Here is a WEBM demonstrating the Grimoire Weiss pod skin.
Also, discuss Automata.
Here is a WEBM demonstrating the Grimoire Weiss pod skin.
Also, discuss Automata.
Other urls found in this thread:
There's a red dot on my map next to the beat up Goliath in the main city area. It's right next to or on top of a broken bridge pointing upwards. But there seems to be no event there. What's the deal?
It runs bad
I completed the desert area but i think i'll wait on an hypothetical patch before continuing, framerate was mostly steady in the desert but not in the city parts.
I have other games to hold me over
>pc master race
Top kek, serves you right
your response hurt me so much i'm ordering a ps4 right now
Stand on a rock right in front of the Goliath moron
how is 2b porn anticipation going?
I'm still playing the post game but I can admit a lot of the environment textures were bad.
Like real bad. Some were just tiled 1x1 across buildings without any offset and it looked really lazy.
>you can buy trophies at the end of the game
whelp that just killed my motivation to platinum this
9S bullies multitier robits
>you had to wait a full month after PS4's release
>play the game with a stretched aspect ratio, despite the UI being fine, so this is clearly not an edit
>that consistently horrible slow framerate, nothing even close to that happens even in the standard PS4 model
God damn, good thing I don't play on PC as my main platform anymore. What a nightmare. You NEVER know which release will be completely botched and which will run just fine, not to mention the probability of being spoiled from getting the game a month after everyone else.
fucking hell
PS4 or PC?
I have a i5-4690 and GTX970
Share your memory messages.
found two players so far.
but it runs fine for me sonybrownie falseflagger
Stop playing with the disabled children 9S.
GUYS HOW THE FUCK DO I PET MY POD ON PC? DS4 Touchpad doesn't do anything on PC!
I died at a garbage dump.
Nice and universal.
Runs fine for me. It's a great game.
HAH! No. The game runs worse on a gtx1080 than it does on the OG PS4, not to mention any of dozens of random bugs you might get, like 4:3-only, black screens/crashes, a black bar all around the image, the pre-rendered cutscenes having really bad slow-downs for no reason (literally jumping from 5fps to 30fps all the time)
The worst that happens on the normal PS4 version is microstuttering while you run through an area while the next one loads in. This also happens on PC. But everything else is fine on PS4
The visuals are also mostly the same. Draw distance doesn't change for example, you'll still see the exact same pop-in, mesh transitions, shadow rendering distance, etc.
It's a very shit port. Just the it on console and avoid the headaque.
Alright, thanks. Will just get it for PS4.
It's not universal mind you.
I have a 970m and it's been on a constant 1080/60 for me, with some of the settings bumped down.
AMD cards are fucked apparently though.
Other things to note in PS4 pop ins, a short "loading map" screen when dropping into the hole underground, pod being unusable when on cooldown when a cutscene plays and a crash.
The 970m is weaker than a desktop 960. And there is an abyss of performance between a desktop 960 and 970. It's a very, very bad comparison.
A 970 should max the game out.
just downloaded,is it better played with a controller or kb+m?
Don't just take my word for it either. Look at any PC threads here where half the posters are complaining. The mixed reviews on Steam (all of which are due to the shit port) or videos on youtube. Dark Pixel Gaming just did a stream
In it you can see the horrible cutscenes with shit framerates, which makes ZERO sense since (AFAIK) they are pre-rendered. They also get bigger framerate drops on their beast PC in the first open-world area than any of the PS4 versions. You can actually notice the drop to 35-40fps, which persists for a long time. And they are running on a gtx1080.
Also look at OP's webm. Something is clearly wrong with the aspect ratio, everything is stretched, but the menu and UI isn't. So just add that up to the bucket of PC-exclusive bugs.
>It's not universal mind you.
Of course its not. But it's also impossible to predict.
I haven't experienced any of those in my 62hours of playtime. I know the game crashed for some people though, that's fair.
Game seems to run in windowed mode better than Fullscreen.
I want to do borderless but I don't want to be assed with downloading extra software and none of the commands work for it.
