Would it have been good?
The dragon looks fucking awesome.
I would have wanted it to be good, but Kamiya and Microsoft were not seeing eye to eye. If that was the case then there's no way there would be a decent product at the end.
No, the gameplay showed was generic and boring. Glad it's dead.
Sad it's ded but it's ded for a reason. I guess.
I find it odd how it was cancelled so far into development. It was fully functional already and just needed polishing.
It would be like cancelling a movie after fully filming it and having most of the editing done. Surely it would've been better to just bite the bullet and finish the fucking thing.
when i heard it was cancelled i was genuinely happy that it was dropped.
how people thought this game looked cool was needed to look beyond the Unity 3D dragon and realize it would have been boring.
Especially if it went digital only.
>Xbone exclusive
>open world
Microsoft did us a favor by canceling it
I agree, people bitch about how it looked good but they knew damn well they weren't going to buy the game and it was going to bomb. Microsoft did everyone a solid dropping the piece of shit.
People love to shit on it now, but chances are it wouldn't have been all that different to shit like Horizon and BotW, which is almost universally praised to the high-heavens.
That said, Kamiya needs to shot shoehorning shooter sections into his games. That giant crab thing boss fight looked terrible.
It would've been devil may cry with dragons and summoning co-op. That would have been a hell of a lot of fun. Now Microsoft is languishing with continually fewer exclusives and I'm using my xbone as a stand for my ps4. They fucked up cancelling it and fucked up not allowing Platinum to make the video game. Maybe Kamiya can make a sequel to Wonderful 101 now, but I'll never not be bummed this game got cancelled.
It would have been a new franchise and more competition for Sony and Nintendo which is almost always a good thing in the game industry
Breath of the Wild deserved praise, Horizon didn't and this pile of crap would have been in the 40s or 50s in Metacritic while bombing in sells.
And it had multiplayer, probably it was gonna be shit.
People seem to think so now that it's been canned
Sure as shit didn't hear or see anything positive about this game until that happened
Gameplay needed to be sped up and polished. Or reformulated.
It looked too close and too easy, while also being kind of boring and spam-y/generic.
It looked like a weak, "casual" monster hunter.
The setting and design and all that seemed pretty awesome; but it definitely needed tweaking. Considering how the game seemed to be atleast 75% or more finished in all departments besides gameplay; I'm sure that if Microsoft just gave them the extra couple bucks to finish it up, they would have been able to put out a very solid game.
But for some reason they chose the route of "we have sunk lots of money and time into this, just put it down the garbage disposal and forget about it". It's a very strange move. Or they're holding it hostage from P* and want to sell the IP/code to some other company and make them churn out the half baked corpse.
This, just another reason for Sony faggots to shit on Microsoft. No one talk about this piece of shit game.
it was never going to come about
Not really
The E3 demo looked very mediocre, but i don't think it would have been any worse than say Horizon or any other generic open world game
No doubt, considering Phantom Dust has gone through like...FOUR DEVELOPERS.
Microsoft have a tendency of doing weird shit like that.
Look at how they treated Darkside with the Phantom Dust reboot. They agreed on a flat $5 million budget for a multiplayer-only game that MS were going to attempt to turn into a minor e-sport (I guess they were gonna try and get some of Hearthstone's population on board due to the card aspect). They then started making more and more demands, including that they add a 30 hour single player campaign, all the while refusing to give them a pissy $2 million extension, despite it being obvious Darkside couldn't meet this revised version with the resources provided. They then went bankrupt, with Microsoft subsequently claiming that the reboot was "on hiatus" and that they were shopping around with other developers.
No, but i want to shit on Xbox brand so I would say yes.
If it was on PC maybe. It looked like it ran at fucking 10 FPS by the gameplay.
Gameplay looked like shitty button mashing
of course it would hqve been good, it would have been Xbox's epic magnum opus, What the fuck does Xbox have now?
Like I said earlier only Sony and Platinumfags gave a fuck about this piece of shit nobody else.
