So why didn't Western game reviewers flip their shit over 2B? Are we done with the moral panic over video game girls?

So why didn't Western game reviewers flip their shit over 2B? Are we done with the moral panic over video game girls?

They're too dumb to even know how to do that.


how can something so soft and curvy be so jaggy?

Shush, ho.

Android women when?

Oh God I can't wait for the SFM

Taro cheekily told them to fuck off.

Thicc mods when.

It's a niche game most people don't even care about.

Stop trying to trying to push your victim agenda all the time.

Because nobody bought Nier

I mean it's a robot right? what can they really complain about

In all honesty, probably because rather than trying to come up with convoluted bullshit to explain it, the reason was literally just "I like girls." Not really anything to pick apart there.

Also it's a game a weird Japanese dude.

its actually interesting that only titty monsters cause outrage

i think we're ok with ass for some reason?

they did also the guy who made the game told them to fuck off

They actually played it, got the ending, and got something a lot better than thick robots

Is that butt jiggle that I'm seeing or just very blurry shadows from that fuzzy thing on her wrist?

>%90 of people bought this game for her ass


Kill yourself.
She is thick enough.

Is this a real outfit or modded.

so how do i do that?

Because she's an android, duh

Japs refused to give in to the moral pressure and shaming hitpieces so the critics gave up.
Unlike western devs who try to appease them and thus embolden them.

That's honestly what kojima should have done. Instead of coming up with some contrived BS about quiets skin.

That's weird. I've had sex more times than i can count but i still want this game, for the gameplay and the ass? Fancy that.

It's an SJW game

calm down bro, an 89 isnt that bad




There was and is no moral panic

SJWs don't believe in morality nor ethics nor logic

They just want to control things because they are sad and broken people

Ignore everything they tell you to do and you will be happy

>1 trillion people bought this game for her ass


Was it with a human?

Because 2B dies and the humans are extinct


Because the fanservice in Nier is only accessible if the player goes out of their way to get it

It also helps that toobie is a pretty well written character

are you fucking stupid

but she's an android not a girl
literally can not be sexist about an android

You're like 3 weeks late bro

This overly blatant pandering to greasy virgin otakus is so fucking pathetic. I really like clever fanservice and cute girls if done sublte, but this shit is just fucking embarassing.

>Senran Kagura
>Nier Automata
>Zelda in BotW

It feels like it has just been a great decade to be an assman.

Tits are cool, but ass is where it's at.

Thiccfags and Thiccthreads are a small price to pay. We've gone from Lightning/Hank Hill asses to this in just a decade.

They tried to yoko shut them down and they realized there was no way to fight him


am i the only one getting crazy levels of pop-in?

but the ass

You gotta admit, it's a hell of a butt

I agree, assfriend. ass > tits

Both are cool though

I noticed that too. It was weird. I'm so used to feminist outrage that suddenly it was quiet for one day and it was striking.

It's almost like people enjoy sex and seeing attractive things, a real brain buster I know.

Her butt isn't really a focus in game. You kinda have to go out of your way to really ogle it, so it isn't really much of a male gaze issue. Taro also just owned his horniness, which believe it or not goes a long way with the SJW commentariat.

play more games

Trump made America great again already.


I like being pandered to.


The Trump won the moral police is over

also 5

no you haven't

They were probably too busy dying to everything.

I guess. Man what a weird time to be alive.

You have to self destruct for it to get that revealing though

Now that's a snake eater if I ever saw one.

>no brap posters in this thread
Have we finally rid ourselves of those faggots?

Sorry I'm white, I can't empathize with your predilection.

Weebs will tell them to fuck themselves, the devs will tell the fuck themselves and the fedora crowd will happily jump at the opportunity to discuss android rights and our glorius future with sex bots right in their forums. Can of worms. Would have been hilarious to observe though.

Yes, because Bayonetta, Quiet, and the girls from DOA are all real girls.

you dropped this

If they weren't over it 20 years ago why would it suddenly stop?

No, because you keep bringing them up.


They're too busy on Sup Forums


Is it me, or is her self destruct sound bite really arousing

>I mean it's a robot right?
Gynoids are not robots.

You can self destruct in game which drops you down to like 1 hp kills nearby enemies and blows up her skirt. You can then heal up and run around skirtless it's a pretty 10/10 feature based taro


Buying a game because of ass is dumb, thinking with your dick is a great way to waste money.

I bought the game for the ass and the fact that I enjoyed the demo

There isn't enough butt there to care about.

>tfw mass effect no long has that ass

I will never see a booty that fine in real life.

>2 elins


I dunno about SK user, the asses are flat as fuck in game

4 elins, and 2 more pictures from TERA

I hope this trend of not giving a shit about things not related to gameplay continues desu

It's their money that they earned, if they want to "waste" it on ass, then that's their choice, and only their to make.

Someone shop a FAT ass to this

christ are they ever fucking happy?

>keep crying, bitch nigga

Sometimes your dick knows what it's doing.
Haydee was another surprisingly good game.

I am buying this game for sexual reasons

How is she even still relevant in 2017

So was DOAX3, and literally every western outlet reviewed it to shit on it


She's coasting on attention from academia and activist circles

People keep posting her tweets because it still makes Sup Forumstards flip the fuck out.


I was always getting the game but webms of 2Bs ass made prioritise it over my other wanted games.

It's now quite possibly my favourite game ever, so thanks dick, I owe you one.

based Taro gives no fuck about sjws

All the busybodies were complaining about BOTW being sexist because it's more popular and gets them more attention.

I bought 2B's game only to find out I actually had to play twink boy the most and A2's route was even shorter and had to be shared with even more twink boy. Felt rused.

Even Alex Navarro at Giantbomb who's the biggest offender of "ugh" whenever something japanese shows remotely sexy has said nothing. He's even enjoying the game and says Taro is one of his new favourite developers.

>people making webms with their garbage toasters

these fucks need to be hanged