" it is the best open world game ever, and probably just the best game ever, period."

>" it is the best open world game ever, and probably just the best game ever, period."
>has weapon durability

Literally pick one

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm liking it so far to be honest. Its not nearly as bothersome as you people make it out to be.

BOTW is shit. It's only getting praise because it's the first high profile open world Nintendo game. Mixed in with Zelda score inflation.

Fucking love throwing a spear at a guy's head and watching it shatter.

i dont mind it either, it's a good way to force the player to try out different weapons

but im hoping later on in the game im not forced to use farming tools as weapons..

Nice wrong opinion, fag.

It's only noticeable in the early game when all the enemies are low level, you have little inventory space and haven't yet discovered easy to get respawning weapons.

>" it is the best open world game ever, and probably just the best game ever, period."
>has life durability

It's not even the best open world game that came out that week

its not like almost every enemy you fight drops a weapon....


It's embarrassing how much Zelda ripped off Horizon and Skyrim. It's just easy to please Nintendo fans since they haven't had decent games in 15 years.

>complaining about durability when you constantly find tons more weapons than you can carry

i was having more problems trying to hold all the weapons I wanted then finding good weapons. This is just a meme thread

In Hyrule castle.
It's boring as fuck.
Wait for 10 minutes for the master sword to recharge between floors.

My biggest or should I say short problem is how fucking small of a manlet this hero of the world is.

use your other weapons? the master sword is invincible when you are supposed to use it.

He's an elf

>no weapon durability
>find starting weapon
>use it
>find strong weapon
>use it the rest of the game
What a great fucking system

>Wait for 10 minutes for the master sword to recharge between floors

Or you can just use the 10+ endgame weapons that Hyrule Castle literally hands to you, you disgusting casual.

>much shorter than the regular Zora, Goron, Rito or Gerudo
>shorter than even Paya
Dunno, it's kinda cute.

>there are people who like trying out a variety of new weapons
>there are people who prefer to just stick with the same weapon that they really like

>there are people who like new weapons but need to be FORCED by in game mechanics to do so because they are too autistic to choose to do it intentionally, even though this limits the ways you can play the game.
please die

Go into a town with other "elfs" user.
Dont get me on his CIA pose as well.

I'm legitimately convinced at this point that people complaining about weapon durability are just looking for inconsequential bullshit to complain about. It works with the game quite well and forces you to adapt to different playstyles without just steamrolling everything in the game with some overpowered weapon.

Also, Joseph Anderson is a faggot.

>forces you to adapt to different playstyles
Do you really fight all that differently based on the weapon you have? I'm at 80 hours played and basically it's the same shit regardless, dodge then wail on them. Maybe I'll occasionally throw a boomerang for shits and giggles.

Durability is fine, pausing to switch weapons is the big thing that shits me about the combat

This would literally be a 10/10 if the weapon durability wasn't such absolute horseshit. I'm fucking breaking weapons left and right.

All those Guardian Sword++ and Axe++, lost like tears in the rain.

I spend most of my time just hanging out like a chump so I can at least have the master sword. Seriously, there is so much fucking shit that outclasses it, why the fuck did they make it break? Same thing with the bow of light and hylian shield. Come the fuck on.

It bothers me I cant play the game with only my fav sword type/look.
It's a disgusting problem in a game with so many cool weapons.

Its cool because you get to try all the weapons and get familiar with their stats and moves, instead of using the same weapon for 10+ hours like in a lot of other rpgs

durability makes you care about your weapons more, it also makes you question if you want to fight. hoarding useless bullshit in open world games makes them boring and repetitive

>Do you really fight all that differently based on the weapon you have?


Two-handed weapons are powerful but slow and require the player to become familiar with dodging if they're accustomed to guarding with the shield. One-handed weapons are quicker and can be used with shields but break more easily.

And that's just two weapon types. When you start adding in elements and ranged weapons it becomes more nuanced.

If you don't understand the necessity of a durability mechanic, you are not enough of an educated ludophile.

I consistently have the problem that I need to go off and find more koroks because I can't pick up any more weapons
Durability isn't really a problem

There are no unique weapons in the game so that doesn't really matter. If you think you look cool with a specific weapon, just find the same weapon after you lose it.

Durability is a problem when it means you have to go back to a black smith every now and then to repair your weapons, that is not the case in this game, here weapons are expendable you're encouraged to throw them at enemies and set them on fire and shit live that.

It matches my set user.
I have come to a point where I wear it and then swap it out for fighting and then I feel bad.
So I come over to Sup Forums and see people defending this like it's a good thing when if it was gone from the game it wouldn't matter and be such a big problem for autistic asswipes like me.
Answer me this, would this "feature" be alright in other games?

i'm just gonna leave this here

Early game sure, but end game I really don't do anything different regardless of my weapon. Dodge/parry and Stasis+ occasionally then just wail away. The shit that gets really affected by elemental effects aren't threatening anyway.

