Can someone redpill me on why there was so much autistic rage over Mass Effect 3? I'm playing through this series for the first time and the story dips into laughably bad territory in the first game alone. Don't get me wrong, the game is fun but it's just silly. Like childish silly. I can't imagine people being so invested in this series they would rage over it. Am I missing something here?
Can someone redpill me on why there was so much autistic rage over Mass Effect 3...
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If you're over 25 you probably won't enjoy the ME trillogy as much as we did when it was first launching.
the trilogy is somewhat old
mass effect came out when most of us were in high shool or even younger
back then the idea going out in space and fighting monsters and seemingly making choices that mattered seemed cool at the time
with the bullshit that was ME3s ending, all the hope we had for the years of waiting felt like a slap in the face
if i were to start playing now with no knowledge of the series
i would see all the flaws that you have seen and think that its not as great as everyone else thought it was
for the most part anywas
Where are you in the first game?
Video game impact is always hard to explain after the fact because you can't duplicate what the world of video games was like at that time. No one who ever plays Goldeneye or GTA III in 2017 could possibly understand how they shifted expectations at the time.
Mass Effect was like that. The idea of a major studio coming out with a character based game with good voice acting and cinematic, meaningful decisions in which your followers could die based on your choices, romantic subplots and so forth was quite new and refreshing in 2007.
The first game also made space feel like space. This is something most games fail at, and even later ME games failed at it. Almost every single setpiece in ME2 could have taken place on earth and the game wouldn't have felt substantially different. Landing on barren rock and exploring around with a foreign sun on the horizon was amazing. I can't possibly stress how at this point, games were literally only five years beyond isometric RPGs where going into a "city" meant a static tour of two screens filled with sprites.
That being said, if you haven't done Noveria or Virmire yet, you may appreciate the game more when you do.
you there OP?
anything to say for yourself
Appreciate the honesty anons.
I just finished Noveria. I appreciate the game it's just the story is full of cliches and is painfully obviously geared towards children at times. It doesn't feel like bioware took the story as seriously as fans did.
>the story is full of cliches and is painfully obviously geared towards children at times
Can you provide more detail?
>the game is fun but it's just silly. Like childish silly
Isn't that just all video games in general?
I could start nitpicking but the most effective way to put it is the writing feels more akin to Justice League than a serious drama.
True but I guess I was expecting more considering people used to say it would make a great movie and then the amount of rage over the story. I've played games like Indigo Prophecy which would at least make an interesting B-movie but the writing in Mass Effect doesn't even attempt to elevate the medium. The atmosphere is really well done and helps you escape but there's literally nothing exceptional about the story. It's not even the best childish video game story I've encountered I'd say. I can't imagine a story this silly generating that much negative or positive feedback. The game doesn't even seem centered on the story as much as it does the various play throughs.
The game was pushing boundaries and was praised for that, it was still limited by being on the 360 of course.
>the story dips into laughably bad territory in the first game
It could not go into Naughty Dog 2011 territory in 2007, it would have bombed if it did.
Video games had to evolve as a medium. Of course, people get angry, when their favorite franchise evolves backwards. Mass Effect got worse with each sequel.
>It could not go into Naughty Dog 2011
I wouldn't know. All I know is like I said previously, bioware makes 0 attempts to elevate the medium through writing. I think people get "lore" confused with "story" because this story features characters dying like a cheap horror film, buddy cop trash, terrible 1 liners, and just a bunch of generic plot points to keep stuff moving. Again, don't get me wrong, I love the game for what it is and I recognize it's 10 years later but I can easily point towards movies or even other games around the time it was released as examples of better writing. Like I said, it seems like they never took it as seriously as the fans did.
>Am I missing something here?
Shit nigga, if you missed the threat of galaxy wide cybernetic body horror genocide you must be so dense weapons manufacturers could use you as a SABOT round.
A lot of it wasn't about the game itself, although things like Chobot got many tits in a tangle.
It was more about Bioware and EA having underhanded and cynical practises
>they're calling us out
>quick, hide behind the gays
>the supportive messages from bots, Olivia from Bolivia, Billy from Iraq
People still trust them and I don't know why
It was my first real taste, outside of Star Wars, of classic sci-fi. That and the soundtrack.
There was a lot of hype back in the first game about how the save transfers would drastically alter (have a "mass effect" on) later games. People were expecting branching storylines and stuff.
Of course by ME3, everyone found out it was just a bunch of reskins to the scenarios and a that infamous "choose your color" ending.
>feels more akin to Justice League than a serious drama.
That is not an effective way to convey any message. Now start nitpicking andtake as long as you can, you made a ME thread, you clearly dont have anything better to do.
That's only partly true, there's plenty of pretty important dialogue options you straight can't access in the later games without having accumulated sufficient renegade or paragon points in your imported saves.
>series choices meant nothing
>RGB endings
>ultra linear corridor shooter
>hilariously bad writing, even compared to the shit writing in the first two
There was also that IGN tribute girl and Shepard becoming gay.
it has two really good plot twists, good music, and a great setting.
That's why I enjoyed it at least.
The story was a little cheesy even back in ME1 but I feel that was on purpose. It had the tone of original Star Trek with Shepard and his rag-tag crew jetting across space to track down a rogue space cop and his army of enslaved robots. It was always pretty lighthearted. The few moments where it went serious or tried to tug at the heart-strings are what caught on with fans though so I think they started taking it more seriously in ME2.
What most people fell in love with was the universe itself. It's a fantastic fictional setting and the first game served as a grand promise of what was to come. 2 arguably delivered on expanding that universe (at the cost of 2 feeling like a collection of side-stories) and we all know what happened with 3.
It had the potential to be a new soft sci-fi universe on the tier of Star Trek/Star Wars but changes within Bioware and the acquisition by EA derailed its potential.
If you're just now playing it for the first time and already know all of that, it definitely harms the experience.