Comfy Switch Thread
Comfy Switch Thread
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Didn't you know user, you're not allowed to enjoy something
I can't wait to get a switch. I'll probably wait until fall, but I'd like one now. 60 hours into zelda on wii u and I'm ready to start my 100% run on switch asap. Definitely not getting all koroks on pii pu
rather play link's awakening
>tfw no switch to get comfy with in pjs
Playing Fast Racing RMX right now
Show us the cock
me too
Caved in and bought the JP version of PuyoPuyoTetris. Game is such a blast local multiplayer. God I love tetris. Master Blaster Zero is great too, but I'm a little worried about how easy it is so far.
Great game. Was surprised with how much I liked it.
secondly reminder this board is made for consolewars, fun will be saged and banned
>tfw no swiitch
what if i just paint my wiiu pad blue and red does that count
fucking this.
I'm so sick of stupid ass "comfy threads", mods need to ban these faggots
>forgetting e-celeb threads and think veiled Sup Forums threads
Fucking faggots straight off the boat from reddit, of course you don't know the board culture.
So comfy. Now I'm on my 60' tv
The game has been out 2 weeks
Why do you only have 6 hearts? Have you been living your life like a fucking normie? Good on you
>60 foot tv
What's it like being a giant
I'm watching lucky number slevin
What are your go-to recipes?
How many hearts did you have when you fought your first divine beast boss?
I had 5 and the boss would almost always bring me down to like 1/4 heart in a single hit. I beat him but he was bullshit.
Not OP but I had 6 hearts for the first few days, after playing every day for the sake of maxing the stamina wheel first
Is Isaac running well on the Switch?
>going for hearts instead of stamina in a world this big
I have 50+ hours and only 3 hearts
2 weeks is a lot of time to get way more than 6 hearts and a full extra ring of stamina, unless he's doing irl shit which I was getting at in my first post.
About the Switch and Joycons battery life, will it hurt to keep putting the console or controllers back to charge mid-battery, or will I gain the longest battery life if I use my things until they're close to dying, then put it back to charge until full battery?
>he's never played vidya in a theatre
that looks exactly like my pjs, are you my double?
Just bought RMX an hour ago
It's pretty fast
>Poorfag room
>people can't have a crt tv because they are automatically poor.
You are so retarded.
>tfw using an Amazon Basics stand for better angles and stability
>I can't wait to get the switch
>I'll wait until fall.
It's not the CRT m8, it's how barren it is and the lack of even decent sheets on the bed. I've seen a poorfags room before and this is one.
I'm using the stand that came with Kid Icarus Uprising
It's a house, that I own. I have two other bedrooms. I'm sure your apartment is nice though user
just get an arm
Should I sell/trade in for a switch?
obviously, 3ds won't be getting new games in a year
Got any pics you can share for how that looks? I might be interested to it.
To me that seems to be way too steep an angle. I've used the Wii U cradle which seems better in that regard; but the Icarus stand does provide that easy charging port access so it gains points there.
never sell special edition nintendo anything
look at how much the pikachu gameboysp sells for today
>That TV
No wonder you bought a switch.
But Switch is expensive user, he probably uses that to play older consoles
imagine being so spoiled you expect to enjoy a video game console at your friend's expense
Just hopped into bed with my switch. Gonna download Isaac and play that a bit before bed. Super comfy.
>MK8 is still 6 weeks away
>everyone judging my bedroom tv
Nintendo is failing to meet demand still. People who didn't pre-order are still out of luck.
So I wanted to buy a game but I'm not sure which.
I was thinking either I am Setsuna or Shovel Knight.
Does anyone have experience with these games? I just wanna add something to my library to play after Zelda.
>I just wanna add something to my library to play after Zelda
Just wait. Dont be desperate and impatient.
i dont give a shit about your bedroom tv
You shouldn't
I don't have any experience with I Am Setsuna, so my recommendation would go towards Shovel Knight. A very good platformer affair with 3 (as of now) different styles of play. Perhaps you might also consider Blaster Master Zero, but Shovel Knight will offer lots of content.
It's called discipline. I'm excited to get one. I want one now. I'm not going to buy one now though even if I could.
What do you guys hope to be announced this E3? Loving my Switch so far, the new Odyssey game has me more excited for a Mario game than I've ever been in the past.
I'd rec Setsuna if you don't have the pro controller.