It's not shit, but it isn't perfect either.

>implying you can't test out other weapons in other games because they don't break
>implying BOTW is an rpg
lmao, nigga

I don't think that's true. It ran out of energy during the blight Ganon boss rush.

Normally you don't because one weapon will have superior stats and also suit your playstyle so there's less incentive to experiment when you're not forced to switch weapons often
and yeah I consider it to be a rpg

It's a survival game taking place a hundred years after the world got fucked super hard, adding in weapon durability was probably one of the smartest things they could have done to establish that tone of the game. Wanna make sure your shitty nippon ichi eight fold weeb blade doesn't break on you? Stop sucking so much dick and getting into fights constantly, use your other weapons, or use the gigantic world around you to get the job done like dropping the fucking ten ton boulders on enemies. Complaining about the weapon durability is like complaining that Souls game bosses are too tough, get good faggot

I mean it might be the best open world game simply because those kind of games really aren't that good. definitely not the best game period though. It could have been really good if they had more dungeons(8-9) instead of shrines, better UI, more intuitive controls, no voice acting, and better writing for major story parts(random npcs were somehow better).

There's plenty of ntipicks you can make aswell that have been mentioned a thousand times, but those are the major things it needed.

There is absolutely no reason for Lynels to have so much HP considering how easy they are once you figure out how to fight them. Going through 3-4 weapons to kill one is retarded

This, also you get showered in weapons.
There wasn't one time where I didn't have enough weapons, except when I fought enemies way to strong without preparing.

the technology stuff is honestly the best aspect of the BOTW.

I don't really know much about horizon since I never played it, but from what I've seen Im assuming the combat is supposed to be the focus. Zelda on the otherhand is mostly about exploration and discovering new things.

You need to let go of your attachments, user. Everything comes and goes, don't save everything for "the boss"

Late game you'll pretty much always have royal weapons + Hylian Shield and Master Sword.
Even eithout royal shit you wont really ever need farming tools.

>tfw you didnt even use "everything for the boss"

Second one because the rhetorical period in the first statement makes it retarded.

>It's embarrassing how much Zelda ripped off Horizon and Skyrim

>It's embarrassing how much Zelda ripped off

>It's embarrassing

Seriously, faggot?

>being upset you can't cheese the game by using one OP weapon

>wow look how much Hitman rips off Lara Croft

this is what you guys are basically saying.

>implying being forced to do anything is good
>implying there aren't other ways to incentivize changing weapons that don't amount to making shit break all the time

Why do people keep saying that being forced to do shit is good? That might be your opinion, but my opinion is that it sucks balls. There are already plenty of reasons to switch weapons in the game aside from durability. If they had fleshed that out instead of implementing a shit durability system I would give this game a 8.5/10 instead of 7/10.

In late game you learn how to farm Lynels, Hinoxes, and Major Test of Strength shrines for powerful weapons. You'll have so many it's actually kind of annoying.

No it doesn't. It just creates "I need to save all my rare items for a rainy day that never comes" syndrome.

I liked the weapon durability early on, but as the game went on I really got tired of all my shit breaking after two or three enemies. If I were to put my modder's hat on this is how I'd deal with it just by fucking with numbers.

Let's look at the basic swords as an example

Rusty Broadsword
Attack Power: 6
Durability: 8

Traveler's Sword
Attack Power: 5
Durability: 20

Soldier's Broadsword
Attack Power: 14
Durability: 23

Knight's Broadsword
Attack Power: 26
Durability: 27

Royal Broadsword
Attack Power: 36
Durability: 36

Going from Rusty to Traveler's feels substantial but after that everything else is just minor almost imperceptible changes unless you're actually sitting there counting swings. I think the durability for each tier after traveler's should have been as big as an improvement to durability as they were to attack. So soldiers becomes 56, Knight's becomes 104, and Royal becomes 144 which is as durable as four (4) of them in vanilla. I think most of the metallic weapons in the game should follow that ideology excluding obvious stuff like the Royal Guard equipment which is supposed to be flimsy.

Except as you progress through the game your rare items will slowly get replaced by more powerful items and you'll start using those items to make room for new more powerful items.

In early game you might pick up a soldier's broadsword and hoard it for later, but in late game that piece of shit is worthless. Might as well just throw it.

Your inventory is always full of powerful weapons in late game because of the master sword. Doesn't matter if some break.

>weapon durability
pick one and only one

So what does weapon durability accomplish in the game, exactly?

Weapon Durability is fine

BotW's weapon Durability is a joke. Fucking legendary swords have the same durability as a stick and there's no repairing them, it's insane.

