Cheesiest moments in vidya

>cheesiest moments in vidya

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game sucks but this was a good scene



fuck you that part was great

Would you say that scene was corny? Native English pls answer?

I want a boyfriend

Guys, no one in the world thought this scene was cheesy. I'm sure everyone who played the game cried at this scene. OP is just baiting.

I unironically teared up. I'm a fucking loser.

>Moments in games that women will never understand

I didn't cry because my friend talked during the ending parts.


I choked up and a couple of tears ran down my eyes while I slowly laid down and drifted off.

me to

There's a scene in Dragon Age Inquisition right after the destruction of the starting town where you get elected as the Inquisitor or some shit, and everybody just starts singing some shitty song, everybody in the camp at the same time.

Never seen anything so cheesy/cringy.

To add to that, there was a post on reddit from the guy who directed the scene, making a shitty post hoping people dindn't think it was too cheesy, and you had all the people commenting on how this was the greatest scene ever in video games.

can't wait for andromeda to be cracked really

Pic not related, as that's one of the most emotional.

Holy shit that scene was so fucking garbage.

Christ on a pogo stick, just looking at the thumbnail makes me want to break something.

This game was so forgettable that I have no idea what scene that is or what happens in it

goddamn that muscular templar dude got some pretty sexy opera eunuch voice.

Nice try anti kun.

it was cheesy but good.

and it says something when the bromance is better than the romance

>implying you really want a boyfriend
>implying I wouldn't shred your boipussi to a pulp


This entire scene. Melodrama accompanied by the tears of Phil and Lil

Good idea for a shitposting thread, will repost in a couple days

For all the story's faults, this was one of the most emotional scenes I've ever seen in a video game.

There was absolutely nothing cheesey about this scene. If you had any emotional intelligence (or general intelligence for that matter) whatsoever, you'd easily be able to appreciate this scene. But apparently you're an underage moron so your opinion is irrelevant.

it was a wham move after this played over the credits which was a montage of all the photos you took:

shame the overall game was crap

Emotional attachment means a lot to me for long games like RPGs. I was aware that the game was deeply flawed all throughout, but the last hour or so left such an impact on me that I left the game feeling quite positive about it overall.

What were the deep flaws

Fuck you it was sad and depressing

>What were the deep flaws

easy as fuck combat
parts of the story felt rushed (like everything after Levithan)
Chapter 13
Major good guys and bad guys getting killed off screen
Badly designed hunt system (can only take one hunt at a time and it has to be in a specific spot)

"I should have been the one to fill your dark soul with light!!!"

fetch quests
second half of the story is obviously missing large portions
finding dungeons in the open world is cool but the rest of the terrain is pretty uninspired

My biggest problem was the sidequests. Nothing to them at all. Follow waypoint, kill thing, turn in quest.
The story presentation has hiccups with characters falling off the face of the earth.
Combat is too easy to cheese with overabundant healing items.
The story being rushed was painfully apparent in places, like Prompto's Chapter 13 reveal and the entire World of Ruin.

I'm still glad I played it but these things prevent me from recommending it as a great game.

The only real problem was the rushed ending. The rest of these are regular v shitposts


>The rest of these are regular v shitposts

legit complaints from people who have played the game is shitposting?

If you didn't read Sup Forums, you wouldnt be complaining. You didn't notice these issues by yourself

>lmao I am a retard

XV kun please

>this scene
Ok this is emotional but I'm not going to cry.
>Gladio starts crying
I couldn't hold back the waterworks at that point.

>You didn't notice these issues by yourself

I did because I played the damn game and they are noticeable, even without Sup Forums

I actually liked it. Great game, sad it ended. I wish they would explain how Noct got with luna at the end though

God damn bioware games are so fucking ugly it ruins any attempt to be 'serious'.

someone memed me into playing god eater and that was a real cheese cringefest

Dude I really liked XV, but all of those are valid. The game had a mess of a dev cycle, Im just glad the central relationships were poignant enough to carry it.