No. The gameplay that we did see was awful. The not-Dante/Nero protag was gay as fuck and the combat looked like boring button mashing shit. Everything we did see was bad so I don't even understand why people are upset about it being canceled. At least this way Kamiya's resume won't be tarnished.
Just DmC (the reboot) with online and a dragon mount. I dunno I guess it would have.
>It would've been devil may cry with dragons and summoning co-op.
Watch the gameplay. It was nothing like DMC, it was shallow button mashing at its finest. I'm a Kamiya dick rider but the gameplay was embarrassing to look at.
No, it looked like generic typical Japanese garbage that puts all of its effort into aesthetics and makes gameplay an afterthought. I don't get why everyone was acting like its cancellation was Xbox's big missed chance for an exclusive franchise. This game would have a primarily Japanese cult following at best.
The combat looked more shallow than DmC. If it was like DmC it would have been an improvement.
No the vertical slice they showed was garbage.
The gameplay was too slow, looked too dull and boring, the MC was way too annoying (but not insufferable) with his constant talking during the fights, and to my knowledge there was never any indication of what would have taken place in the game aside from
I like Kamiya, he's proven to be a competent guy that can get shit done with RE2, DMC, and Bayonetta, but I think he dodged a bullet with the cancellation. Still would've played it tho
God no, everything about it just looked awful. Was surprised people somehow acted like this was a big loss.
>Platinumfags gave a fuck about this piece of shit
even plat fags thought it looked like shit
Then I guess it was just Sonyfags shit posting. They truly are the worst fanbase and hate if Nintendo, Microsoft, or even PC is successful.
Was this the flying dragon game Microsoft showed at that one E3 that had no sound and everyone was just quiet because they didn't know how to react to it?
Man how embarrassing that must have been. Revealing your new game only for the sound to not even work.
it would have been something
the xbone depressingly needs something
Nah, that was Crimson Dragon.
Basically a crap attempt at not-Panzer Dragoon with Kinect shit shoehorned in.
this looked really stupid to me honestly - though if it had been a cute anime grill with some magic skills instead of muh macho murican it would have been fine
is there any reason to own an xbone?
Oh so what happened to Crimson Dragon?
Came out, was completely average and subsequently completely forgotten about.
Damn I didn't even see anything about it. I wonder how poorly it must have sold.
Just how many Space Harrier/Fantasy Zone shoot em up sections would have been crammed in it?
>The dragon looks like Master Chief
Sunset Overdrive
Forza and Gears of War
Some multiplats
Can't unsee
Get a damn Scorpio, Xbone is as useless as a Wii U. If your plans are to get a Wii U or Xbone and not invest in a Switch or Scorpio, then that's your own fault. There's literally no reason to get a Xbone now that the Scorpio is on the way.
What games does the scorpio have?
>it actually looks like fucking master chief
I'll be real, the gameplay showed did not look good.
But I was still interested to learn more about the combat and the world and it was obviously going to have some dragon flying since Kamiya likes to insert Starfox/Space Harrier shit into his games. I really wanted a cool dragon game by Platinum Games.
I wont get that now. People happy with its cancellation are bitter faggots with too much edge in their souls.
Don't worry, user.
You might still get them working on Drakengard
That thought makes me more excited than Nier. Because I know the flying is going to be fuckin tight.
Would've given the Xbox something. I honestly can't think of a single upcoming exclusive that would be the next big thing for Xbox.
Also can't believe they wasted money on getting Dead Rising 4 for a timed exclusive.
No. Hopefully he's directing and blocking something he cares about now.
I think it'd be a perfect match. Kamiya has a boner for Space Harrier and has wanted to make a game about dragons for a long time now. Considering the excellent reception Automata has been getting, I'd be shocked if Squeenix didn't allow another collaboration between Platinum and Taro. And a new Drakengard would be a no-brainer.
All the games the Xbone haves including BC, also Halo 5 will play at full 1080p 60fps while Xbox Play Anywhere and all first party titles coming out now and later will play at native 4K. It will also have the best version of third party games.
So far, Kamiya has had a literally perfect track record. If this game would have ruined that, I'm glad it didn't come out.
It probably would've been a good game.