Do you expect this game to survive until Christmas?

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They're saving Ike for a rainy day

How does quick reposte work
Isnt it just a counter attack

It's basically Hector's Armads.

>the only unit with b tomebreaker is frobin

I regret not getting two of them

Also why is robin so happy in that christmas outfit

>tfw skill inheritance is breaking the game every way possible

I'm actually surprised that the game survived this long. It was interesting but I got tired of it after a week or two.

Personally, I blame the casuals/normies.

I really liked it but I'm starting to get bored of it too

I've spent $12 on this game, so I feel obligated to keep playing, but the devs are taking the common complaints into account and adding more game modes in April, hopefully that will shake things up.

Skill inheritance was a mistake

>game with no PVP
>lite version of an srpg

You mean everyone playing it?

>"B-but the top ranked people wouldn't be casuals, would they?"


i dont even expect it to survive to summer 2bh

people are pissed about skill inheritance and its not like they can just take it back

survival mode sounds dope

>every single team is now red, blue, and green mage all with fury and vantage/desperation with a dancer
Wow the game is so much better now

Stop being a whale and maybe that won't happen

I'm not a whale
I just have the misfortune of rolling Hector and 5*ing an Effie which pairs me with whales with Nino+8s because of dumb BST pairing

Well they should've limited the range of inhertance much more imo, like only being able to trade skills within classes. At least for a start, not go all out right at the beginning

They're changing how arena pairing is going to work. They're getting rid of BST total pairing.

>tfw too lazy to max level my team
Best way to level grind? Or is it back to hell with the tower?

Small maps with two movement was a mistake. It makes ranged units retarded strong.

tower hell

Any B/C skill recommendations for Hector?
I was thinking Vantage might work

Vantage and Bonfire are the two OP Hector skills. He beats Swords with that combo in a 1 on 1.

Is there a good guide yet for skills worth inheriting?

Damn, I didn't even think of Bonfire
Thanks user


I'm still lost with how this works. I have a Gordin at 3*, but hasn't learned Vantage yet. What steps do I need to take to give it to Hector? He is at 5* if that matters. Do I need to upgrade Gordin to 5*? Really don't want to fuck up and lose out.

what inherits do I use on lyn?

Already answered in the thread, its literally 3 posts above yours.

Whats so special about desperation?

What special should I give Sharena? I all of these special skills take like three attacks to activate. When will we get a one turn activation like Imbue or something?

You can transfer skills that the unit has the potential to learn. For example, Effie learns Silver Lance at 4 star, and Silver Lance+ at 5 star. She also learns Wary Fighter 2 at 4 star, but can't learn 3 until 5 star. If you try to inherit those skills onto a Cordelia from a 4 star Effie, for instance, you wouldn't be able to teach Silver Lance+ or Wary Fighter 3.
Gordin learns Vantage 2 at 4 star, so you have to rank him up to give it to Hector. If you want Vantage 3, you either need a 4 star Lon'qu or you have to rank Gordin up to 5 star.
Keep in mind the unit with the skill you want doesn't have to have learned the skill already. In other words, you don't have to grind Gordin and use SP to learn the skills to transfer them.

Moonbow on really fast things and brave units, Luna on the more average ones. Bonfire/Iceberg if they have retarded defense stats.
Glimmer is worthless trash and 5 turn AoE skills never activate.


would ignis be better? I'm not sure if 50% on a 3 countdown or 80% on 4 would be better. Unless I fucked up the math, 80% / 4 is more "DPS", but having a lower cooldown may be more valuable.

With how common one shots are, the lower cooldown will be valuable. More likely to have it ready before the characters gets dropped, and the extra damage on Ignis probably isn't needed to kill anyway.

I see. Might be stuck ranking Gord to 5, but thank you, it's all clear now, was not sure about actually have to unlock with SP.

good points. Sounds correct. Ignis really would be overkill.

What are the odds of a crossover event?
What series would the pull heroes from?
What series would you want to see them crossover with, no matter how impossible or absurd?

Probably just Link. Everything else would probably break the aesthetic.

I hate armored units so fucking much, I hate Draug and Sheena like you woudn't believe, you need swap and silver sword just for the fucking basics, and I've been sacrificing way more than that to try to get them decent, and even then all they do is die over and over again wasting all my stamina potions just trying to get to 40 (they never do) ,rankup and start over just so they have enough sp (they never have enough), I'm never fucking getting 10th stratum quest done, this shit is going to turn me crazy first

Kid Icarus might work too if Nintendo still cares enough about it.

The "Tales of" series or Sakura Wars come to mind first

Best skills for 5* Sully? She has real good defense but I wouldn't say retarded defense or res. Moonbow and Iceberg look the best to me.

best inheritance for julia and ryoma?

I'd main my nigga Lloyd for sure

I'd whale for Gemini.

What the fuck hiro?

