>shit animation
>shit writing/dialog
>dead eyes everywhere
>stupid plot
>inb4 "but the gameplay is good"
>shit animation
>shit writing/dialog
>dead eyes everywhere
>stupid plot
>inb4 "but the gameplay is good"
Reminder that this game will be succesful despite being shit because the industry is dominated by normies
Didn't they decide on Earth next because that's where the majority of humans are, instead of going after small planets with barely any humans? They still needed more humans to build their new reaper.
What should we call this new TORtanic?
JUST effect
Give me the rundown on this asari
Why the fuck would they send an expedition to Andromeda when we haven't even explored 1% of our current Galaxy? nothing could ever happen to make our entire Galaxy uninhabitable beyond the Reapers who no one believes in. If they did believe in the Reapers and wanted to fund this massive project, why would they not have prepared their militaries before 3?
It's the most retarded writing choice I've ever seen and is clearly written by someone who didn't understand the Mass Effect universe at all.
I just want to see Bioware burn to the ground is that too much to ask for?
entire race made for being sexual and hot.
ruined by SJW attitude of nu-industry
That, and people still for some reason think Bioware is a great company and not just a shell of its former self, even though all the actual talent left ages ago including the founders. It's basically a different company now.
never played the mass effect series, what is the plot of the newest one?
The phone call that saved the west?
Okay, so the character animations and interactions aren't very good. What about the rest of the game?
Kun'tah'Ken'tay was a noble feminine Asari who escaped the oppression of her species. No longer would she be looked down upon as some mere "sex symbol" but she would instead make herself intentionally Nigger so men would have to look what reside inside her lithe, nubile 216lb "Feminine" frame.
Oh and the milky way wasn't shit. Even though it's never been explored.
That "They're targeting Earth" line was purely retarded and made no sense, just because the collector's had space for more than most planets doesn't mean their 1 ship would plan on attacking the heart of the Human military.
Looks like the gameplay is the same cover shooter shit.
Why would you care about the plot of all things if you've never played any of the games before
stories Mary sue shit
Despite being into a totally new galaxy theres only one new alien. Wouldnt want to put too much stress on the animators and designers now would you?
I mean, if I were planning an attack on Earth, I would try and go in unannounced without them noticing, basically what they did in 3, because Earth was their main target for killing humans. But, the reapers would have killed everybody in a few hours. They would have used their powers with the collectors (are there any left?) to freeze time, steal humans, then blow the planet to hell.
>Why the fuck would they send an expedition to Andromeda when we haven't even explored 1% of our current Galaxy?
To boldly go where no one has gone before.
Reminder that Bioware will still make KOTOR 3.
they want a clean slate without ever having to mention the milky way galaxy ever again
She a cute.
>You're the Pathfinder now!
>Cool, what does that mean
>Uh, you go down to planets and look around and scan shit, press random buttons on alien computers, etc. But trust me it's super cool and now everyone will treat you like you're a fucking badass for no reason
>when pewdiepie uses fucking clips of Andromeda from Sup Forums
But we would just be looking at things we could have found in our own galaxy, except it's really far away. It's like going to India to buy the same milk I could buy at the grocery store near my house.
The reapers DID shut the relays down.
Hence why you need a reaper "decoder" from that dead reaper orbiting a star. The normandy is the only non reaper ship that can use relays in ME3.
Thats why they went for each races homeplanet. No help could get through
It's expensive and slow to do it that way. Shareholders are not patient people. You'd see corporate heads roll if someone like EA tried it with a very real possibility of them getting their asses sued off by their shareholders.
>yfw this game gets over 90 in metacritic like ME3
We know your watching Pewdiepie.
Please just add SOMEBODY to the video.
Just to trigger some people. Gil, the gay romance, talks to you about being adoptive dads from a surrogate mom(iirc it's his sister), except his sperm wasn't used, it was someone else's.
Of course this is without proper context, for all we know he could simply be teasing Scott
Is anybody else pissed by new helmets design? These open-faced fag shit is simply disgusting. Old helmets were fucking based.
Galaxy looked like it was heading in the direction of absolute shit. People were sent to colonize another galaxy. Turns out the colonists aren't so great at cooperating, and shit hits the fan. And on top of that, the new galaxy has some native hazards that turn a complicated situation even more complicated.
Because of a tragic character death and a clear-cut case of nepotism, (You) are now the Pathfinder. It's your job to do everything.
