons) are things that I think lend to the strengths of the game too. I've never found myself wanting for content either, which is the biggest problem I've had with open world games and even other Zelda games.
I just think the reaction to BotW may have been so overwhelmingly positive that many people might have rolled their eyes as a result.
so are there no traditional dungeons in this game and just replaced with these shrine things? im not far and only have done 6, but they are incredibly boring and bland imo. also is mirror shield in this game?
Easily at least an 8/10, but still the work of paid reviees. Gotta move those Switch sales!
>seller on amazon says they have a new wii u copy for $17
gut instinct is telling me its fake, but does amazon allow people to blatantly scam people?
>see that mountain? you can climb it
>you actually can
it's a 9/10 imo. The minimalist soundtrack, 30fps with occasional drops, and no antialiasing and 720p make it impossible to be a 10/10. But on top of that, the weapon durability system can be obnoxious, the dynamic weather can be obnoxious (IE when it's raining for 3 cycles in a row and you want to do some climbing or do a quest that involves torches or fire)
But even that all said, it's one of my favorite games of all time.
I never denied frame drops. I am made aware of them whenever I'm travelling through Kakariko village or through other dense areas. I just haven't experienced the single frame drops from fighting Mokoblins zoomed in up close. I do notice the frame drops, but they are not a deal breaker to me.
Why are you lying about a video game
It's a good game
But there's nothing revolutionary about it and it doesnt manage to escape from the big sins of open world
Examples or bullshit.
It's a 7/10, really.
examples of what
you want my honest review?
I liked it more than the last 2 console zeldas, but its easily worse than all the others, but I'm contempt with that. I honestly thought it was going to be much worse than it was, but they did do somethings surprisingly bad such as the UI and controls.
If you think the game is a perfect 10 with no flaws or absolute dog shit, you're delusional either way.
Probably the best take on an open world game in a few years though. Some of the traditional gating behind items is replaced with stamina and heart gating, but it's still subtle enough and easy to come back to with fast travel.
It's been a good while since I was looking forward to playing a game when I got off work.
I agree with this.
>But there's nothing revolutionary about it
*blocks your path*
it is the gotyay
I've only done 30 shrines but I'm enjoying it a lot. Can imagine a 10/10 is possible depending how the rest of the game shapes up.
Wait, Midna is in botw ?
Don't get why people complain about the rain. You can still climb shit
I agree with pretty much all this, but I would give it a flat out 8 tops. I would also add that they shouldn't ever do the physics gimmick again. It was fine this one time, but I would actually be upset if they repeated it in another game after this. Also don't think they should do another on this big scale since it added way to much shit to collect and in the end I think it really hurt the game. Im not just talking Koroks either I mean all the ingredients and food shit. Its just too much.
... I can't.. you slip after a few steps up.
If you try to climb more than about 5 feet, you start sliding down. It actually won't let you climb any higher after you start sliding unless you press X. And then you need a ton of stamina to overtake the sliding.
This isn't much of a problem on most of the map. You either find an alternate way around or you wait 5 minutes for the rain to stop. But there's two spots on the map where it is always raining. One in Zora's Domain and the other near the coastline. And the one near the coastline has a specific shrine quest on top of a plateau you have to climb. When you struggle all the way up there durring the rain, the Ruto actually mocks you by saying "Surprised you actually made it up here."
is there a secret frog suit that lets you climb walls or something? not that that would fix much since switching between sets is already obnoxious enough as it is.
You climb, jump, slip down a little but still gain plenty of ground. But you'll need full stamina + climbing clothes, of course.
Wrong. You are fake news.
The real issue is when fighting moblin when they die they can sometimes cause the game to freeze for like 2 miliseconds
Climbing set upgraded.
If it's not a 10, what is?
I just bought a switch and this game.
Help me temper my expectations.
>they shouldn't ever do the physics gimmick again
How is a game set in a 3D world having objects that obey the laws of physics a 'gimmick'?
The physics is great and fun, as you'd know if you had played the game.
You need to jump after link does four grabs, he slides down at the fifth.
the only reason it isn't 10/10 is because I can't live in hyrule and have to go to work
Fully upgrading the Climbing gear you get from shrines in the southeast part of the map gives you more than enough armor and utility with the set bonus.
Only exceptions are when you need gear for the environment you're in.