And no I do not mean Luna.

This ship runs on smiles! No frowning!

Thought it was pretty obvious they were going to rest in the afterlife.

ohh that makes sense.

He pics up your pic in the throne room is what really confused me.

Loved the game though, was comfy and the story actually moving. I finished it this week and was pretty sad that it ended.

Yeah the game had some problems, and you could cheese it with potions but somehow I'd still give it 9/10 and it was one of the only games in the past 5 years where I wasn't pissed I paid $60 for it.

Hey man, this is why ratings are subjective. For me Nier is a fucking 10/10 out of sentiment alone. Some amateurish VNs made me weep like a child and are dear to my heart. Its only human.

In my own head-canon, the decorations and the last pic on the throne/altar was put there by the survivors and they were worshiped as the saviors thus ascending them into godhood, thus the logo (That was supposedly is Etro/Eos) change still makes sense. Man, I got emotional as I am typing this.

>"I see... I finally realize how foolish I've been... My friends aren't my friends just because I'm their friend... They're my friends because they're my friends... Friendship is a two way road... I can finally get over the fear of the darkness that lurks in my heart..."
-Rean Schwarzer, Trails of Cold Steel

Same here. Like a few hours later

fuck you op. I'm still sad thinking about the ending of this game. So many good moments. The first half you're just chilling with your bros, which the banter and talking was top tier btw especially in comparison to ME:A.

The second half is just sad. The shiva scene for example was really great.

What? How did you cry? Why? What's wrong with you?

Remember he said he wanted to "take the photo with him". I thought the ending was pretty good.

>tfw I'm welling up a little but stopped it because I think the scene is stupid so I shouldn't cry
Who was in the wrong? My logic or feeling?

>tfw you picked the the selfie by the waterfall that nobody wanted to take but prompto but it ended up being a great shot of the four of you

That wasn't logic, it was desire to fit in on the internet. Feel what you want man, you'll be happier that way. Some stupid shit has got me teary eyed, and thats fine.

Fuck you, I think FFXV was a mess but that scene was fucking sad as shit. The only thing that that game nailed was the dudebroforce

>my logic tells me I shouldn't cry
No, that's called autism.

This was the shit cheese. The campfire scene was great.

It's literally a blatant attempt to rip off LOTR scene

>this entire cut scene

That and the entire concept of the game was changed before you gave 2 fucks about it.
You know back when it wasn't the fifteenth final fantasy giving you a reason to defend a bad game.

It touched on the only part of the game that worked. Fucking disgusting we get like 2 hours max as older Noctis and gang.


you cold mothafucka, that was the best scene in the whole game

I actually welled up at the scene, and it takes an awful lot for my jaded ass to care about anything.

It was one thing for him, but think about how his bros felt. Ten fucking years fighting a hopeless fight waiting for your bro, just to have him back for ONE NIGHT, one last chill around the campfire before he has to fucking off himself.

Real men don't talk like that to other guys.

Pft what kind of little bitches are you fags? Real men don't cry.

>Get to the point of no return
>Spend ages doing pointless sidequests in Lucis because I'm not ready for the game to end
>Realize that going back to Lucis is, in-universe, Noct actively choosing to live in the past and avoid the present
>Imagine the last hurrah of sidequests to be the bros reconnecting and refusing to move on so soon
>Get emotional like a fool

I liked FFXV but those are perfectly valid issues and I actually agree with them
The game is far from perfect but now all we can hope is that the finalized game with all the extra content getting patched in makes it from a 6/10 to a 7/10

What the fuck is v?

I took a picture of of the four of them at Altissia.
It was a really good photo and I loved how Gladio said something like "nothing beats a picture of the four of us together" when I looked at it
If there is something the game did very right for me was that I really ended up liking the four guys

Asura's Wrath has only the finest in cheese. I had the biggest, stupidest grin on my face every moment of the game.

A shame it's really more of an interactive anime and the actual ending is DLC but fuck it it's so off the walls and it knows it and said DLC ending is so good I don't even care