Why the fuck is Sup Forums here? Is two boards and three subreddits not enough?

Why the fuck is Sup Forums here? Is two boards and three subreddits not enough?

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I wished tumblr and twitter libs would leave too and yet here they are.

oy vey

if you want a safespace I hear there's a new Bioware game coming out where you can't make any white characters.

If you hate Sup Forums, it's only going to get worse from now on

>1/3rd of the Sup Forums userbase now

I want spineless nu-Sup Forums to leave.

why are there so many cucks on Sup Forums?


OP is a faggot

In case you were unaware, Sup Forums is one of the most mainstream boards on Sup Forums. That's why all this shit is here, including you. Here's an anime image.

hahaha, now (((they))) are complaining about (((their))) safespace bubble that was busted. Boo hoo

niggers and kikes no longer welcome, cuckold

this thread is right. how do i leave Sup Forums for good and never come back?

videogays are getting ultra sjw and they don't like that, apparently.

you can't

Sup Forums has invaded every board

flush them out with smug anime girls.

but no one wants me here and i don't want to be here i just want to leave how do i leave

If we delete Sup Forums will Reddit finally leave us alone?


You find a hobby. It's not hard. If you really can't stop yourself, block Sup Forums through third party software or in your hosts file. Better yet, don't use the internet at all, really.

But you're a huge faggot so it's impossible for you.

No, delete reddit as well as Sup Forums and then they will.

OP, it just doesn't matter how many times you tell them politics belongs on the politics board, they ain't gonna listen. They always feel the need to bring their irrelevant opinions up and force them down your throat. You need to either learn to tune them out, or develop a filter.

Leave through the barrel of a gun

Daily reminder that an ET was spotted walking the streets a few weeks back and no one wants to talk about it.

Why does Sup Forums always assume we want them to fuck off because we're liberal, and not because politics is off-topic and has its own board? I reckon most people on Sup Forums are just apolitical and don't give a shit.

simple, you can't. Youre here forever
and you did it to yourself

Literally Sup Forums's kryptonite. That's how you know the whole lot is reddit cancer.

L-like this???

Who the fuck is Reddit

I feel as though leaving Sup Forums has become easier than it was several years ago. The Sup Forums of the internet wild west was the one that people could say that could always bring you back even if you said that you were leaving for good. Sup Forums has lost that charm. I wish this site was mainly for anime discussion as it was before.

I love smug anime girls though dude

Let's get Lee Goldson in here!

isn't that a boy

>reddit cancer
That Marxist shithole?

Except they've appropriated anime images for their own purposes, so I think you just want to spam anime.

How long until the Sup Forums bubble bursts? Political leaning on this site was pretty liberal before Obamer

are you so new you don't remember the last time this was tried?
And now Sup Forums is the biggest board aside from Sup Forums, deleting their containment board is not a good idea.
Also they keep the redditors on /vg/ and Sup Forums so more power to em

v is more reddit infested than all the other boards combined.


Maybe he's talking about the donald trump subreddit. Reddit is fairly diverse, since you can have subreddits about any topic.

>I reckon most people on Sup Forums are just apolitical and don't give a shit.

I believe that this is still the case for many lurkers. I just get tired of being called liberal or cuck for telling someone to take their unrealted discussion somewhere else.

No, that's a cute youjo.
Gas the French, deus vult

this. get over it, op.

Are you kidding? Trump threads are 90% anime wolfgirls and it's not even ironic anymore

.This is OP:


He got so btfo in the other thread he and his /qa/ buddies are now false flagging so they can blame Sup Forums again.

Sup Forums is everywhere they can't separate their awful opinions from their awful personality or ever stop to think that maybe other people might EVER think about something other than muh liberals/niggers/gays/jews/illuminati

then again why would you expect anyone who hates everyone different from them to have any self-awareness


>they don't know Sup Forums began with anime posters

What's happening with Sup Forums now? I was playing video games today, haven't been on Sup Forums.

no it wasn't
And i guess they will change when the left wing stops being massive fags so...never?

Fucked up the link, here we go.


Probably when Trump's (and other's) fuckups make the people lose faith in these alt-right movements and ruin their momentum. It's already starting in Europe.

Which explains why it's so damn right-leaning.

Gee, I wonder

Guess what? Obama was a fucking meme and that's the only reason he was popular on this site.

The pendulum will swing again. Soon. Just watch.

Let me tell you a secret.