Shareholders are also autistic manchildren who scream and bitch worse than Sup Forums.
I don't care, normies being fooled into wasting money is also enjoyable to witness
not with the reviewers even shitting on it, and YUGE e-celebs giving it shit like Pewd.
Tell me about Jane, why does she wear the mask?
let's stop beating around the bush - this is picrelated with stupid budget
No Mass Relays in 3 could still be used, how do you think all those refugees made it to the citadel? It would take years to travel between clusters at conventional FTL, and also the controls for the relays were on the Citadel, which the Reapers didn't control until the end.
Nah, they have "real" "power". They sic their lawyers on you.
IFF. It's not a decoder. It's an identification system.
i saw you can research the starting N7 armor from mass effect 2 and build it
I refuse to watch his videos. What specifically was he complaining about?
>Original Trilogy
Galactic civilization was not yet advanced enough to master FTE travel, they have to use the mass relays instead to traverse the galaxy.
So how do they get around the Andromeda galaxy? Wouldn't they be essentially confined to one system unless they wanted to travel 50+ years to another system?
Is this explained?
Basically Sup Forums. Animation, shit like that.
They're stupid...designers being retarded and doing something that they think looks cool instead of makes sense. There's no reason for that much area above your eyes to be transparent and that much below your eyes to not be. You're entirely fucking your peripheral view to the bottom of your line of you can get more glare? Keep the top of your head tanned?
Being Pathfinder means you're integrated with a supercomputer which makes you an expert in every field, able to learn alien languages in minutes and gives you up to date readings of the local atmosphere, flora and fauna.
Stop being a faggot. The game has flaws but Pathfinders aren't one of them.
That's the point. They've frozen themselves in cryopods and flew to Andromeda, knowing they won't come back.
It's Bioware's way of not dealing with clusterfuck that's ME3's endings or porting any decisions whatsoever.
Also, krogans that flew with you? They still have the genophage. Good luck dealing with that same shit for three more games!
>So how do they get around the Andromeda galaxy?
By going at full speed in the general direction of the Andromeda galaxy for more than 600 years.
shitty animations
how all the woman presets are either potatoes or gorillas
how the game used to be about exploring galaxies
Will there be any discussion about the reaper invasion in this game or will they just pretend that the invasion never actually happened?
Fucking kek
Anyone else annoyed by having to sit through that stupid transition animation between planets and how retarded the new scanning thing is?
He was taking the shit animation webms from Sup Forums and was pointing out how shit the animations were. Every single clip he used has been or is in an Andromeda thread
Feels like a Mass Effect game to me. I don't know why everyone has their panties in a bunch. Don't listen to all the haters.
The 10 hour trial actually eased my mind quite a bit. Combat was smooth and the voice acting is fantastic. All of the "glaring issues" with this game are some of the exact same issues that plagued all the previous Mass Effect games. Every game has had wonky animations and awkward expressions. I can't wait for Monday night so I can continue on.
Question was how to do they jump star systems once in andromeda without mass relays. Those were how you could actually move around the milky way galaxy in mass effect. Space is big
So aliens can see your face? You're a diplomatic and explority force. Not military. You don't want to show up on some aliens doorstop with a scary mask you can't take off.
>Also, krogans that flew with you? They still have the genophage. Good luck dealing with that same shit for three more games!
Undercutting one of the legitimately most awesome moments in gaming.
>Someone else might have gotten it wrong.
They don't know it happened.
>Combat was smooth and the voice acting is fantastic.
Combat was meh, and the VA was fucking attrocious
The colony ships launched between ME2 and ME3, so during the time period where everyone still thought the Reapers were a myth and Sovereign was just a big Geth ship. There might be a few notes in the Codex about the battle at the Citadel, and Shepard's various warnings, but I doubt there'll be more than that.
Bioware has never been known for their animation. Andromeda is fine, just as the animation in the OT was fine. Just like people complaining about how cheesy some of the dialogue is. ... is it just me, because sometimes the OT got cheesy as hell. And it was great! It's part of the fun of Mass Effect in my opinion.
>japs animate western character faces better than Bioshit
You know, it's entirely possible to have two different helmets for such functions. Kinda like how the military has dress uniforms and military uniforms.
They're in another galaxy with the same species as the Milky Way (besides one), but there is zero communication between the these two different galaxies?
