Mass Effect 9.5/10 by IGN confirmed. You heard first here

This industry is corrupt and you can't do nothing about it.

Other urls found in this thread:


8.8 is more likely

>It gets better we promise!

Fuck off, its going to end on a cliff hanger with no resolution

It'll get a 91 metascore.

people still trust IGN?


It's the only gaming/news website that isn't blocked at my work

Apart from that I rely on Sup Forums

Remember when Inquisition got high scores despite being a 5/10 game?

Nice source, but in the dark recesses of my mind I know you're right and it'll get a glowing review. You fucker.

More people than you think, and it's because they're popular.

98% of normies never hard of Sup Forums . When you take the Sup Forums pill you never go back that's why we live in a separate reality from them.

Oh come on, I spent about 8 hours, maybe more, in SP during trial. I talked to everyone I can and did every quest I can but I'm fairly certain I barely scratched the surface in the first explorable planet. Anyways.. loving the game so far, I am already super attached to it.

The game and the story feels extremely personal but also extremely vast at the same time. I am living the story of Scott Ryder but I'm also living the story of an Initiative full of people from different species coming together to travel to another galaxy and what problems they face and how we survive.

The animations the complaint videos show you look bad. But those are some extreme moments. You can surely make videos like that out of any big game. Believe me, it's not all like that. Addison has got to be the least emotionless face in the game. Any other human I encounter actually get surprised or pissed. Sure that's still below standarts but it's really really not nearly as bad as what those videos might make people believe. Combat is PURE FUN: I keep using my jetpack over and over again when I don't need to, it just makes everything, combat and exploration and more, super fun.

Characters are amazing. But that shouldn't be a surprise, this is Bioware. And I mean it when I say I like/love everyone already. I don't think there is a boring character. They talk and laugh and argue a lot more often than previous Mass Effects. Sidequests are very meaningful from what I experienced so far. Definitely worth experiencing and definitely enhances your experience.

The cutscenes of the main story are AMAZING. They feel like a really really good movie. The first time the villain appears... I still get chills. This game is shaping out to have a great story with it's secrets, mysteries and plot points. I can go on but this post is becoming long. I'm just asking you all to please give the game a try before judging. Complaint videos are one sided and they can be deceiving.

Its funny how all philosophers just get boiled down to memes now. Which actually means the only philosopher that was truly correct was Kojima.

whats with all these copy and pasted tldr's recently?

>gameplay gets really fun as you get more powerful
>story improves as you go in
Does Origin have a refund policy? Why would shills try to get people to play past steam refund window?

Gambling Gamble Get Out

This is a copmy apast? e isn't it?

I cant tell for I am drank

al so I GN = pspaid for .. look k at t all andrdmodea visdsd on yubrtube

Oh come on, this is a witch hunt.

I mean, ME3 had everyone go all exorcist on you when talked to them but they continued to fiddle around. Especially my beloved Traynor did that.

But if people said that was a good indicator of the quality of the whole game I would call them crazy.

People have a bone to pick with Bioware. I looked at some of the "lulz, Andromeda animation" videos with added sound effects and everything in YouTube. Atleast two of the channels I found also had uploaded video in the style of "how Sjw ruined Biowhere" and "why does Bioware pander to gays so much?". I think that is important to remember, some groups have hated Bioware for a long time.

Read the comment section

Example #1
>Sahal Sidat2 hours ago
>Why is everyone bashing a game just because of its facial animations?

Example #2
>jam2019842 hours ago
>well i don't give a shit what everyone is saying, cause the MP is awesome..

Example #3
>Touka Kirishima 2 hours ago
>Same pathetic little nerds complaining about some animations like it's the end of the world. Even if there wasn't any problems with the game. There's always gonna be that one guy complaining about something soo little

''Same pathetic little nerds''
That's the kind of western mentality destroying video games.

Hmm really makes you think huh?

I'm gonna BULLY that orc girl!

I'll tickle her until she pees herself!

u st thay th e FU K awwwwayyy ayy CU N T

everyone except Sup Forums loves them so technically, uh, yeah.
maybe if we scream about it more in this echo chamber, they'll be a good sport and take their website down for us.

