Have you lost your way, Sup Forums?
Have you lost your way, Sup Forums?
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i think you lost your way to Sup Forums
What do you mean, friend?
KLK is Sup Forumscore
I masturbate to cartoons and video game characters, so that's something.
Sup Forums should start watching better anime
Season 2 never ever
This show is an empowering feminist spirit tome.
And Undertale is /o/ material too right?
>i just learned what postmodernism means and now i have to use it on everything!: the image
>playing Halo
>watching shitty Shouen
>now adult
>playing Halo
>watching shitty Moe
>KLK was 4 years ago
>Gurren Lagann was 10 years ago
Feel old yet?
What is this retarded shit
Underage normie please fucking exit and REMAIN EXIT
>there are people watching naruto that were born after it started
I'm still in love with Ryuko so I'd say no.
she's cute
>created by tumblr user
I mean, no one was going to take this seriously in the first place, other than idiots like their kind
it hurts
It's been over three years since KLK first aired
Have you found your way to best girl?
What actually is postmodernism?
No but I sucked your blood
No, but AAA gaming has...
are there girls like ryuko irl who aren't lesbo?
It's a doggy dog world Ray, and I'm fucking the chinaman.
The side characters were more interesting to me than Ryuko and Satsuki, to be honest.
Post Ragyo.
>doggy dog
Let's not get out of hand here, guys. Nui was pretty shit but at least she didn't strong arm her way through the show.
they tried to go TTGL and make the "scale" of the story expand towards the end but it felt rushed and the alien bullshit felt forced like they wanted something on the same magnitude of the aforementioned show but it felt flat to me
was thinking in make this exact thread right now, no joke.
Nui is so cute.
No other anime girl has achieved this level of cuteness before and will never do!
nui likes black cock!
The show is fucking over you retard
She's a piece of shit.
this is a trance song from like 2001
I agree!
I lost my bottoms only. But I am fine.
Every girl in this show is best girl, except the girl who faked being crippled on No-Late day.
>Sup Forums stealing pre-neuter Sup Forums memes
>Ryuko will never go had hardcore unprotected lesbian sex with Akko.
>cute girls
hate this meme
It is legit gay though.