Why are germans so degenerate?


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Haribo Green Frogs-aside, is he Germany's finest export?



They fell for this guy's memes.

>Haribo Green Frogs
My nigga.

They're trying their hardest to make people forget Nazi Germany was a thing so they turned thrmselves into the thing Nazi Germany was disgusted by

I'm on a Michael Schenker/UFO binge these days

what game is that

Check out John Norum's solo albums if you haven't already; guy plays like a cross between Schenker, '80s Gary Moore and John Sykes.


>german games
>not * simulator 2017

their finest export would be Aspirin, I would fucking die of agony if I couldn't take one after a night of excessive partying

but they made the greatest RPG of all time

Why don't you cherrypick some more OP? Why do you pick Germany's worst period in the arts and not German romanticism for example, that one influences game aesthetics to this day.

German porn is my favorite porn. Sperma Studios has ruined me for other porn.

I think I might be the only person in the world who doesn't particularly like Glenn Hughes' voice

wrong image

So did Finland and they are the heroes internet deserves.

Archimedean Dynasty... Schleichfahrt

Sea Quest was big in Germany

This guitar intro reminds of me of Sick Again by Led Zeppelin
I think that album was from 1976 or 1977

No. Nobody likes fog and pop-in. Fuck you.


All the memes about the Eternal Anglo are bullshit. We all know the Eternal Kraut is the true evil trying to destroy western civilization.

Spam filter for this cancerous normalfag word when? It's the easiest way to spot someone who just found the site via some shithole popular media website.

>not wanting people to know the difference between normal and degenerate

nice ass tho

Back to /brit/, fuckstain.

The difference is that if you're the sort of faggot who calls things "degenerate", then Sup Forums is one of the least appropriate places for you to be.
That mindset normalfaggotry in it's purest form. Complete fucking cancer.

>then Sup Forums is one of the least appropriate places for you to be
So you have to be a degenerate to browse Sup Forums?

the world ended in 1945

The real germans were raped out of existence at the end of WW2.

What you gave now is a a german&slav mix brainwashed with marxcist propaganda.


they need to remove the captcha on pol again

>Back to /brit/, fuckstain.
>t. kraut fapping to scat porn

gothic was made by poles you fuckin retard


>not Bärchen-pärchen

What am I looking at

what painting is OP's???

Being this wrong, Gothic 1 and 2 was made by Germans.

Because literally all German men were killed in WWII. The people living in Germany today are, at best, half German, raised by defeated mothers, and foreign fathers who fought and killed the true Germans.

Germany is the very definition of a cucked nation.


Worst thing is that even Hitler was the continuation of the jewish revolution against the goy, not the end of it.

All the good ones were killed in WW1 and WW2.


wait how tall is total biscuit

>that succ

Germany has been under a global brainwashing experiment. After a generation under Hitler's 3rd Reich. They have to try and reverse all the old racial hatred that was doctrine into their society. Unfortunately it is also social engineering, and that is evil in of itself. The same way Hitler's posse did.

if you kill your enemy, they win

Germany is one of the best countries in the world to live in. Sometimes it's unreal how deluded you people are.


Great, can't wait to pin you down and rape your butthole you complete mongrel faggot.

If you enjoy 27%+ incometax, paying 69,99 euros for a game and giving money to welfare somalians then it's a great country

ah yes the americans who are scared of taxes

Dein schwanz ist warscheinlich nichtmal lang genug um meinen sphincter zu durchdringen du Americuck

>this is what jew controlled krautcucks actually believe

t. 40% shitskin population americucks

better have mexicans here that at least know how to clean a toilet than a somalian who stay at home all day watching tv and on facebook. By the way mama merkel paycheck is 2000 euros to rape white women

Yeah, germanistan is really a great place to live for ahmed. Free women to rape and they don't even report to to the police cuz they'll get charged with racism lmao what a country.

The last of the respectable Germans died in WW2 or were relocated to the US after the war. The Germans you see today are offspring of Russian rape victims.

>Germany is one of the best countries in the world to live in
No doubt about that Ahmed!

>Tfw I can unironically pretend that I'm a refugee and go to germany to grope/rape a woman and I'll get away with it


>90 years old women gets fucked by a hot 19 years old stud with a big brown cock
What's the problem?

>it's a nigger 100% of the time


got 'em

whats german game?


I don't believe he's 19 years old either.

Mein neiggers

>German art
>A smug vampire on a cross gettin' the succ
someone's gonna have to explain this one to me

What's the German game?

I'm only ashamed about top right!
sorry world.

>Ask about the video game
>More than a full hour later
>No response
You guys could at least pretend to be a video game board.

>Sup Forums garbage
>slap a video game picture inside to pretend that this isn't Sup Forums garbage
>maybe 5 of the 70 post are trying to talk about the game
I fucking hate this board.