The large majority of the boards share some of the users. Sup Forums being as large, if not larger than Sup Forums, means that a lot of people there is also here.

I dont know why people insist in going outside of their board themes, though. Bashing and openly criticizing only generates more talk about said subject. Even shitty threads like your are starting a Sup Forums discussion.

If you want Sup Forums stuff off Sup Forums, stop replying, and stop baiting Sup Forums related discussions.

Bruh why didn't you just use fireden? Did you really just go searching for that thread page by page? Sad


You people are way too obvious. Why do you have to shit up an internet board? Why not do rallys or public speaking or whatever that helps change the world how you want. Why do you feel like you have to false flag like this?

>Which explains why it's so damn right-leaning.
Hello, reddit.

Does it matter? an archive is an archive. I just used the one i saw first.

>Sup Forums

Sup Forums is only one of the biggest boards because reddit poured into it. It was one of the only boards I browsed and reddit ruined it.

nah Sup Forums just pretends they are above anime and video games because they dont like that people think the "saviors of white race" are scrawny manchild neckbeards. Kek

Yep. I'm already seeing people baiting by pretending to be liberal now that the conservatives are in power. The exact opposite when liberals were in power is how Sup Forums came about.

I'm sorry, which title do you prefer so that I don't offend your delicate sensibilities next time?

Wrong. I never see people here openly discuss subreddits and current happenings on that site.

Sup Forums straight up links to reddit, cries about MUH CENSORSHIP every time they get fucked over on their shitty subreddit, and colllude with redditors for EPIC MEMES XD.

Sup Forums is basically reddit the board at this point. Someone posted a picture of their Sup Forums subreddit and almost all the submissions were from Sup Forums. Fucking neck yourself.

>"Delete" Sup Forums by making it pass only

Would this work?

Somebody sounds butt-blasted....

nah, Sup Forumsharbor ruined Sup Forums when all the half decent posters moved to cripplechan

and theres far more redditors infecting Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and Sup Forums than Sup Forums. This place is completely compromised. Or maybe they just get assimilated slower. Whatever though, i just shitpost on Sup Forums as a main board now.

>Sup Forums doesn't even know how to operate Sup Forums because they're 14 refit cross posters

Many such cases.



Ban mobileposting and most of the Sup Forumsshit on Sup Forums would disappear. Majority of Sup Forums threads and posts have either image.jpg or IMG_XXXX.


Good thing Memeji always sucked

Sup Forums was one of the first boards infiltrated by reddit you nitwit.

>Sup Forums doesn't even know how to operate Sup Forums because they're 14 refit cross posters

What did you mean by this? If you mean just linking to the thread normally i couldn't because it was deleted. I got it through my tab history.

No they would just flood the rest of the site, starting with Sup Forums most likely as they are all avid sony fanboys and secret weebs

Hey you, yeah I'm talking to you, degenerate.

confirmed underage


Yeah, but the raid would be much smaller because the board is still technically there

Yeah I noticed that too. For some strange reason Sup Forums is enamored with Sony.

You clearly took exception to calling Sup Forums "alt-right." What would you call it?

Deleting Sup Forums would be the final nail in the Sup Forums coffin. It would be a catastrophic cancer event the likes this site has never seen before.

Sup Forums constantly advertises on the most active subreddit, the_donald. There's a reason why Sup Forums go so popular

Sonybros are all fucking black you dicklet.

>being right wing makes you Sup Forums

you just want bernie and clinton cucks here?


Theres far less there today than there is here. They always clear out when theres not an active dc vs marvel affair

What do you mean?

Have you already forgotten how reddit outright banned /r/altright, one of the fastest growing subreddit there?

Not to talk about the neverending banning of twitter accounts and such.

Like them or hate them were is Sup Forums spergs sopusse to go?

apex cucks

Politically Incorrect

>don't mind Sup Forums's political beliefs at all
>still hate them because they invade other boards and shitpost under the guise of "muh culture war muh redpill"
>to the point of organizing on Discord, making threads on other boards, then swarming them to keep them up
why can't they just stay in their board, bros?

Not, it wasnt, people just disliked bush because he was retarded.

That's exactly what /qa/ wants. They want to turn Sup Forums into another normie social network. Free of hate.

Deleting Sup Forums would have the opposite effect. Just let them be the vocal minority, theres no realistic way to stop them anyway.

yuuka is not an anime girl
delete this
