ITT: Games already forgotten


XV and Nioh have daily threads here.

FFXV is destined to be a timeless classic you dumb pleb.

The fucking new Blaster Master.

It just came out and people already forgot.

Last gaurdian is the only game that belongs here.

t. nintendo faggotron

yakuza has always been a niche game and 0 is secretly GOTY with daily threads here

NiOh really did not last long, for a game that had some amazing initial reviews.

there are bunch of switch botw threads man no9nneed to start shit

I only got Nioh. Once I finish it, I will get Gravity Rush and Yakuza 0. FFXV will have to wait until summer.

>FFXV will have to wait until summer.
Skip it, it's shit

Yes until PVP comes out
>Gravity Rush 2
Kinda the only thing people talk about is Kat and nothing else since the actual gameplay is kinda shitty
>Yakuza 0
>For Honor
>Last Guardian

I'm still seeing daily threads for it, and I'm not even looking for them.

It doesnt seem to be your case pcfag

What did he mean by this?

XV, thanks primarily to the valiant (read autistic) efforts of XV-kun has gained infamy and will be remembered for that alone for a while

I'm at the second major mission (underground cavern full of demons) and I'm having an extremely hard time enjoying Nioh. Everyone was describing it to me as "samurai souls" and it feels like it missed that mark entirely.

Does it get better?

A lot of those are on my "to buy when the price drops" list.

Not if you expect it to be that, no. People are comparing it too hard to Dark Souls when it's really more like a 50/30/20 split between Ninja Gaiden/Diablo/Dark Souls.

The Last Guardian sure, the rest though...

Gravity Rush 2's free DLC I'm particularly interested in.

I think the levle design and enemies are a bit dry.

But the combat is solid.

If XV ever comes to pc I am going to play the shit out of it. I may rebuy a ps4 just to play it then sell it.

I really liked the level design myself. The enemy variety did run out super quick tho. Ended up charging to bosses just to see something new.

Should I keep Horizon and wait for the DLC or trade it in for Nioh?

Don't listen to the faggot. It's good.

I'm buying a ps pro because I haven't bought a ps4 yet, and I have the money to spare.

What are arguably the best games to flesh out my library that are exclusives? I own a PC for most multiplats besides ones with big online console communities like SFV or literally any shooters.

Oakland, you are the only person that has mentioned it. Congrats. The development team is on suicide watch.

Listen to this user. It's a $20 game that was sold for $47.99.

It's completely up to you. If you are undecided on a purchase, it's best to not buy it.

>mfw I still have buyer's remorse over The Last Guardian
>mfw I bought the CE version of it

Nioh is forgotten for a reason.

>fight the same 5 enemies throughout the entire game
>enemies are all laid out the same way in every single level (weak enemies, Yokai, weak enemies, Yokai, over and over)
>oh look, an archer is on the roof again
>linear levels
>awful sidequests that take 5 minutes to complete
>awful twilight missions that are just "hey lmao let's throw a bunch of Yokai at them at once so it'll be le difficult"
>combat is shit, they attempt to add depth but it falls flat because stances are totally useless
>armor effects are also a failed attempt at adding depth which again, falls flat.
>Diablo like looting system gives you 99% trash 1% decent upgrades
>that 1% makes crafting useless
>pathetic difficulty scaling, game turns into a button mashing shitfest after the first 1/4 of the game
>no build diversity
>magic is overpowered as hell
>2kat + buffs + debuffs makes the entire game a cakewalk
>last level is literally "hey lmao let's throw a bunch of Yokai at them at once, and then we'll make them fight 4 bosses that are encountered previously in the game"
>Ki pulse makes you have infinite stamina
>revenants give higher level armor incredibly easily
>literally just sword pulse until stamina is drained, then punish
>no PvP
>if they add PvP it'll have to be with set builds or it will be a race to draining the other enemy's stamina
>literally sword pulse, punish, over and over
>elixirs get dumped off onto you all the fucking time making the game incredibly easy
>no reason to play after the first playthrough because by the time you're done with the first playthrough, you've already spent 40 hours doing the same shit over and over again
>speaking of that, it's about 20 hours too long. the first 10 hours are decent, at 15 you get sick of doing the same shit, at 20 it's unbearably boring. enjoy the next 20 hours of the same shit over and over

FFXV got plenty of attention, calm down

>playing multiplats on pc
>playing stogey ports of console games of a machine that uses ten times as much electricity to make the game look only twice as good

>a shit game and a bunch of games not on PC
hmmm i wonder who could be behind this post

Please direct me to your most weeb oriented sony games, I'd like a wall full of it.

My favorite are Gravity Rush 2, Yakuza 0, Bloodborne, Ratchet & Clank and Steins;Gate 0.

Check gameplay out before trusting Sup Forums to see if our suggestions seem like something you'd like.

I've had my PC since 2013, after having built a new one to replace the one I had since 2006. I work in TV, but god forbid I ever have to work on a Mac like I used to have to at the workstations they provided us with. They don't even work well with our own media servers.

I am not undecided, only trying to cover all my bases. I buy sony consoles mainly for fighting games and jap exclusives

I enjoyed Gravity Rush on my Vita, 2 should be a lot of fun. Gave Bloodborne a shot, but at this point I'm pretty burnt out on the souls formula. Might give Nioh a try though, had tested that out on a friend's place. I get Otogi/Onimusha vibes from it.

Someone who owned a fat PS3 and is currently playing Horizon on his PS4 that he bought for Bloodborne?

Yakuza, GR2 and Nioh still get threads. FFXV does, but only to shit on it. FH and TLG are dead.

>I buy sony consoles mainly for fighting games and jap exclusives
You should be pretty happy then. The fighting game scene is actually dying due to over-saturation. Yet Tekken 7 and more fighters are on the way.

>Game getting free dlc in 4 days

Hope you like Kat threads.

>Duck Dynasty
What the fuck

>using PS4 box art of multiplats to pad the picture

The Last Guardian is a masterpiece in my book
If you didn't like it niggas learn to game


>FFXV has daily threads
Most of the time it's just one creepy autistic faggot arguing with himself for three years now which doesn't count but kinda funny now that I think about it

>the actual gameplay is kinda shitty

PS4 is actually pretty shit in power efficiency, courtesy of AMD.

You do realise exists, right?

No they aren't antikun.

no longer being shitposted into oblivion by autists on Sup Forums =/= forgotten