How is the PC port?

How is the PC port?

Decent. My rig's not too good, so I have to play on medium settings, but everything seems to run smoothly

thank god

pretty good.
it has some graphical options and rebinding.
which is more than we've come to expect.


some people reporting major issues but

6100 1060 6gb here and it runs fine, play in windowed mode

970 and 6700K. Can max out everything with AA off to get 55-60. Weird hiccups at times though.

pretty unoptimized but completely playable if that's what you're asking

Will it run on my old nvidia 750?

if you play it at 900p

it'll start choking at anything above that

Works On My Machineā„¢
But seriously, no problems at all. Apparently an issue with fullscreen and resolution but I do borderless window on every game I play so it doesn't really affect me.

Runs fucking sweet on my 290x. No crashes, no lag. Looks great.
I don't see what the fucking whining about graphs is, maybe it's just "the way it's meant to be played" people.
I'm not sayin', I'm just... sayin'

Cutscenes are still the same as consoles (30fps, kinda stuttery sometimes)

Gameplay is fine, I can max it with a 970 with the odd stutter. Run it in windowed, vsync off, and use the borderless windowed program.

4670k and GTX 970
2 hours in and consistent 60 fps with these settings. Could Probably go higher but notice some dips.s

I've been hearing various things but as of right now you need to either play in windowed mode or use borderless gaming or it locks to 900p.

Installed that had zero issues, getting a locked 60 with max settings.

why windowed?

Could be worse. Could also be a lot better.

Tons of fullscreen bugs that are weird as fuck.

is the game upscaled or something?
looks like complete garbage

Fullscreen gets upscaled to whatever resolution from 900p. Windowed/Borderless selected resolution is native.

How are you PC guys enjoying it? I hope you guys get the original NieR too (altho I'd also want a PS4 port of that). Automata is easily one of my favorite games this year, and I played it on PS4.

I don't get it, whats with platinum games having trouble running over 1080p, I remember having problems with revengance over 1080p

>not playing your games with 131072x texture filtering

I mean its a game made for console targeting 60FPS with basically no visual upgrades on PC so there's that.

I'm using borderless window so its not upscaled.

it looks blurry as fuck though

It's shit. Fullscreen flat out doesn't work, AA settings are fucked up and a huge performance hog even at lowest settings, there's weird stuttering everywhere and some people are even crashing all the time.

People are being super fucking lenient about it.

1920x1080 fullscreen is confirmed for 1650x1050 upscale.

I got a GTX 960 2gb. Of course I know I can't play the game on high at a silky smooth 60. On medium it's around 30-50. Low 40-60. The game still looks great on both. In most areas it IS around 60. Those who are complaining are trying to max it with 10y/o specs. It's worth the price. Keyboard & mouse also works fine, some small issues.

Loving it so far. Big fan of Platinum in general this will probably be my favorite.

you must have a toaster

Those fucking default keyboard controls though

>/ for light attack
>\ for heavy attack

What the actual fuck?

Been playing it since I got home.

Fuck off those framerates are unacceptable for a game that looks like this.

>works great on my machine!
>by which I mean it runs at 40 fps!

mouse works too babe

970 GTX
i5 @ 3.5GHz
8 GB DDR 3

Runs very poorly for me, even at all low settings.

" i have a i3 alien ware laptop"
is what i read
fucking loser

i5 4590
8 gigs of ram

Can't hold a steady 60 FPS regardless of settings. It's fucked.

i got gtx 760
am i screwed?

960 GTX
Phenom II X6 1055T

About 30-50fps on medium-high settings so far.

40 when there's a lot of shit going on the screen, if that.

take a screenshot next time desu

650 ti here, it's kind of unplayable.

No you don't understand. Somewhere in the world is a japanese man who was responsible for assigning the default controls to this game. And he thought about how frequently the attack buttons were used over the course of the game, and he considered what would be best for a person playing on keyboard in order to be able to access other important keys....and then he picked / and \

low res textures
might be using fxaa too

It's a screenshot from a gaming website, genius. See the big watermark? They made a photo because the monitor-menu wouldn't show on a screenshot.

I don't know what the fuck you're even on about but default keys let me attack with mouse buttons. Are you implying that people have a keyboard and no mouse or something?

>buy the game on squenix store
>three hours later order is still pending validation

dude's a master at this game alright and found that to be the perfect bind

Playing it with an Xbox Elite controller on my 55" 4K screen set to 1080.
Suck my dick plebs, you are no master race, you are whiny cunts probably on your mothers laptop y'all

>Press slash to slash

What's the problem?


