I'm late on the whole Jontron drama. Why is it such a big issue? Why are there news outlets saying his youtube career is over?
I'm late on the whole Jontron drama. Why is it such a big issue...
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He definitely sounds like the average guy that got "redpilled" by shit like Breitbart. I don't see what the big deal is, but whatever.
People will forget about this within weeks unless he keeps bringing it up to attention whore.
because he kept saying that the problems with imigrants were that they would dilude the white race and make the country a shit show from a cultural standpoint.
- He's fat
- He isn't funny
- He's a substitute for having real friends
- He's courting weak-minded pol-tards because he's a desperate faggot
His youtube career isn't over but everyone over the age of 18 who isn't a retard will think he's a dumb asshole now
It won't affect him though because his audience is full of 12 year olds and everyone over 18 shouldn't be watching him anyway
he made some dumb Sup Forums-shit comments and wasn't smart enough to keep his mouth shut about them.
i doubt his youtube career is over, people have short memories and at the end of the day as long as he shuts the fuck up about it people will keep watching his content
He's a idiot and bigoted and thinks white people are native to the americans, Racism is over and White Supremacy is OK.
he also explains why that is in a livestream debate and comes across as a babbling idiot
>People will forget about this within weeks unless he keeps bringing it up to attention whore.
Except he dug himself in already with shit flinging politics. This is nu jontron and will continue to make every future video about politics.
Maybe he's trying to go for that edgy faggot audience. I wouldn't be surprised if Sup Forums was calling him based and riding his dick by now.
But none of this is actually wrong.
Take every reply all the anons gave you, except , but think the exact opposite.
That's what happened.
So Sup Forums?
So basically an average Sup Forums poster.
Yeah, then at that point, that's on him.
Don't be surprised. They already are. Look at the top comments on any JonTron video.
how can a youtube career be over? all he gotta do is make a video and post it
He said some right wing shit and people are getting on to him about it
because he has a political opinion that goes against the globalist brainwashed majority and therefor they are attempting to crucify him because they're too stupid to actually take in what he says with reason.
Maybe in Sup Forumsand
ding ding ding
>Jon said stupid shit
>Hard Leftist-owned media doesn't like any of it
>Attempt to pad out themselves this time by infiltrating Jon's fanbase and mass creating "i dun like this" shitposting threads
>Operation: Pewdiepie #2 is a go
Its just a lot of clickbait, the next target is probably going to be idubbbz or some other biggish-name person who hates what the media is trying to do to possibly influential people they cant ever hope to control.
gamers don't care about your moralizing. Jon's career will likely be made stronger by this
You're going to have to give some reasons.
His Are You Afraid of the Dark? videos are pretty great though
when he said it's a problem that "they're" dipping in white gene pools, there was a problem
that won't be let up for a bit
here, these videos are about your mental speed
Jontron is the kinda guy who sees random unsourced race statistics on pol and immediately believes they 100% true. Normally lacking this much critical thinking wouldn't be too much of a problem but because he has no filter he's been telling everyone he can about it so it's probably going to bite him in the ass
The funny thing about the click bait is, all it made me do was check out his stuff.
Sup Forums is actually rooting for Deadmau5 now. His Tweets are pissing off SJWs.
>If you still think discrimination exists, you're living in fantasy land
He din su nothin! He a good boy! Now gimme money.
He became racist, got shit for it. Hes probably in trouble now with his sponsors, hasn't tweeted anything in days.
The drama is that he takes 10 years to upload a single video.
>(Mudslime) immigrants
>make the country a shit show from a cultural standpoint.
Germany here, that's absolutely correct.
Unless lots of rape and other crap is part of your culture already, then it won't matter anymore.
i want to fuck jontron
Modern Sweden and Germany.
if you're going to be edgy just to be a dick you gotta try harder
He's already committed suicide, and now we're just waiting until someone finds the body.
He hasn't tweeted in over a week.
Psychicpebbles has already confirmed that he can't get in contact in him.
Egoraptor has been acting strangely cheerful lately.
All of his sponsors just dropped him.
Nobody knows where he is.
He's fucking you guys.
Dude if you are gonna make a point maybe do better than a a z list actor making twitter quips.
>lapping up to deadmau5
>Sup Forums
Shit taste all around.
In this day and age, if you aren't Politically Correct, you're a Trump Supporting, Bigoted, Racist, Sexist, Misogynistic, Neo-Nazi Alt-Right Rapist who murders children and fucks their corpses for a living.
>white people are not considered native at this point
shiet well I guess that means the majority of europe is actually french
we'd crucify you too if we got the chance, cuckservatives
half of our women have been forcefully blacked, you know
1. America
2. Stockholm
3. London
4. Paris
>rooting for deadmau5
dudes a hypocritical asshole
Jontron thinks that immigrants shouldn't be the majority in America. He also said that Japan was how societies should be because they don't let other races in. But he also implied that African Americans were naturally violent.
He tried too hard to be like Sup Forums and Sargon.
Not gonna lie, former jontron fan here. This is fucking hilarious watching Jon crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this man create any more racists.
He made himself look like a retard in public. He tried to court the underage Sup Forums-esque viewership by going on a livestream and complaining about the dilution of the white race and all kinds of weird shit.