>that framerate and resolution
truly the face of the master race
The loading map happens when you drop into the sinkhole made by ENGEL.
Try jumping from where one of the two contemplating machines are
I'm this user In fullscreen mode the game will have the proper ratio on your screen, but if you try and screencap or record video it's wrong.
Shits wonky, but windowed works like it should.
>image related
>The loading map happens when you drop into the sinkhole made by ENGEL.
Yeah I know what you're refering to, but even a drop from the forest (or outside Pascal) down to the suicide graveyard ravine (which is like 3x as deep) never got me that mini-loading screen. Weird.
Maybe it's because I always hold my Pod while falling, so it's slow enough to load it in?
>has denuvo
>Runs like shit
What a fucking surprise, and I actually wanted to play this.
All denuvo makes me want to do is pirate.
>so it's slow enough to load it in?
Probably so, it happen when i tried to to 'push' that machine off and ended up falling without pod assist
Sure you don't just have a shit tier PC?
works on mine
So how do I change my pods skin?
>dude just use a supercomputer
It's completely ridiculous struggling to get 60 fps with a one year old graphics card. I don't buy console for a game, and I don't buy graphics cards that way either.
Sure, but there's a very easy solution to all of your problems, user.
A perfect realm where Denuvo, botched ports, and middleware like Steam/Origin/Uplay don't exist. You even get to play games early, in Nier Automata's case you could've played it about a month ago.
It would only cost you about 1/3rd of the price of your inevitable next GPU upgrade, and would last longer.
I'm afraid for my dick.
Anyone here knows where to find the memories of 11B? I'm looking the entire fucking factory and can't find them.
>no sales
>paid online
>literally the worst controller of all time (manlets need not respond)
How about you suck my dick?
>4:3 stretched to 16:9
Should I play on normal or hard guys?
Beat tutorial on easy then swap to hard
remember when you first fought the saw arm go to the VERY back of that stage and you'll find it next to a body and a sword in some ruble
you should kill yourself for asking dumb questions
Works good for me, solid 60 fps and i'm using AMD.
So there is no Pray in the PC version.
>no sales
Is this a meme? Or do you live under a rock? There are constant massive digital sales, jsut as good as Steam's (except for games that actually matter, not 80% indie trash)
Also, I need not mention second-hand retail physical games, now do I?
>paid online
For Nier Automata? For Persona5? What does it matter? Just... don't. Simple. It's not like you'd ever play multiplayer shooters on a console.
>literally the worst controller of all time (manlets need not respond)
Are you not aware that Dualshock4 is the biggest controller of the current generation? Not by much, but it is, buttons too (only recently dethroned by Switch's Pro Controller, which has bigger face buttons)
How is it in any way a manlet controller?
Why did I reply to a shitposter?
Is the game worth full price? Or should I wait for a sale?
Last full price game I bought was Dark Souls 3
sup dude
In what way? If you are a Taro fan, of course.
If you expect a 6-hour long Platinum action masterpiece, no.
If you're asking about total playtime:
-30 hours if you rush through the main quest and do absolutely nothing else
-45 to 50 hours for most side-quests
-Around 60 for all 26 endings
>no sales
There are sales you dumbfuck, not as good as steam's but they are there
>paid online
For dudebro shooters and souls bro games, otherwise unneeded
NieR doesn't need a PS+ , just a connection to PSN
>literally the worst controller of all time
You mean the most comfortable controller of all time?
console games just run like ass by default you can't even have the community fix it
there is no emulation and no backwards compability
nier was still released 2 weeks later in the west so unless you want to pay up to 100 bucks for the japanese psn store like a turbo retard you're still getting delayed releases
I have a ps4, don't pretend its some miracle of the universe, its actually kinda shit
So, is it good or no?
>console games just run like ass by default
Even the original PS4 is running Nier better than a top-tier PC. So this argument doesn't hold up at all.
>you can't even have the community fix it
and you HAVE to wait for the community to fix it. See? Ups and downs.
>nier was still released 2 weeks later in the west
Region free means that as long as any release had english subs (and dubs in this case) it already counts. Still, 2 weeks is quite a lot for a story-heavy game where a simple spoiler might instantly ruin it for you.