Bioware has never been known for their animation. Andromeda is fine, just as the animation in the OT was fine. Just like people complaining about how cheesy some of the dialogue is. ... is it just me, because sometimes the OT got cheesy as hell. And it was great! It's part of the fun of Mass Effect in my opinion.

And then i'll point at her wet pants and call her a silly pants-peeing meathead!

>you should care about this shit site because other people care about it

Are you going to start watching mlp because it has a fanbase?

Shut the fuck up you moronic philistine

It'll get 78 tops.

Feels like a Mass Effect game to me. I don't know why everyone has their panties in a bunch. Don't listen to all the haters.

The 10 hour trial actually eased my mind quite a bit. Combat was smooth and the voice acting is fantastic. All of the "glaring issues" with this game are some of the exact same issues that plagued all the previous Mass Effect games. Every game has had wonky animations and awkward expressions. I can't wait for Monday night so I can continue on.

Philosophy is a meme by the definition of the word.

ur wei r d

Destin is literally the worst person they have.

I used to like some of the people from IGN, now the only bearable person is Miranda plus shes my waifu so I'm biased

IGN, the site with deal for a month worth of "exclusives" on it.

the gameplay is even worse.

>story improves as you go
So does getting raped in prison as you slowly turn gay.

not as weird as the green airhead!


Yeah a lot of people are coming on here and over stating the case about facial animations and are really passionate about shitting on the game.
Every one is entitled to their opinion and here's mine. I played this and the trilogy and all dragon age games. The Facial animations are as bad or as good as all those games. I've been really enjoying Andromeda so far, can't wait to get further into the game.

This whole backlash was so predictable. I've been calling out the haters for months and now they gather like crows to nitpick their cherries on stuff.

Top 10 anime betrayals

ME2, which was infieror to ME1 in every way was at a 96 metascore, everyone and their mother was praising the game. I thought it was good as well but not as good as ME1.

ME3, the game almost everyone universally panned still got a 93. Some series of games are just immune to bad reviews. See GTA, flagship Zelda + Mario, Naughty Dog tripe.

This. Sup Forums is posting the same collection of webms repeated because its the only fuel they have. Yes those animations are garbage shit, but most of the animations are fine.

That "Face is tired" line is fucking strange but its the only example of weird ass writing.

>implying this wasn't all a ruse.
They acknowledged the terrible animations and everyone mocking the game so they could spin it after release and say "we were wrong, Andromeda is great and you should buy it" to try to discredit all negative attention.

>calling out the haters
this game deserves to be hated so all your calling out is pretty fucking inconsequential m8.

Doesn't matter if it's being hated by hypocrites or not, it's still shit.

>implying they are corrupt
>implying they don't do it for free

game journos are so thirsty for rpgs and open world shit that this game won't go lower than 8/10

Look, to be honest I'm gonna laugh at it either way.

I don't care how it scores, these animations have been some of the funniest shit to come out of the gaming industry in a while.

They receive gifts. I think 2 or 3 weeks ago 5 "journalists" from IGn were invited for a (((special))) preview of Mass Effect. They could play the game in a closed theater somewhere in USA.

Kojima did not invent the concept of memes.

Guys. Srsly.

Having played most of my 10 hours in the single player, this is not NMS. This game is rough around the edges. Yes there are some tech problems. Yes the animations are all over the place and some character models are subpar.

But man if you are a Mass Effect fan, you are going to love it! I spent last night wandering around the Nexus, and everything I was doing, the quests, the conversations, the ambiance, it just screamed Mass Effect. The gameplay is better than it has ever been, the setup for the story is great, the characters are intriguing, the Tempest is awesome...

Just shut all that shit out. Sup Forums is in hardcore hate MEA mode right now, just laugh and move on. I remember when ME3 came out I used to get super defensive and wasted countless hours arguing with people. I'm a little older now and realized that getting upset because some nerds on the internet said mean things about the game I like is pretty dumb. Who gives a fuck? I remember I didn't get Destiny for the longest time because the Sup Forums hivemind agreed it was terrible. Same thing that's happening now. It must be awful, I thought. Surely so many Sup Forums posters couldn't all be wrong. Ended up buying it on a whim on sale and I absolutely loved it.

