
PLAYERUNKNOWN will make you his bitch. Why aren't you playing the best Battle Royale game ever made right now?

Beautiful graphics

Exclusive skins

Inclusive characters

Pre-order right now

Beta available for free this weekend. Go and play against your favorite Twitch streamers like Lirik or Summit.

I played it and it's really good.

entire genre is for faggots, kill yourself

literally gave me a virus

I don't see any reason to not keep playing the Arma version.

Can you get exclusive skins in Arma?

Yes, you can mod them in for free.

give me a beta key or I will write 300 scathing reviews using my army of sockpuppet accounts on reddit.

You can't mod a mod that runs on someone else's server.

OMG everyone guess wot? LOL subb 2 my twitch 4 a CHANCE TO WIN! SUPER KEKKEK AYY LMAO WADDUP BOI!!

nice reverse psychology

The game is great.
Youre all bunch of cucks

Holy fuck the amount of shills in this thread



The most viewed game on twitch right now!ยงยง

holy fuck all of the most viewed games on Twitch are garbage

its even better than h1z1