Did you... read the post? Depends on your playtime/price standards and expectations. I'll just say Yes and move on.
>Even the original PS4 is running Nier better than a top-tier PC. So this argument doesn't hold up at all.
Mine runs fine, but I'm not really pushing it or anything because I only have a 1080p monitor.
That said, holy fuck the mouse and keyboard controls in the top down shooter segments. It's SO BAD. The way any time you move it overrides the mouse just murders it. Everything else it controls just fine, but that and how the mouse snaps to only like 8 directions while the gamepad thumb can get perfectly fine 360 is just awful.
But it is. It's running the game consistently across the board, across all scenarios. a gtx1080 is struggling hard on places with grass and randomly on many other areas, even on cutscenes. Not t,o mention the average PC player does not own a card at good as a gtx1080 so the problems only get worse for them.
>not using the head valve
>most popular card on steam is 1070 which plays this at 1440p 60fps maxed
>People actually fell for the "PC is the lead platform" meme
nigger, just open ANY Nier PC thread. In this very one you already see people complaining or finding ways around stupid glitches (like not playing in full-screen mode)
I still have the 404'd release thread open and every third post is someone bitching about performance or a glitch, despite having good hardware
Any way to play with Japanese voices and English songs lyrics?
find the skin under key items and equip it
Does the PC version have a native DS4 support?
I'm asking this because i need to pet the pod.
Artificial difficulty:the game.
Game runs on fine on my 480 at 60/1080p
I take it it's just retards that don't know how computers work complaining?
Furiously refreshing SFMlab
I have absolutely no clue how the taunting works in this game
I have RX480 and i5-4590 and I constantly get white screen bug and my driver crash. The game also drops to 45fps in some sections for no reason what so ever.
I'm on latest driver.
>decided to return back to the boss room of that dickless guy
Mistakes were made.
>get to earth
>decide to explore before heading to the resistance camp
>end up running into the prologue area and finding my stuff
Felt so good doing that before I got the message telling me it was there.
Also just got through the desert area and I've probably came three times just to this fucking OST.
You can only do it as A2, hold square and it increases attack for both you an nearby enemies.
Is there any fixes for cutscenes playing at shit FPS? I don't even mean 30, it feels like fucking 20. Otherwise my FPS are solid 60.
Who else has fallen for Jackass?
Did you do a clean install with DDU?
Why doesn't Toobs make sound effects every time she jumps? Did they think it would be too exploitable?
why does your game look so bad
There's a jp voice option, right?
I will try that, thanks.
>2B9S vanilla
>6O cucking
>21O being a MILF
>Commander with a shota Scanner harem
>A2 Anemone and Jackass threesome
>Devola and Popola gangrape
My dick is diamonds for the possibilities
>die to double digger action because of terrible control scheme
>have to restart the entire game
Fully remappable controls.
This guy. lel
Just tried it on a 1070 GTX and while I do get 1080/60 the game only supports 1080i, not 1080p. Also tears like a son of a bitch.
This game is pretty boring 20 hours in, haven't finished route B yet but urgh, i hate the feeling of fighting mechs.
How many enemy types are there anyways? Feels like it's always the same 10 i see
No idea, It's been having really delayed texture and model detail popping. despite being on the highest and on my SSD
With that said both C and D endings are also canon but Pod 042 , being a bro, decide to reconcile both timelines into ending E
No, it doesn't you stupid shit.
Run it windowed and get bordeless gaming.
I shouldn't be spoonfeeding retards like you.
She would be adorable if she weren't a slut.
Virtuous Dignity - Brother Nier
Cruel Arrogance - Father Nier
Songs are mostly gibberish for artistic purpose (it was already the case in Nier 1). the only actual songs with lyrics is the end one and it has a jp, english and gibberish version.
>Implying sluts aren't adorable too when caught off guard.
How are you getting it to render at your actual resolution.
My game just keeps blowing up 900p to 1080p for some stupid reason.
Doesn't mean shit in the top down sections where you can't use your mouse and keyboard at the same time
works for the ending too