This. Also I hate how rods always feel like they're a waste of inventory space. I usually use the blizzard rod once or twice in group fights and I only whip out my meteor rod to light fires when I need to skip time.

>Complaining about weapon durability when it ceases to be a problem once you leave the tutorial area
Hey, user.
Git gud.

>game has weapon durability
>constantly dropping good weapons that aren't broken for other weapons
>have lots of extra inventory space
maybe I'm just doing it wrong but literally weapons don't break soon enough

you can get the champion weapons remade and most environment weapons respawn

Makes you change up your inventory and use item management and different weapons instead of just MUH SORD 24/7

Makes you change your gameplay style by punishing you for wailing like a retard and hitting rocks and shields and throwing your weapons repeatedly

But I like the weapon durability. I think the game does a really good job of keeping your arsenal both fully-stocked and constantly rotating.

Dead Rising had weapon durability and it was great.

>you to adapt to different playstyles
You play exactly the same
All it does is force you to spend your life in your inventory and managing what you loot

Reviews for BotW are so hyperbolic

It's a great game but it's not the second coming of Christ. It has plenty of faults and the perfect scores are really undeserved

I'd say it's damn close to perfect, normies are gonna give it 10/10.

it has a good open world

but lacks what makes a zelda game good

can we all agree on that? it's like GTA without a campaign.

Pretty much my feelings
Where the fuck is my lore, my characters, muh dungeons

If weapon durability was toned down and weapons appeared less often, what would they put in shrine chests?

Honestly the best thing about this game compared to others is how you travel.

Sand seals, horses, shield surfing, gliding, climbing, stasis launch

My biggest problem with the empty worlds is that I usually don't have different ways to go fast but Zelda gets it right for me

Probably why this is the only open world games I like

I'd be fine with weapons having infinite durability
if hyrule castle had 0 melee weapons, swords, or shields in it.
That's it. If items had infinite durability right now all everyone would do is start game, get glider, die 0 or 50 times in hyrule castle and have near end game gear within a few hours with none of the game done

don't fucking act like you wouldn't either. limited durability sucks for some things but I'm fine with it.

>exploration not front and center
OoT babies plz go

I meant bows, not swords. Obviously swords are melee weapons.

>complaining about item durability
>when you're constantly in fucking menus all the goddamn time, like jesus fuck, could cooking/eating be any more tedious

weapon/item durability is fine to me. it's the best option when you don't have any kind of level scaling like normal RPGs

it's wind waker without a story

>>Your inventory is always full of powerful weapons in late game because of the master sword. Doesn't matter if some break.
Until you use them and they break and then you have to go out of your way to get the ones you want again.

The fact of the matter is you shouldn't need to hoard weapons the whole game. If those late game weapons were more durable you wouldn't need to constantly have your inventory filled with a ton of weapons. You could just use the ones you want without having to constantly be picking up Lizalfos spears, Moblin Clubs, and other random shit between Master Sword charges to save those good but oh so fragile weapons you're saving for the right moment.

You forgot fast travel.

It's OK when BotW does Quest Markers, Fast Travel, Worthless Loot, Shit Storylines, Terrible Graphics and Shit Framerate, but not when Todd does it.

don't you have some futa mods to install?

There is no fucking way on earth you actually needed a weapon and didn't have one with this game's drop rates.

Atleast Zelda's artstyle isn't boring as fuck

BotW has fucking weapon durability? They added weapon durability to a fucking Zelda game?

That's a good thing.

For a game set on the open ocean, it takes for fucking ever to progress the story far enough so you can sail wherever you want.

>go out of your way to get the ones you want again
>>teleporting to Major Tests
>>out of your way

Out of the way of what exactly anyway? The entire game is busywork.

Not just any weapon durability, weapon durability where everyone weapon including the fucking Master Sword breaks in less than 30 hits.

People actually defend it too.

That's...fucking terrible.

Cel-Shaded is older than the hills, it absolutely is boring.

I don't even give a fuck about Todd or his shit series, just pointing something out. Artstyle can't save shit gameplay.

As with every 3D iteration, the concept art is infinitely superior to the ingame artstyle/graphics

You're a lying fucking nigger.

Well, he is reverse exaggerating.

No weapon lasts even close to 29 hits, so more like less than 15. Royal gear maybe 20? Maybe.

i'll pick "bad" so there's no shit tier mechanic like weapon durability

it looks like zelda has looked for years.

The user citing framerates and durability as the issues keeping this from being a masterpiece are probably just foot soldiers in the console war. Everyone knows the real problems with this game are the emptiness, the lack of engaging questlines, the lack of interior locations and the unfinished story.

It's not like Wind Waker at all. It's actually good.

Glad you've admitted I was right.