also, for honor thread.

It has already been over a month though.
Move on to the retirement home grandpa.

>has already been over a month
>still hasn't been nerfed
conq main confirmed


when will ubisoft stop fucking around and fix the servers?

>Launch app from Steam
>Has to open Uplay as well, which takes awhile in itself
>Then starts loading For Honor on desktop
>Then the unskippable two cinematics from Ubi and other shit
>this has taken 2 mins on average
>For Honor title screen "Press any key to enter"
>Press it, now "connecting to servers"
>This takes another 30-45 seconds depending on shit servers
>Main menu
>Click Multiplayer
>Look for match
>Takes another two minutes to find a match
>Selection screen
>Another timed 1 minute to select shit
>everyone's done
>Loading screen, 1 minute, sometimes 2 more to fucking load the match
>Round One animation
>Finally you're playing the game
>Realize you're against a Valkyrie/Peacekeeper
>She spams lights like a medieval machinegun
>Die instantly
>Wait for the next Round
>Sometimes the matches last with all 3 rounds 3 mins on average, sometimes you spent that time dead
>Match ending cinematic
>Back to menu
>Match again
>2 mins of searching
>finally found something


meta too turtle.

hit renown 4 and got bored. basically a fighting game with zero rushdown options. Enjoy it if that's your bag, I just went back to Chiv to sulk until Mordhau hits.

Actually it's kinda sad that died so fast because Ubi didn't fixed their shit in time

The game is pretty good but the match droppings and stupid balance decisions made the game stale in a record time.

Have they fucking nerfed Revenge gear yet.


It's P2P, faggot.

I don't understand how Siege got servers but this game didn't. AT LEAST have fucking servers for 4v4 mode and leave 1v1/2v2 P2P.

>Gear stats in the most popular game mode, people getting full revenge meter 6 seconds into a fight
>Horrible matchmaking, actually got matched up with a Rep 11 Peacekeeper with my no Rep Raider
>No penalty for leavers, this is the biggest problem in anything that isn't duel and a bot takes someone's place
>Game is mechanically busted, no real reason to make the first attack or play aggressively at all, defending and punishing anything is hilariously easy and the meta
>Blatant meta for which heroes are better than others and become practically invincible at the skill ceiling (Peacekeeper, Warden, Orochi, and Valkyrie)
>Hilarious balancing attempts, Valkyrie went from 30% duel winrate to 70%, guardbreak countering back to being stupid easy from the beta, buffing Peacekeeper on release despite already being the strongest hero in the game, Warden's lightning fast zone attacks and 50/50 shouldbash that has no counter
>Different guardswitch times for different characters makes it legitimately impossible for slower classes (Raider, Shugoki, etc) to block an incoming combo of light attacks from different angles from lightning fast classes (Peacekeeper, Orochi, Valkyrie, sometimes Warden), making fighting any of these faster classes a pointless endeavor by a slower classes

Anything I missed? It sucks because I legitimately think this could be a good game, its just got a lot of stupid bullshit that you have to slough through to get to the fun parts, only for the fun parts to not even be there sometimes. When the average duel boils down to "stare at your opponent to punish whoever makes the first move" or "feint until you both stop falling for it or don't fall for it at all" is a REAL blast.

I think they expect these games to die really fast. Siege started off weak and slowly grew, the core gameplay was really good and people noticed before Ubisoft did. I don't think For Honor will take the same route sadly, most elaborated here there is so much wrong with the basic gameplay . While Siege did have lots of balance problems the core FPS mechanics were good and what carried the experience.

Any tips on killing peacekeepers

play big daddy Warlord

>when you parry someone out of range of your guardbreak

Some characters like Kensei, Nobushi, Shugoki, and Lawbringer can only be guard broken if you parry a Light Attack.

>decide to try kensei because I'm pretty well versed with three characters already

This guy is fucking awful, what the fuck.

You basically NEED to learn how to feint with Kensei. You need to feint so much that your opponent thinks you'll feint then you don't feint. Though Kensei's main problem is he has no way to open up turtles.

The fact that he can't even have access to his unblockable (i.e. his ONE redeeming quality) unless he combos or lands a grab is complete horseshit. I also love trying to cancel it into a side heavy and it never works.

Kensei is all about conditioning and mind games man.

never but they released new shit to buy for steel, remember to buy more with real money

Man that's BARRELS of fun. Gee, glad that the only appeal of the character is to do something that literally all other characters can do and do more effectively with better damage output

I'm fucking bitter that this game punishes people who even DARE to try anyone who isn't completely tooled to the meta of this game.

thing about other characters is they don't do half a lifebar of damage if someone guesses their feint wrong.

>everyone who couldn't figure out how to play has since stopped playing
>stuck dueling people who know how to do everything and deal with everything

Well might be time to drop it soon too...

Revenge mode is such bullshit. I get what it's for, but 90% it's just to cheat someone out of a fair kill

>about to strike the killing blow
>bitchnigger hits Y
>my axe bounces off his bare ribcage
>fall on my ass
>he kills me

And I don't care how easy it is to counter a guardbreak, getting a kill should not be as easy as your opponent mistiming a simple input when they're still at full health

What the fuck is the matchmaking in this game based off of? I have a total of 3 Rep across all characters and get matched up with people with 10 Rep on one fucking character

overall rep I believe



At least I got a solid 60 hours out of it I guess.

revenge is fine when outnumbered but you should not be able to get it 1v1

>Duel pisses me off too much
>Losing too early in Brawl makes me feel like a detriment to my teammate
>Elimination is a cancerous gankfest
>dont even want to bother with Skirmish or Dominion

If duel wasn't filled with Wardens and Peacekeepers I think it might be more enjoyable

>vsing a geared warden
>he's on one bar, I'm full
>he somehow gets revenge from me dashing to his left BEFORE I heavy attacked
>it proccs IMMEDIATELY and he kills me as I'm on the ground

If you try and tell me people don't have revenge autoprocc scripts I'll call you a fucking liar

Good for a one off fight, try to fight different people

Hello peacekeeper, you gave him revenge from your bleed damage. Vs peacekeeper is the onlytime where revenge is justified because you have to block so many attacks.

for some characters, the one i play can grab anyone after any sort of parry.

not giving it away since i dont want people playing him

you forgot to greentext the part where you saw that they had their revenge ready to go


you forgot to greentext the part where he killed your teammate in a 1v1 and had revenge from that.

you also forgot to greentext how you saw on his healthbar the glowing gold icon indicating he has revenge but you figured he wouldnt use it for some reason

you also forgot to mention you didnt block the second heavy after you got up from the ground. its impossible for a warden to kill someone in one heavy from full health

Pretty sure this is Shugoki.