You'll have a lot of time to enjoy this one game at launch until something worthwhile comes out.
>Sup Forums
>playing the games they shit on
honest dude here . the game has perfect gameplay , ost and overworld but it does have performance problems . the swith is a piece of shit hardware . Nintendo could have done much better with a gaming tablet
*teleports behind you*
The darkness is my home little boy...
*gives you my opinion*
>didn't like something I liked, so they didn't play the game argument
It's pretty dang good, but expect some fps drops when doing most things.
I never grew up with Zelda, and I have only played a good three hours of Skyward Sword and ten minutes of Twilight Princess. This game is really good and pretty.
can it really be a 10 if you have nitpicks about it though. 10/10 means 0 complaints, runs at highest framerate, best possible graphics for its day and age on top of just being an amazing game to play.
I mean you can say it's a god damned marvel of a game and future classic but nit pick the graphics and performance and have to go below a 10. Because it's not PERFECT.
and that's okay. 9/10 or 9.5/10 or whatever that's not absolutely perfect is still fucking amazing, goty material 10/10 should be a high mark for the perfect ideal game that really, will probably never exist.
After you climb 4 steps, he starts sliding. Then he starts sliding every 2 steps after that. You can't make any headway climbing after that unless you press X. Then it is all about how much stamina you have. You will still end up using 6x more stamina than you would if it wasn't raining, meaning you can't climb large hills you would have been able to without rain. You can climb small hills just by powering through it of course.
>have to upgrade a set all the way to get past something that shouldn't even be in the game
Mostly shills. Its mostly empty
Only copy pasted shrine and korok seeds.
Still addicting thougg
When there are so many children on the internet screaming about how terrible a new game for a console they don't own is, this can become a pretty reasonable assumption.
It has shit graphics
>All the way
Twice, you have to upgrade it twice to get the set bonus, which isn't even that much better than just wearing the set.
You could just stop trying to climb over every obstacle in the game. There are heavy rains in the Zora region to stop faggots like you.
Either way, you get the set bonus after two upgrades, which is some rushrooms, keese wings, and common lizards, which is hardly a lot.
it's a solid 8/10.
The shrine mechanism kind of mucks things up. If everything was integrated into the game world, if there were more large scale and interesting bosses, if there was a bit more metroid influence, if there were actual puzzles. it would be 10/10. As it is, it's just a safe, solid, action rpg. It's literally zelda.
How bad is the Wii U version?
What's "7" and why does it deserve a 10?
Considering the Switch version is marginally better, you might as well play it on Wii U. I got some bad drops in the starting area, and after that it smoothed out.
Only other bad spots for FPS are towns.
Because 7 8 9
I don't think 10 is meant to be perfect, just on par with only a handful of other games out of thousands.
Regarding frame-rate: OOT runs at 20 fps and it feels great to play. Frankly I'd rather play OOT at 20Hz than the Witcher 3 at 144Hz, because controlling link is fun whilst controlling Geralt feels like directing a mechanical gorilla through custard.
I'm playing on the Wii U version. from what I've seen the FPS is about the same but the Wii U version has no antialiasing (does the switch?) and lower resolution. Still playable though and worth playing if you already have a Wii U.
it's a 95/100 game
Better optimized in some areas, not as good in others. It's also 720p instead of 900p on the Switch. The Wii U version supposedly has lower loading times though.
In all, both versions have their strengths and weaknesses.
I think it's 9/10.
Best open world exploration I've ever seen, and amazing amount of interactivity. It's a genuinely innovative game, and that's rare nowadays.
I just can't get over how short and low in number the dungeons are
I give it a pretty good/10
I feel dumb for just realizing this, but the reason I really hate rain is because I couldnt make campfires to change it to night most of the time when I needed to. Other times were in hyrule castle where I wanted to climb shit so I could explore it thoroughly but couldnt. If it was designed to be constantly raining to stop you from cheesing shit that would be one thing, but usually its just pointless and forces you to teleport to do something else or come back and hope it isnt raining/
Having seen both on the same display, the Switch is considerably better looking. The both have fps drops however.
Here's a better question:
Would you give OoT a 10/10 but not this?
>can it really be a 10 if you have nitpicks about it though
You can have nitpicks about every game in existence so that's not a compelling argument.