Play the game and decide for yourself.

The only good gaming reviewer is myself.


Fuck off retard the game is terrible haven't you seen the gifs?

What the fuck has happened to this place? Sup Forums is full of bioware apologists now.

>every Mass Effect game is poorly made

Well damn, something Sup Forums and shills alike can finally agree on

>he liked Mass Effect 3
You'll fit right in with Ryder, Mr. On-The-Spectrum


>A multimillion, even multibillion industry that managed to surpass television and film is somehow corrupt


If you've seen their YouTube channel, you'd know that BioWare has just been sucking their dick the past month for a good review.

>I'm not shill I swear

People played the game and are forming an opinion based on that. Oh wait I mean LE BIOKEK SHILLS XD

It's about an 8/10 for me - which is what I expected from it. There's good parts - there's bad parts - there's parts that are ho-hum.

It's like DAI or The Witcher 3 or Total War Warhammer or XCom 2. It's a very enjoyable - if flawed - experience and there's no big come-down like there was when I played ME3.

Don't get me wrong - the gameplay in ME3 was phenomenal - but that ending... it hurt...

Thing is though, I've kept my expectations reasonable - I expected ME1 with a modern engine. That's mostly what we've got. I didn't expect something that would redefine video gaming as a medium and change our lives for the next decade or so. It's a really awesome (if problematic) triple-A release that will thrill me for months to come.

Dunno what all the hate is about... Mass Effect Andromeda makes me feel like Captain Kirk.

The new Chris Pine Captain Kirk, not the old Shatner Kirk. With space magic.

I'll let you guys worry about silly animations, I'm having a blast. Onward Spockuvi!

I enjoyed da: inq. Well other than sera. And the lack of straight romance options. Way way way better than DA2 but slightly inferior to DAO. Imho

t. bioware developer

Giant Bomb and Forbes even shitting on it and make matters worse they've moved the embargo apparently

>it's only good if it's a game i like

If this turns out to be true then why I'm not surprised? Apparently the gameplay designer is a paki who so far up his ass

ME:A is goty and there's nothing you neckbearded basement dweller can do about it.

Goodnight fuccbois.

Have you seen the Giant Bomb preview? They're tearing it apart

At worst this game is going to be a 7-8/10, people are just overly critical when it comes to BW/EA. The biggest legitimate criticisms so far are some bad animations and a bad character creator. How you make the leap into it being a complete failure is beyond me. The story and characters are impossible to judge without seeing past the fucking introduction of the game...

The story and characters already look promising. And the VA work is rock solid. I'm mind blown that people are getting their dicks bent out of shape over the CC. OT CC was garbage town and I don't really remember people saying it was practically game breaking or anything...And, based on that, I don't really know why anyone was expecting ME:A to have some kind of god tier character creator or something.

>The story and characters already look promising.
Please, elaborate.


Cry me a river bitch....

>tfw botw will single handedly ensure this garbage gets 0 game of the year awards

I'm so glad he won.

The people are finally waking up and no longer believing the lies of the deceitful media.

>zelda getting a perfect score on IGN

>any other game, good or bad, gets reviewed on IGN
>"who even listens to IGN? they are terrible no matter what!"

Dragon Age 2 was an unplayable mess and Dragon Age: Origins is just plain mediocre.

The thing that frightens me about the way people perceive Bioware games is they always compare them to other Bioware games, and not other RPGs doing the same thing.

Is Dragon Age Inquisition equal to The Witcher 3?

>10/10 ign


>andromeda 9/10+

>fucking shills!

stop trusting review sites

They're slightly edited /r/masseffect reposts

actually, 77

Accept not give it money

i knew the gameplay itself would pick up the slack. you guys jumped the gun on the memeing.

I know, finally all the disingenuous anti-shills will have to eat their words

You're fucked either way

>ME2, which was infieror to ME1 in every way

its not 5/10 its a 7/10. the game is decent i just wish the maps had more than collectibles to do.


