
>+2 strength
>-1 endurance

>+1 charisma
>+1 luck
>-1 intelligence

>female (male)
>+2 charisma
>-1 luck

Other urls found in this thread:ît_Lecomte

>>female (male)
>>+2 charisma
>>-1 luck
>-200 str

-1con +1 str

how the hell is a female (male) going to be that much weaker than a female (female) let alone at all?

Female (male) shouldn't be a option.

this, it should be mandatory.

Because they activly try to be skelly tier.

Pussies are weaker than women.

What the fuck I was told Sup Forums had shit taste.


>no adjustments

>-2 str
>+2 cha

Where does male endurance penalty meme come from? Is it that pain threshold thing which is bullshit ?

>no adjustments

>-2 str
>-2 int
>+2 cha
>+2 dex



Where do you think it comes from Sup Forumsirgin?

tfw I'm making an RPG right now and I'm going to use exactly this.

should be
+2 STR
+1 END
+5 LCK
-2 INT

+4 INT
+2 CHR
-5 LCK

Go away

Men are objectively more logical and intelligent than women.

That's objectively correct though

Um, explain fucking nuclear bombs then?

>(Male) Female?

Um, it was, like, really hard to make them and stuff? Like, a lot of smart guys had to make it, um.

I now identify as hardcore

Go away

A marvel in scientific design and an engineering miracle?

(Male) Female? is literally the same thing.
If you meant Male (female) then no one cares.

>a -4 STR thread

Where is it?.

>a white knight cuck post

what does luck even do in rpgs?

Nuclear bombs were a necessary evil.
If you read up on the history you'd know how fucking diabolical the japanese were back then.
And the blood of all the victims lies on the Emperor's hands for refusing surrender not just before the first bomb, but after the second too.

Sometimes dodge too.

In New Vegas, it pushes gambling chances more to your side.

usually better chance to find magic items and/or better chance to crit/dodge attacks



Female (Male)

>starting an argument about whether the atomic bombings were justified
>on Sup Forums
Oh man, prepare to get drowned in weebs and retards who haven't picked up a history book in their lives.
Two bombs wasn't enough, bomber Truman do it again.

>it hard make, male smart make hard make male smart

Not the way it works, sweetie. Logic and Intelligence would dictate something that /fucking/ destructive was unnecessary and the end goal could be reached by less violent means. But no, Male Intelligence really just sums up to "How can I increase the physical force behind my big-dick battleaxe".

Large scale war takes lots of planning and logistics, but it doesn't make waging war smart OR logical.

are you serious m80??

>men +dex

Aren't women more dexterous for small handiwork due to historically them doing a lot of things like basketweaving and shit?

Cutting your dick off doesn't make you a woman

If you ever needed to prove a men vs woman point, just watch Naked & Afraid or any one of its spin-offs on the Discovery channel.

Very humorous to see 90% of the female contestants on the shows to be absolutely fucking useless and bitchy.

male should get -luck instead of -end.

Unbalanced as fuck, men need a stat hindrance and women need a +2 somewhere

>it hard make, male smart make hard make male smart
>Not the way it works, sweetie.

No you're wrong, that actually is how it works.

You're right, should done +agi instead

Um, honestly it sounds like you're just jealous of those strong independent scientists, honey.

LOL Um, get over it!

Thats not the type we are talking here.

Feminism: The Post

Turns out, women are inferior in nearly every measure.

how is it not? the mma is a man going female and the wrester is a female going man

the mma one isn't female (male)?

Loving all these not-arguments.

Keep it up!

Are you trying to imply that the development of nuclear weapons wasn't literally the greatest invention of the 20th century? It quite literally ranks among inventions like the printing press in the pantheons of things that developed the entirety of human civilization my an order of magnitude. Almost every single electronic device you use today, including the computer (or given the quality of your post the phone) which you post your drivel to this site on, is only around thanks to the knowledge gained during and as a result of the development of the nuclear bomb.

Kill yourself. And to note to the fuckwit OP, men have more endurance (both in terms of physical stamina as well as ability to endure pain) than women and the only evidence to the contrary (the slant of the progression of women's worlds records of long distance olympic events compared to mens) is disingenuous as women have about 50 years of records from which to gauge, starting approximately in the 60s, whereas men started in the 19th century, meaning they slowly implemented the century+ of knowledge and innovation in the fields over time while women were able to benefit from the same advances, which progressed immensly in the 60s onward, immediately, skewing the data. Using the same time frame you will notice that the trends match. Further, no world record set by women has yet to eclipse the same record as set by a man

Like i told you is not the type we are talking here.

men +2 strength
women +2 charisma
women (male) +2 wisdom

LOL, dry your tears, lil buttercup.

