

Jontron is done

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Fuck you this is now a cute vidya girls thread.

Claim your waifu,

>make this article while Jontron is just gaining subs

Posting Kotaku screencaps should earn you the needle.

He was never funny/interesting to begin with. Who cares?

they are still trying to create reality I see

I thought Kotaku was supposed to be about videogames. JonTron is more of a RLM movie kind of guy.

How can faggots even laugh at this walking cringemobile?



e-celeb threads do not belong on Sup Forums. Goodbye, and enjoy you're ban shitlord.

He lost a week's worth of subscribers since the destiny debacle and has already gained them back lol.

It's funny how pointing out the hypocrisy of racism towards whites caused everyone to call him a Nazi White Supremacist

>two people dont watch his videos anymore
>around 5000 have subscribed ever since
why dont you try to destroy pedwiepie again?

Where do e-celebs threads belong?


Stop posting any time


You say that like he makes new content in the first place

>says some nigger bitch on kotaku


>linking Kotaku
>Jon is actually gaining subs

>makes 3 videos a year
>im not gonna watch him anymore >:(
oh no all of that money gone



Imagine, you go to university for four years, intent on being a writer. Not just a writer maybe, like a journalist. You want to go out there and write articles that will change the world, things people will discuss for ages.

But then reality sets in, and you realize you can't get that job, so you begin to settle. You take progressively worse jobs until you're on a blog about video games making up stories about how a Youtuber is somehow losing fans over drama.

It must really eat away at a person, make them empty inside.

>negro """journalist"""

Wasn't this site supposed to have collapsed like 6 months ago? What the fuck gives?

I'm a longtime fan of Jon and I like him just as much as I ever did.

>diversity hires
>doing anything

(((Longtime))) fans ....


figures every Sup Forums shitter would use.

>Watching E-celebs

8-12 years olds care about politics?

I wish I was paid to shitpost desu

They were bought out by Univision, the spanish network, to cover some of the immense debt owed to Hulk Hogan.

>go to Socialblade
>Looking up Jamtrons stats
>He's gaining subs and the dip from that one week was marginal

If you keep saying it, maybe it will become true one day Kotaku.

>"journalists" now resort to going to Youtube comment sections for stories

Man, how will he survive losing those 2 extremely triggered people?


because they're 7

You should honestly be outright fucking banned for this. Also

>lefty journalists attacking youtubers they dont want around again

>It's funny how pointing out the hypocrisy of racism towards whites caused everyone to call him a Nazi White Supremacist

He did more than that though. Everyone else seems to only remember that part.

>Posting Kotaku screencaps should earn you the cross.