That's your fault

Is the first nier on pc? Or was it console exclusive?

16GB of RAM
less than 30fps on 1440p without AA
about 50-55 on 1080p
Shitty port

I've had absolutely no performance issues, crashes or resolution troubles (as far as I can tell). I'm using an i5 and an r9 290 so not even anything new, 1440p and outside of the frame locked cutscenes plus one wave spam in a boss fight, it has been excellent.

This is the first game in pc. All the rest were ps2/3

>4K screen
>set to 1080
So what's the point?

the game is neat, hope they fix some fps issues

My 750ti can barely handle the game. I'm running it under 720p in windowed mode. Maybe I don't have a game ready driver or some shit.

You're still missing the point. The assigning of those functions to those keys was not an accident, a person deliberately wished for a world where the default keys for two of the most pressed buttons in the game are not only not adjacent to each other, but also far from every other key the game uses. Then they made that world a reality.

>Still not available in Asia

How's kb/m? Can I play with an 360 controller?

>Playing it with an Xbox Elite controller on my 55" 4K screen set to 1080.

I want to meet the guy who gets excited over this

how so? you tried 720p?

What I want to know is why isn't this on the xbone when the first Nier game was.

I use the 360 controller. Did have to do anything, works flawless.

kb/m is absolute dog shit

play with the controller, yes

what fps are you getting?
Why windowed mode tho?


Cool, thanks. You think there'd be documentation on this stuff.

Only complaint i could think of is terrible popin whenever I run around the areas with vegetation

horrible tearing on anything over 900 fullscreen

I'm playing with an xbone controller works great.

well it's in the system requirements

>Additional Notes: Mouse, keyboard and game pad (XInput only)

So from what I'm hearing is that if you run it in borderless fullscreen, it can run really well? I'm trying to run it in 1440p.

Had some issues with RX480, did tutorial three fucking times.

Had to clean install drivers to 16.5.11.

native 1080 was not working in fullscreen, had to use borderless gaming software to run it in windowed borderless.

Performance seems good.

Game is fucking great so far.

That's a low tier card from 3 years ago
what exactly were you expecting?

Ah, I'd had yet to google XInput. Figured it might only be current gen compatibility.

I don't have a counter on but it's definitely not 60. I'm probably fluctuating between 35-50 depending on what's on screen.
Windowed because I heard there's full screen problems and also so I can run the game better.

R9 480 8gb
16 Jb ram

Runs great even if I had to roll back my drivers to not get the white screen crashes

>Had some issues with RX480
next time don't buy memes

Its a 7/10 on Steam right now. As it deseves. Could be lower though.

I'm running a 970 btw, haven't updated my drivers yet though.

Reposting this because some useless braindead monkeys with high spec PC's can't even learn how to make a decent config by themselves

>i3 6100 3.70 ghz
>16 gb DD4
>GTX 1060 6 GB
>Braindead kids with i7 and 1080GTX crying all over the place because the game doesn't run for them in the way they like it
>Saying the port is bad when they can't even configure their PC's properly

You fucking retards needs to learn how to use your PC's, I can kick your asses with my budget PC.

60 fps all the fucking time at 4k so kys fags.

>60 fps all the fucking time at 4k
you're not fooling anybody


Nvidia performance is bad & Fullscreen is bugged, it upscales from 900p

Otherwise it's fine

>what exactly were you expecting?
I'm able to run DaS3 and SFV just fine so I had faith in it.

>werks for me!

>Nvidia performance is bad
No, it isn't.

I hear 970's running like shit

What borderless fullscreen program should I use?

Oh please enlightened one, please tell me your magical config where you get 4K 60 FPS with a fucking 1060.

Borderless gaming worked great for me.

you hear wrong
plenty of people running 1080p 60fps with it
unless you're a retard and you think the 970 can handle 8x MSAA you're fine

970 IS shit

it's region locked, so I will pirate it

fucking morons

Not him but I've got an R9 290 and the stuttering is so bad that I had to stop playing. The performance between stutters is just fine but they crop up about once per second, even on the map and hacking screens.

its just hilarious reading post like "im playing in sub720p and my pc is about to explode"
"windowed at 900p runs smooth!"
im glad im playing it at 4k on my ps4 pro
deal with it bunch of cicks

Maybe that's their way of saying "use the mouse".

>He doesnt know that even a 730 can support 4k

Thanks for confirming how retarded are the majority of the PC cucks.