They don't know it happened. All they know is Soverign (who they think is a super Geth) attacked the Citadel and Collectors kidnapped some humans from backwater planets.
>voice acting is fantastic
>so during the time period where everyone still thought the Reapers were a myth and Sovereign was just a big Geth ship
Why would they even fund and do this project if the majority of the galaxy didn't believe it was happening
I miss Karpyshyn Effect.
Well, that's kind of how these things work: people encounter some isolated incidences of weird bugs or animations, copy-paste that one occurrence everywhere, and folks who weren't going to play the game anyway take it out of context and use it to reaffirm their decision that this game has been decided to fail.
The game is absolutely nowhere as bad as all of this shit on the internet makes out. I don't think the work the animations team has done is great, but it's absolutely playable. Once you see past those sorts of things, you can actually invest in characters and thier dialogue, which is FAR more important. We all have to suspend our disbelief in every game.
It's actually really making me upset thinking about the hard work done by the studio, for them to have people chastise the whole game.
>still don't fix your franchise's glaring issues
Preorder cancelled :^)
>They're in another galaxy with the same species as the Milky Way (besides one), but there is zero communication between the these two different galaxies?
Cosmic speed limit: it'll take 600 years for a message to go one way.
Assuming of course, the Illusive Man didn't let them have a QE communicator.
Please don't use pictures of my wife for your shitposts.
We will ever get a great single player rpg that's closer to Star Trek than Star Wars?
Mass Effect 1 was the closest to it
In 700 years, they never managed to create a transmission to speak to other solar systems?
>Combat was smooth and the voice acting is fantastic
Mordin talks about how Krogan birth rates are rising naturally in ME3. In Andromeda you find out that since the 600 year journey their
Daily fucking reminder that even Ghost Recon Wildlands has better animations from fucking Ubisoft
Because the Milky Way was so tired and bored, they'd seen everything there was to see. Or something.
Honestly, I understand the need to give the setting a soft reboot - it'd be very difficult for Bioware to avoid pissing off the fanbase by rendering two of the three ME3 endings non-canon if they wanted to stick with the existing universe. They've just gone about it in an utterly ham-fisted way, which I suppose fits with everything else in the game.
Yeah a lot of people are coming on here and over stating the case about facial animations and are really passionate about shitting on the game.
Every one is entitled to their opinion and here's mine. I played this and the trilogy and all dragon age games. The Facial animations are as bad or as good as all those games. I've been really enjoying Andromeda so far, can't wait to get further into the game.
This whole backlash was so predictable. I've been calling out the haters for months and now they gather like crows to nitpick their cherries on stuff.
What went wrong?
The colonists were asleep for the duration of their journey in the intergalactic vacuum.
Assuming that there was a major company funding this operation, wouldn't it be assumed that there is another ship behind them with the information that reapers invaded and shit is being destroyed?
Oh come on, this is a witch hunt.
I mean, ME3 had everyone go all exorcist on you when talked to them but they continued to fiddle around. Especially my beloved Traynor did that.
But if people said that was a good indicator of the quality of the whole game I would call them crazy.
People have a bone to pick with Bioware. I looked at some of the "lulz, Andromeda animation" videos with added sound effects and everything in YouTube. Atleast two of the channels I found also had uploaded video in the style of "how Sjw ruined Biowhere" and "why does Bioware pander to gays so much?". I think that is important to remember, some groups have hated Bioware for a long time.
I meant the Milky Way and Andromeda. In this period of time, I would think they would have been able to invent a way to communicate with each other, even over that vast of a distance.
Conventional FTL could get between star systems but they needed relays to travel between clusters without taking years. So they are in the Helios cluster and can get around between systems fine, but it still takes several days of travel to get around, and the helios cluster in the scale of the galaxy is very small.
Given most of the universe was destroyed by Reapers and the Mass Relays were wrecked by the crucible then I imagine even victorious the galaxy was set back hundreds, if not thousands, of years.
Also remember in Mass Effect technology has plateaued. Asari have had acess to protheon tech for millennia and have made no advancement on it.
Actually, just looked it up, make that 2.5 million years.
Depends on how long it takes to make a ship that can make that journey.
yeah, no.
>some groups
say it
say it and get b& you fucking ballless hack
I thought Sup Forums hated square jaws or "manjaws" as many so incorrectly call it
The crossed eyes ruins it for me.