News outlets are then saying his youtube career is over for the same reason news outlets say anything: views. Jontron said stupid shit for upboats so then a bunch of clickbait sites wrote stupid shit about the stupid shit he said for upboats.
Reminder that Alex Jones will be the one to save us all.
They would cheer anyone as long as they feel pandered to.
He went full Sup Forums all over youtube.
>wanting to protect your own country is edgy now
If their country and people was so great, why leave their "glorious" country for ours?
but immigrants already are the majority in america.
>white race technically an include Latinas and people from the middle east
Well, they ARE more likely to commit crime whatever the wealth bracket may be
we care about truth and facts. you only care to spin a narrative which is false and feeds your ego.
your day will come. despite what you people think, Justice does exist in this world and the truth always reigns.
>literal Sup Forums tier racism
>political opinion
>Breitbart redpilling anyone ever
Breitshart are literal Zionist shills
Listen to dugin if you want sense
> failed celeb trying to be relevant again.
Its scary that people take that nigga seriously. He is so fucking crazy, he is almost a caricature of a conspiracy theorist except people actually believe him.
Here's the kind of stuff that he said in that live debate stream (source is a redditard who has now deleted his post, but fortunately google cached it)
pretty much, he fucked up when he said "muh gene pool". Which is funny coming from a half Iranian and half hungarian mutt.
>He also said that Japan was how societies should be because they don't let other races in
Suffering from a low birth rate and high suicide rates?
t. Not Understanding How Political Parties in America Have Shifted Course
Strom Thurmond died a republican
Did his sponsors actually drop him?
>we live in a world where a vidya e-celeb's political opinions are significantly controversial and new-worthy events
living in the future is strange
>it's not a political opinion because I say it's racist :^)
you need to play less video games and pick up a book kiddo
>Attempt to pad out themselves this time by infiltrating Jon's fanbase and mass creating "i dun like this" shitposting threads
"Somebody has a different opinion? Must be a shill!"
Well at least we know that if YT doesn't work out he can always fall back in construction as a professional hole digger.
>jontron is white
What exactly did he say?
And the reason it's like that is that is because Sup Forums and friends decided to call anyone that is vaguely not Right-Wing a SJW and now normal people have to ally with FUCKING SJWs to not be genocided by actual real-life nazis
>Jontron's career is over because he's a closet racist
And I never watched a Mel Gibson film again, refused to laugh at Ricky Gervais, and can't even looking at Anthony Hopkins.
Being a shitty person in real life has no impact on the enjoyment you get from someone's work, calm your tits.
>safe and wealthy
>posting this, considering the latest wave of mod bans
Mods are gonna ban you, OP. Run while you can.
Run... that way!
This post really doesn't do the video justice though; you gotta watch it. He sounded like he was hopped up on amphetamines and kept swallowing his words and jumping from idea to idea like a legit crazy person.
the worst part is there are arguments against immigration he could have made that didn't involve the word white and focus more of fear of Islam
Bonnell probably would have just had a discussion with him on that but nope Jon went the full
>race mixing is bad
>come on, blacks? you know, look at what's going on with the country
he fucked himself pretty hard
he's entertainment, I've never seen a person who takes him seriously.
>half of our women have been forcefully blacked, you know
Oh right, I forgot about the niggers.
Yeah those are a problem too. Some rape the womyn, some others sell drugs and some others are doing even worse crimes.
But as I said, maybe you other people are used to lots of rape and lots of terrorism already (in your own country of course, I mean 'murica is causing lots of chaos in other countries, which you leftists don't seem to have a problem with). Idk.
Someone pastebin this shit
>That is not true that they (irish/italians) were not considered white people.
>Jontron thinks that immigrants shouldn't be the majority in America
I have yet to see what Jontron said proven wrong.
>He also said that Japan was how societies should be because they don't let other races in
And they are a first wordl society which is why this site even exists.
>But he also implied that African Americans were naturally violent.
Statistics shows that they are.
You just can't handle the truth when it's right in your face. Wake up, there are obelisks on Mars and Google has control of the weather.
Literally leftist propaganda, they're banking on the stupidity of people to misinterpret bad statistics and think that Japan is some kind of dying nation full of racist Grandparents.
how fucking twisted and retarded are you? that's not what is happening at all. if anything the exact opposite is happening where YOUR kind is literally trying to ruin anyones lives that don't agree with you.
also, jontron and rightwing are not even promoting genocide you FUCKING RETARD.
old media is assassinating new media
>mutts can't recognize that racial purity is a good thing
If anything they are the ones who would realize this, most just fall into their inferiority complex and hate superior people, the few good ones like him recognize the mistake and look to prevent it the future.
he got ended
Destiny went ass to mouth on him with no mercy
>umm explain how saying blacks are genetically inferior and shouldn't mix with whites is racist??
ffs user if you want to be a white supremacist at least be honest about it
>le smugg bebbe :D
oh you're a plebbitor nevermind then
A lot of pol and the_donald takes him seriously.
>This is modern Sup Forums
Is this satire of a stupid person?
JonTron is shit at arguing and embarrassed himself.
dude shut up white people continuing to exist is literally white supremacy and genocide of all nonwhites, my teacher told me
And now destiny is going down. It's delicious.