Daily Reminder, Mass Effect Andromeda Designer is racist

Daily Reminder, Mass Effect Andromeda Designer is racist.

yeah he's a faggot

But do we need a thread about him every week?
fuck off

If The Liberal Mediaâ„¢ is going to cuck stories with non-white actors playing white roles, those actors should only be credited as "Monkey Magoo"

sjwfags make thread 24/7 on every board about shit no one cares about, so yeah

A nigger being called 'nigger' is the closest they'll ever get to being called 'racist'. It upsets them so much.

>Known as Curry Thunder
Is that what he calls it when he visits the designated street

Niggers, I am not here to make you feel comfortable or okay with yourself or the cultural marxism you benefit from.


I got 99 problems but worrying that niggers think I'm racist against niggers ain't one HIT ME

imagine if it was a white person saying this shit

Montreal doesn't have shitting streets though

>m-m-m-m-muh reverse racism

Sup Forums is pathetic.

Some morons like you would retweet him and call him based.

I follow too many kikes, so if you get culled, tough shit. Blame the dominance of your species/race/gender.

Based /ourguy/ xd

I seriously wonder how many 13 year old girls post here.

but that's exactly what it is

take his exact statements and replace 'white people' with 'black people' and see how you feel

yeah seriously, it's fine with me if he's a racist
because I'll be racist right back at him - but more effectively.

*sigh* fucking sjws, man.......

I'd just think he was a piece of shit, and not throw a huge fit about it.

black people were enslaved by whites for thousands of years until George Lincolyn freed them and even they were still oppressed until the late 90s and had to sit at the front of the bus.
Don't pretend it's anything the same.

White people have been oppressed by jews since the big bang and still are, fuck you