Listen they're trying to balance the game it's not fucking real
No want to be smart or strong, pick one you don't get both

You seem to be implying men only create weapons, they also created cars, airplanes, fridges, etc. The list is endless.


people who think they werent justified should be used as fodder for nuclear tests

>the japanese were so into eugenics that they would perform experiments on their own soldiers returned in a prisoner trade because you must be biologically inferior and thus not true japanese if you surrendered
>the japanese were so cruel they performed unnecessary surgical experiments on civilians such as surgically reattaching a man's arms to the wrong side of his body, removing the stomach of a prisoner and attaching their esophagus to the intestine and live vivisection on children all without anesthetic
>the japanese were so proud of their violent barbarism that captains had a competition to see how many chinese they could kill just with their swords and the mainstream japanese news reported on it like it was a sport
>the japanese were so apathetic to human life that the emperor didn't even surrender after witnessing his people be absolutely destroyed by the first atomic bomb
>the japanese were so brainwashed the civilians didn't even believe their emperor had actually surrendered even after 2 nuclear bombings
>actually pretending a non-violent solution could have been reached

>Hey, we built a gun that shoots hard enough to destroy every living thing on the planet!
>A tiny island nation was posing a minor threat to us! Besides, look at everything we've learned from making it!
>But it can still literally destroy the entire planet?
>Yeah, that's a hiccup for sure, but it taught us how to make some neato clocks!

Now you're trying too hard, man.

>japan is so small, we could never pose a threat
>germany is so small, we could never pose a thread
>proceeds to plunge the world into war and perform some of the most terrible crimes in modern history on a large scale
I know this is deviled avocado but I never avoid an opportunity to shit on late imperial japan.

>>the japanese were so apathetic to human life that the emperor didn't even surrender after witnessing his people be absolutely destroyed by the first atomic bomb
The second bomb was dropped just two days or so after the first, that's hardly time to come to a decision to surrender, they were still in shock as to what had happened.

>>But it can still literally destroy the entire planet?
We can blow up some small moon, nothing even close to the size of the Earth, go shove your exagurations up your arse


holy shit is there a new type i didn't know about?

So WOULDN'T you do that

>get nuked
>instead of surrendering immediately daydream a few days
then he was incompetent

> I never avoid an opportunity to shit on late imperial japan
Your picture shows it, worst thing that could happen to them is shitty moe waifuism.

that's fucking wrong.
before the first bomb they were contacted, they were told about it's devastating power and refused to surrender because they thought it was a sign of the USA being weak.
Then after the bomb they were contacted again and refused to surrender even under threat of another bomb.

If you honestly can't decide what to do within 2 days after seeing that kind of carnage you are a monster.

fair enough

Faggot liberal art majors such as yourself piss me off when you try to talk about actual academic subjects like history. No, your African Cultures degree doesn't mean you are qualified to provide a meaningful opinion on the history of warfare. Warfare is intelligent to wage in many respects. It is a legitimtizing feat, used to make legitimate a political view (abolition of slavery as an example or more broadly anything which makes the people of a particular body politic recognize something as legitimate within themselves [internal legitimacy]) or even to make legitimate a nation state (many 19th century revolutions, such as the Italian and Greek revolutions, made legitimate to the eyes of the world [also known as external legitimacy] the nation states such movements created). It is also good for delegitimizing something, such as a dictator's rise to power and expansion of geographical influence (much like the resistance to the Nazis in WWII).

Another thing war is good for is for increased knowledge. Be it something like the atomic bomb, where war prompts innovation in a field at an alarmingly fast rate and is later applied to many different aspects of everyday life, or if it is the spread of knowledge from one culture to another that happens after conquest (see Alexander the Great's spread of Hellenism).

And, if you are edgy, you can also view war as a Malthusian solution to the problem of overpopulation. Or if you are a money signs kind of dude, war has been shown to be a great means of quickly boosting an economy (see Nazi Germany or even the United States during and after WWII, continuing today, being engulfed in a military industrial complex).

Further, the basic principles behind increasing "the physical force behind [men's] big-dick battleaxe" is steeped entirely in physics, ranging from mastery of fundamental physics (increased leverage leading to more force in swinging weapons such as big-dick battleaxes) to quantum manipulation

>implying women are more agile than men

Watch an NBA game and then watch a WNBA game. Both these sets of people represent the athletic pinnacle for their respective genders in their respective height classes. The change of pace and direction displayed by men is orders of magnitude greater than that displayed by women.

lmao they were fucked before the first nuke, if they were so retarded that it took them more than two days to make a decision they deserved the second nuke

*walks into thread*
Hey the topic of RPG stats in relation to gend-
*leaves thread, welds door shut*

A cuter one and much more frail.

t.delusional weebcuck

stop denying it!


