Did Aloy deserve the sales?

Did Aloy deserve the sales?

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those sales aren't good for an AAA game.
At all.
3 million was already pretty sad for bloodborne, and it had half the install base.

Is 2.6 million considered a lot or too little?

I have no idea at this point.

>3rd in a game series

PS4 owners have been starving for games and even though this year has been amazing so far for the PS4, most of it is weebshit and Horizon is pretty much the only new game that doesn't bother normalfags.

Less than 5% of PS4 owners bought the game, what do you think?

How much did it cost to make the game?

2 and a half million us a fucking lot for a new IP + it's an exclusive game.

Wtf bloodborne still sold almost the half than the entire souls saga combined and in only one platform

>This Meme

I feel like that's a little

Splatoon another new IP sold 5 million on a dead console

PS4 games actually have competition, especially against games that are even more normie-friendly than Horizon.

It's pretty much not possible to have attach rates like a Nintendo system.

Why do you guys want this game to fail? What purpose does that serve?

Don't you guys want more good video games to enjoy? Fucks sake I don't get it. I really don't.

Like flies to shit
Not surprised in the slightest desu

The game came out 3 weeks ago you fags. Those sales are good no matter how you spin it.

Douchebag = Sup Forums
Cat = Guerilla Games
Pot = Horizon
Stairs = Sony

>Sup Forums was wrong AGAIN
It's worse than a roll of the die at this point. It actually makes more sense to take the opposite opinion as Sup Forums.

I was one of them. There is some shit that really annoys me, but overall I very much enjoyed it.

The last reported sales numbers for BB are from September 2015. how can we know how much it actually sold? Especially since Souls games tend to sell steadily long after their release.

>Souls games tend to sell steadily long

Citation needed friend, and yes I love BB.

You liked it? I thought it was the second worst


It sold 4k in over half a year, not 15 days


COnsidering the incredible amount of ads and shilling it truly isn't that much

5000K my man

BB = DeS > DS > DS2 w/ DLCs > DS3

I'm probably going to discard your opinion since you either too pleb or too young to have owned a PS3, sorry friendo.

Horizon wasn't especially expensive game.

Demon's Souls sold poorly when it released, but ended up selling close to 2 million units after it got more exposure.

Dark Souls 1 sold 2 million units over it's life on PS3 alone and steam has 3 million DS1 owning accounts.

I almost never see a horizon zero dawn thread on Sup Forums
There isn't even a general for it
not even memeing what honestly happened

autistic mra contrarians

it is literally that simple, thats how pathetic they are

BB was fucking amazing, why did you not like it?

Oh i have no doubt they will make a tidy profit, but i also have no doubt they won't sell as much as they believed they would.

>games that are even more normie-friendly than Horizon.
Literally doesn't exist


That's different user. DeS had poor reception initially, it was through word of mouth and the power of the mighty western dollar that it turned into a success.

>wanting a general

What's wrong with you guy? Also Sup Forums doesn't like Horizon, it's pretty obvious.

It is trash. Beautifull, shiny trash

They really tried to polish a turd.

>go to Walmart
>act like I'm really tired and keep rubbing my face so no one at Walmart can see how ugly I am
>pick up my copy of Horizon: Zero Dawn™ for the Sony© Playstation 4 Pro®
>at the low low price of $60.00
>take it home, disappointedly complete the game in 2 hours
>shelf the game next to my hemorrhoid medicines
>get on Sup Forums and post about how amazing Horizon: Zero Dawn™ is

Bloodborne is part of the Souls franchise, which was already stupidly popular before Bloodborne was released. You'd expect that it would have higher sales than a completely new console exclusive IP. Come on man.

You just answered your question. Hotizon's success sets a precedent that threatans what Sup Forums values in the medium.

>what are sports games and shooty games

Those make up most of what normies play.
Hoirzon already is too nerdy for normies.

Meh, witcher 3 was able to have 4 million sales in 2 weeks.

I always thought this game looked like a 3rd person far cry

Prove me wrong

Can't because it's exactly it.

>complete the game in 2 hours

I know this is a shitpost, but that's just impossible.

>still trying to shill his video


Are you implying Horizon sales aren't going to crater within the next month? Get fucking real.

I never got the impression of Square-Enix style hubris. If anything they have always gone with the narrative that HZD was a gamble. There was no Molyneux style bullshit.