Oh, look, someone typed out my feeling about Sully and not-Sully.

Use legacy captcha

Please help, who should I promote to 5 stars? Antes recommendations for a team?

>Implying that Fatlus isn't itching for some SMT crossover.

post raven IVs

Fir for cute
Shareena for meta
I would hold onto your feathers.

Oh boy, more idol shit.
I expected nothing from SMTxFE and was still disappointed.

Describe how jealous you are

not jealous since it was probably easy, i'm just mad at myself

It wasn't. But it was fucking impossible without Hector and Effie. I was only able to do it because I had a huge stock of stamina potions they've been just giving away. It took a lot of retries.

>I expected nothing from SMTxFE and was still disappointed.
Implying that you ever played the game.

But well, I'm talking about SMT games, not #FE, and #FE is a spin off to boot.

No one can help you, game is to complex for broad advice

>ranged counters like Takumeme or Hector with Vantage

What the fuck this game is broke now.

What other broken combos are possible with the skill inheritance update?

Vantage Ryoma

Just oneshot them bro
Hector still gets cucked by red swords, triangle advantage, or vantage. Takumi falls to any mage.

Inherit killed it for non whales, they had something good going and ruined it prematurely.

>implying I'm not having the time of my life right now
As long as you didn't release all your skill fodder like a retard you can do so much to improve your bad units. Don't even need to roll Takumi and Hector because Close/Distant counter is a stupid meme for shitters.

If you weren't a retard that send everyone home for feather and rolled on every banner till now, you are going be fine.

>rolled on every banner till now
Why would you do this unless you're a whale?

To get bonus units?

It stops hoarders.

For sure the game rain down reds on you, but at least you going have skill fodder.

Every banner so far has included at least one free unit.


Why wouldn't you wait unless you see a unit you like in the banner? Like why the fuck would a GBA baby roll the most recent one, or an Awakeningbaby/Fatesfetus roll anything? Not to mention poor Tellius fanboys.

>roll on every banner
That's retarded. The vast majority of banners so far have been filled with garbage.

The most recent one is all GBA units though?

Well sure but those are usually trash. The only bonus unit I've got for the current one is FRobin and unless there happens to be a blue book cavalry unit she turns every match in a 3v4.

The most recent banner is literally a GBA banner though, and there's enough low rank Awakening/Fates units in the pool to justify pulling for them.
Tellius boys just get Snacki though so (lol

It's almost like the recent banners aren't from GBA games.

I need a armored unit so i've been rolling on this banner the second I get 20 orbs

>Get to HP threshold for Desperation to activate.
>Game checks if you can double attack.
>If you can, you attack like a Brave Weapon.

Real-time PVP needs to happen, i'm guessing it's hard to implement but it would make the game much better and people would stick with it for far longer. I'm a big fan of the game and i'm seriously getting bored of it

not like it matters anyway I never get the banner units, I got like two since launch

>skirting aggro radiuses for thirty minutes until someone gives up, the meta
yeah that'll save the game alright

>meta becomes Effies punting in buffed Savage Blow mages

Narcian and Ursula are fine, at least.

>tfw like the whole series and find every banner too tempting to resist for at least one character
I'm gonna have to really learn how to control myself when Path of Radiance finally gets its dues.

You need to set up time limits of course

Effie can learn Wary Fighter 3 at 4 star. It's Death Blow 3 she can't get until 5 star

>Every match ends in a draw.

when are they adding characters from the best game?

Real time Co-op survival. That avoids the problems listed elsewhere

>get two buffers with Smite
>get two Effies
>proceed to catapult your Effies in the enemy line of squishy mages

You'd be surprised how hard those stratum 10 quests are. No idea how I'm going to get flying units when I keep getting archers against me and the wrong colored enemies

I don't think I can... I keep having to sacrifice one or two.

i'm at 4.25% - focus 4.25% normal 5 star and its killing me

what the fuck

It's gonna survive, gacha game based on a popular property with a ton of support, there's no way it'll fail.

I quit after the first few days because I've burnt myself out on gacha games, but anyone who thinks it ain't going to last has no clue at all. It doesn't matter how shit it goes from here on, a few whales is all it takes, and a few whales is what they'll have.

What fliers do you have?

They already did, even if it's just a few. The 2nd best game however doesn't have any and desperately needs some.

the best game only has like 2 and its shitty, they need to add more.

Whoever has more units alive by the end wins, if both have the same number of units alive then the guy with more HP summed up wins
Not fun. The point of PVP is to feel good about yourself for being better than someone else in something, even if it's a simple phone game

The second best game has had one since the beginning, though it could always use more.

Ok, How do I make her good?

fuck, I just realized I killed my level 40 four star Camilla for skills, she was shit and had bad natures but I don't know how i'm going to beat the quest now

Slap buffs on her and throw some dollar notes to make her dance.