>Hey, we were able to split an atom, the basic building block of reality, and were able to release incredible, in fact, at this point unheard of, amounts of energy from a single infinitesimally small point of matter!
>Well, the immediate application is to end a bloody war with a totalitarian regime which has made numerous declarations that they would equip their civilians with katanas and force them to die honorably in the name of their emperor rather than surrender. It is estimated that using this bomb, despite its unfortunate destructive power, will actually save a net 1,000,000+ lives on both sides combined. This will allow us to help the nation topple the now archaic and barbaric state and implement a new, democratic state. Looking forward, the manipulation of atomic matter has a wide range of applications that will likely lead to uncountable innovation and will propel society forward into a new age!
>But it can still literally destroy the entire planet?
>No. Even the most destructive bomb we could conceivably create, which would never even be used in a military application given how inefficient and impractical it would be to deliver it to the intended site, couldn't destroy a country alone, let alone the planet. Additionally, the military minds were smart enough to figure out that detonating these weapons at a certain altitude actually creates minimal radioactive fallout as the majority of such fallout is propelled outside the atmosphere. Further, given the increasingly democratic nature of all major geopolitical actors after the allied victory of WWII, and the principal of pax democratica there is no threat of war. Finally, even if such a war were ever to break out, the logic behind mutually assured destruction means nukes will never be used! And think of the utility gained from the countless medical advances, quality of life advances, and other developments that will stem from our work with the nuclear bomb!

>you now realize the Japanese suffered more causalities from the fire bombings that occurred before the nuclear bombs were even finished than from both nuclear bombs combined

If they didn't surrender immediately after the first nuke was dropped, they weren't going to surrender a week after it was dropped.

>get told hey if you don't surrender we're killing you all so you don't have to
>entire city wiped off the map
>America again tells them to surrender already
>instead of realizing we're serious they wait for it happen again

and a lot of japan actually expected the madman to refuse surrender a third time.

Actually, I'm pretty sure the record for open water long distance swimming is held by a woman :)

>Further, no world record set by women has yet to eclipse the same record as set by a man
This user is too retarded to make sure his absurd claims aren't wrong before posting them. SAD!

If you think swimming 126km in open water doesn't take endurance, you are retarded.

>inb4 "lol no man would ever be that dumb to do that ya cuck"

I suppose it rendered him speechless.

>>female (male)
>>+2 charisma
Why? In real life they're awkward weirdo bug people who can't fit in anywhere and have a penchant for suicide.

inb4 "just like Sup Forums"

people like to think their doujins and the glamour shots are real life.

*sips tea*

the thread is about video games not real life you fucking idiot

In that case real life shouldn't factor into any of this and female characters should have +2 strength because muh dick.

Yes. OP is referring to traps, not trannies.

There are more male geniuses, but there are also more male retards. The average IQ for men and women are the same, it's just that there is more variance among men.ît_Lecomte
>first man to swim across the Atlantic Ocean without a kick board in 1998
>During his 3,716 mile journey in 73 days, he was accompanied by a 40 ft. sailboat that had an electromagnetic field for 25 feet to ward off sharks. He was followed by a great white shark for 5 days
>The feat took him 73 days, with 8 hours spent swimming each day in sessions of about two to four hours in length
>The longest distance ever swum without flippers in open sea is 225 km (139.8 miles) by Veljko Rogošić (Croatia) across the Adriatic Sea from Grado to Riccione (both Italy) from 29-31 August 2006. The attempt took him 50 hours 10 mins

And some other endurance feats
>Running 473 km in 48 hours
>Running 100 miles in 11 hours

>Running 368km in 48 hours
>Running 100 miles in 14 hours


>comparing feats that are assisted versus feats that are unassisted


>comparing swimming 3,716 miles to swimming much less than 10% that


Another interesting fact about athletic performance

>Joyner's record of 10.49 seconds in the 100 meter dash, set in 1988 and still unbroken, was surpassed by the American Charlie Paddock, with a time of 10.4 seconds, on April 23, 1921

Basic biology dictates that men are better at physical activity than women, both regarding endurance and strength. Men used to hunt by running prey to death. Yes, they would chase prey continuously until the prey would topple over from exhaustion.

It has literally nothing to do with how equal the two are in modern society where physical prowess means nothing. It is just basic fact

I'd like to see you try even swimming 10km in open water before you'd like to talk shit about how easy it is.

user, statistically speaking women have a higher average intelligence than men. It's just that the bell curve for men allows for more outliers in the upper and lower percentiles.