The Witcher 3 also released on 3 platforms as opposed to one.

wtf does that even mean you tard

Because it's good and explains why Sup Forums rightfully hates games like Horizon: Zero Dawn so much.

Are you trying to tell me that the japanese style is low resolution with no AA?

>feminist Witcher 3

>sells 1/6 the copies

Truly this is the power of feminism.

As per this article, HZD has a production budget of $47 million.
So they'd need to cover that as well as the PR budget.
How much of the $60 goes towards Guerrill Games?

Is Aloy literally /ourgirl/?

Have we finally got a new heroine to replace Samus?

>under 50% of the required sales to break even


Uncharted sold 3.6 mil in 2 weeks.

>Are you trying to tell me that the japanese style is low resolution with no AA?

Huh? Breath of the Wild runs at 4K. And real 4K, not the upscaled 1440p which Playstation passes off as '4K'.

Comparing HZD to The Witcher is like comparing Linkin Park to Opeth.

How can it be good when it has a guy wearing gloves, shades and has long hair? That's the type of dudes that normal people avoid eye contacts with.

Is a well-established franchise and was hyped up since the console was first released.

No amount of shitposting will make 2.6mil in 2 weeks a bad sales number, user.

the Wii-U had no games, people were either buying the exclusives or nothing at all

It probably wont even reach 7 mil by the end of the year.

You're delusional.

3 mil*

what the fuck is this

>normie shit vs pretentious hipster shit


>focusing on superficial elements rather than actual content
I want neo-Sup Forums to leave.

For a new ip yes those sales are good.

>DeS had poor reception initially

Pretty ironic, because that's exactly how Sup Forums judges HZD

>no games
>somehow ended up with more than ps4

I personally felt DSII was complete shit and extremely boring.

My biggest thing at first was the lack of shield, but eventually the enemies got boring to me. I don't know, I should play it again.

>playing Souls games with a shield

>October 2009

You know what you are? You are a millennial who reads a wikipedia article and thinks he knows all about the topic.

Demon's Souls was shit at every trade show it went to. It's the people that imported the game that started the good word of mouth that forged the beginning of the hypetrain, long before October.

he's actually lying.

he's a fucking pcbro

>Horizon: Zero Sales


PS4 has more than double the amount of games the Wii U has

DS I loved running around with the biggest shield in game. I was too shit to dual wield- I'll try to do that soon.

movies don't count

You have a single fact to back that up?

For those who actually played Horizon, what did you hate most?

Mine was that no matter the injury, everybody injured that you talk to dies immediately after you speak to them and they have the worst death animations.

Well, it's not a good game.

Exploration not paying off. There are several places that should have hidden hunts, quests or ruins but just don't. And I'm not talking the two obvious dlc blockades.

The only reward for exploring the far corners are cool screenshots.

Don't be jealous

well we shitposted DmC so much Their creative director went bald.

Who is paying you to shit on games, shill?

Why is she so ugly?

Bloodborne did 2 million in a year and some change.

Horizon did 2.7 in half a month. It is the single most successful exclusive new ip launch.

2.63 million * 60(excluding those who bought the digital deluxe)

Is around 150 million.

Assuming guerilla takes at worst 50% of that, they still already cover their cost, with millions to spare.
The game being an exclusive means there aren't as many middle men so they probable make a lot more off of each purchase

What's wrong with that webm? It looks pretty epic to me

yes its. it wont even reach 6 mil. in a year, which is a FLOP.

Game looks great to me, this is just a funny random glitch, most games have them

Why is Sup Forums so salty over this game?

>2 million on a 60 million player base

>post yfw this western sjw shit will outsell bloodborne

It already did user at this point probably given all the copies that are in transit.

That Herman guy, the producer whatever, is probably going to strut his dumbass onto stage at E3 and announce the DLC while bragging that Horizon has sold close to 5M by June (Or july, whenever the fuck E3 is)

Does aloy have a bikini armor?

No, tummy armor only.

See you again when it breaks 8mil before the holiday season

why are so many of these sjw games being shilled on Sup Forums all of a sudden? is this our equivalent of Sup Forums's BLACKED threads?

They should have had more ruins to delve more into the Old One's society/archives.

Because PC niggers are mad about Sony exclusives that they can't play