Being a platformer, SK benefits immensely from a good d-pad.
Setsuna is very similar to Chrono Trigger mechanics wise but the story is not quite as interesting
zelda and odyssey will be the only two reasons to get a switch for the entirety of its life cycle
How's your $600 console that has one game?
>has a switch
>doesn't have a flat screen tv in room
Obviously you traded in your good boy points for a switch and are just proving that nintendo products are for children or for manchildren. Fucking pathetic.
Unless if you're a Fire Emblem fan like me, and that's two more games. Four games announced in the first year alone is pretty decent if you ask me, and ARMS and Sonic Forces are other things to look forward to. Far better than the 3DS's first year, where the only game I had on it for a while was Super Monkey Ball, but it ended up having a good library in the longrun.
post your dick faggot
Post yours first.
I just spent the past hour playing King of Fighters '98 in tabletop mode with my girlfriend.
It's fun as hell.
What should I get next?
>Shock Troopers
>'Nam 1975
>Blaster Master 0
You're not supposed to exhaust lithium-ions and then charge. Perfectly fine to charge them mid-way through.
Flattening the battery before charge was an old nickel-cadmium battery thing that everyone keeps perpetuating long after the 90s are over.
get Binding of Isaac AB+, Metal Slug 3, and Fast RMX if you don't have them yet before you get any of the 3 games you listed
Is this 1 2 Switch you're talking about? I'm interested in getting it to see what the HD rumble is like.
>King of Fighters '98
>1 2 Switch
quit posting this fucking shitty picture phoneposter
Oh, so you're playing an indie game? ffs, user.
60 foot 1280x720?
Already got Metal Slug 3, already got FAST RMX and I'm waiting for BoI:AB+ to come out in my region because the NA eShop won't accept my card and I can't be fucked going through the hassle of ordering eShop points online. I'd prefer to just patiently wait and play other games in the meantime.
King of Fighters '98 is an SNK fighting game. It's fast, offensive and has a character who is pretty much Ryu but with tits.
That's for the reply
If you're serious, there's no way you aren't underaged.
If you're rusing me, this is the last (You) you'll get.
Good on you then. Of the 3 you said, Blaster Master Zero is definitely he best, but it doesn't have multiplayer.
How long is BM0?
Is there any replay value?
It's a pretty average length metroidvania. If you're the kind of person who loves trying to 100%/explore everything in those kinds of games, you'll have a good time.
comfiest seat in the house, right Sup Forums?
Quick shitty pics
Position 1 is about the angle you get from the Switch's built in kickstand.
Position 2 is the lowest it can go. About 45 degrees.
Cool. I'll probably pick it up next then.
Is there enough space for the charger to be plugged into it?
Shovel Knight plays perfectly well with the directional buttons because it requires no diagonals.
Conversely, Blaster Master is near unplayable without a D-Pad.
Show dick
Speaking of the charger, why is the cord so short? If my chair wasn't so close to an outlet it would be a real headache to use. Between this and the NES mini it's on the edge of being unusable when attached.
Just realized I fucked up the second pic. You can bend the top arm inward so that it doesn't stick up vertically as much.
There isn't. I'm only using it since I already had one lying around. The Hori stand is probably going to be the better one to get. I saw one at Target a few days ago but it was marked up to 20 bucks plus tax. It'll be 13 bucks on Amazon once they get a new shipment.
Not comfy at all
>everyone is clamoring for a Switch Pro Controller but they're all sold out
>check my local Amazon Prime Now
>they've had them in stock for weeks
>have zero desire to buy one
why is ryderposting becoming a thing
because she's autistic
so the Neo Geo ports are actually good quality?
Who's taking this picture?
My stepdaughter, in between rounds of her deepthroating me.
I don't know shit about how Metal Slug 3 is meant to look or feel, but the first week it was out it had washed out colors (pic on the top) and a delay on all the sounds in game.
They released a patch a few days ago that seemed to have fixed both those things. You can customize things like screen size and filters if you're more particular about that stuff.
Disgaea 5 is pretty fun
did you take this with a fucking gopro or something?
Its also the fact that the list of movies he has look like disney classics on VHS. Looks like my grandmas house when I would go over and spend the night as a kid.
You guys got a damn fine tripod right beneath you nose (your chin) and you dont even know it. Also set timer.