If you are bothered by the insane cynicism and hatejerk mentality of places like Sup Forums, just don't go there.

Having played most of my 10 hours in the single player, this is not NMS. This game is rough around the edges. Yes there are some tech problems. Yes the animations are all over the place and some character models are subpar.

But man if you are a Mass Effect fan, you are going to love it. I spent last night wandering around the Nexus, and everything I was doing, the quests, the conversations, the ambiance, it just screamed Mass Effect. The gameplay is better than it has ever been, the setup for the story is great, the characters are intriguing, the Tempest is awesome...

Just shut all that shit out. The Sup Forums gaming boards are in hardcore hate MEA mode right now, just laugh and move on. I remember when ME3 came out I used to get super defensive and wasted countless hours arguing with people on Sup Forums. I'm a little older now and realized that getting upset because some nerds on the internet said mean things about the game I like is pretty dumb. Who gives a fuck? I remember I didn't get Destiny for the longest time because the Sup Forums hivemind agreed it was terrible. Same thing that's happening now. It must be awful, I thought. Surely so many Sup Forumsirgins couldn't all be wrong. Ended up buying it on a whim on sale and I absolutely loved it.

Play the game and decide for yourself.

>admitting to liking Destiny

From what I saw the animations are 90% fine.

It's that 10% that looks so fucking jarring when it happens. Mass Effect 1-3 didn't have amazing animation either but it was a lot more muted. The Andromeda devs wanted everyone to have really exaggerated expressions and it works against them a lot.

the game looks like utter dog shit. but it will score high. only a mong would buy this trash.

ITT: shilling in full effect
It's great that I'm already drowning in Japanese games, so I don't even have time to consider EA's turd.
And I've yet to finish the Witcher 3 GOTY Edition, which is superior to anything EA has.
EA has become irrelevant.

mass effect was never good

>RPG elements are fantastic
You mean like the lack of a morality system and no classes at all, and that you start off as a predetermined character?

They were getting shit on as early as 2012.

>ME2, which was infieror to ME1 in every way was at a 96 metascore, everyone and their mother was praising the game. I thought it was good as well but not as good as ME1.
I dropped and refunded Mass Effect 2 after 90 minutes and was done with the franchise. I never touched ME3 and I won't touch this one either.
Saying that I platinumed the first one.

>Sup Forums is gonna get shit on again

lmao just hide the thread and forget it happened guys


Ok friend. Multiple points, grab your rocket seat.

The living world for example. Cheesy I know but the world feels alive, NPC's talk to each other and go about their work and it doesn't just feel like a world made for me, but a world I am a part of. The biggest surprise to me was how daddy Ryder would actually comment on the things you had found during exploring of the tutorial planet "You actually did some exploring, good". It blew my mind.

Liam seems to rub a lot of people the wrong way, I really like him. He seems to grew from hour to hour of gameplay and has to make hard decisions. He's a maker and big player, I appreciate that, very inspiring.

Another example: Playing as Sara with mostly Casual and Emotional response has been pretty funny. One Emotional response was her simply saying, "Really!?!" Which was honestly how I responded and it cracked me up that she said exactly that right after I did.

On Eos, I climbed on top of the Tempest just for fun with the jump jet, and Cora was like "Sigh...Really?" It cracked me up too

Could go on forever, so great. I really don't understand the hate. People should try out, there's always the refund possibility

I played ~5 hours of the Early Access last night on my bro's early access. He was saying he didn't like it, and I usually trust his opinion when it comes to stuff, so I was worried.
When my window of gametime came to a close, I didn't know wtf any of y'all were complaining about.
It's fucking Mass Effect, it's fun to play, and it feels engaging. Yes, it's not the most polished game ever, but I had fun playing it and will be buying the full game on Tuesday.

Have you seen the characters and read their bios?

Sup Forums does this with every big game release

they cherrypick a few bad animations or scenes and spam them ad infinitum

with ME:A there seems to be a lot more than the usual amount, though. But I still expect it to get a 90 - 93 metascore. It is a Mass Effect game after all.

>a trigger and a voice clip to say "good job" when you activate it is enough to blow your mind
are you actually autistic