Is 2017 the best year for vidya?
I'm having a blast, what about you?
Is 2017 the best year for vidya?
I'm having a blast, what about you?
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I'm enjoying it, but I'm saving myself for Persona 5 right now. I haven't been playing much lately as a result.
>tfw it's almost too much for my idort self
I'm gonna not buy anything else after I get P5, just because E3 isn't far off and I still have a few games from last year in my backlog and BotW to finish.
Best one in a good while. Lent out my PS4 so my friend can play Nioh and Nier, gonna play Nier and Persona 5 a lot in April when I get it back but i've kept busy with Zelda and Specter of Torment, not to speak of all the other shit coming out this year i'm looking forward to.
As a platformer fan and weeb, 2017 is my huckleberry.
I think all else I'm really looking forward to for the next two months is Yooka-Laylee. And I might check out Fire Emblem Echoes. Not everyday an ancient NES title gets a remake.
The only new game i've played so far is Tokyo Rumble, wich was released last year in the west, which was released in 2013 in japan and it was short as fuck and left me unsatisffied.
No, that's not allowed, user.
Both will have to wait, not even sure what platform I want YL on, might get it for the Switch for the multiplayer stuff.
No, sorry. I'm still waiting for a good release.
>watching moeshit
The only truly amazing game I've played from this year is Nier Automata. I have yet to play Horizon and Zelda was good, but not all that. I'm excited for Persona 5 though
Damn looks like I gotta stop watching moeshit now since you greentexted.
Fantastic, another clickbait thread. I wonder if the mods will ever notice.
Get in line
But I'm not watching Gabriel Dropout.
i never thought i could actually hate a character with huge tits but she actually manages to be even more shit then kobayashi
also is kyoani trying to say something here? ive seen way sluttier shit from comiket pics then this
i dunno, maybe how i feel right now is as good as it gets? or maybe this is what normal people feel like when they're miserable?
i wanna fuck that dragon
What a fucking mystery. Want 3 guesses or is 3 too little?
>le let's talk about dragon maid thread xD
>instead of trying to discuss the topic, I'm gonna add to the shit posting!
Way to go.
What have you been playing since?
someone needs to add some red to Shouta's face
>she actually manages to be even more shit then kobayashi
stop this
>Hating Lucoa and Kobayashi
it's the best year out of this generation so far
Great for wage slaves and console owners, maybe.
The poorfags among PCbros are witnessing the death of piracy and getting the scraps of console ports or else awful bombs like ME:A.
Good, maybe adding to the shitposting will increase the chances of a mod waking up.
What is wrong with Kobayashi-sama?!
Best year in a while
Great games
Good anime
Meme magic
Too bad my life is a trash right now
>the death of piracy
>DDL are more prevalent than ever
because fafnir is my spirit animal
what's the point of giving a character super funky pupils if they're just an ara ara who keeps them closed 95% of the time
Yes. The best in recent memory.
Even the meh ones are far and away better in comparison to the "best" games of 2010-2015.
My only fear is that it'll taper off after Persona 5 comes out and then we won't have any decent releases for the rest of the year.
Because it has something to actually do with Quetzecoatl, I forget the explanation tho
Yeah, I agree honestly. I love him. But not in the gay way. More in the I like his character way.
post more dragon loli
>What have you been playing since?
Literally nothing (new), i will check if there's switches in stock tomorrow around my area.
Yeah it's easier to get the shit that's cracked but I think it's just a matter of time until Denuvo bests piracy unless there's some huge shake up or game changer. Each new iteration of Denuvo is taking longer and longer to crack. Guess we'll see how long it takes ME:A and Nier to get cracked since they're running the latest update to Denuvo.
My best years for video games were middle school. Now I hate mostly everything, but I have to admit. It has been a long time since i've put the amount of hours that I have into games this year. I hope this continues.
>My only fear is that it'll taper off after Persona 5 comes out and then we won't have any decent releases for the rest of the year.
I don't have that worry at all.
>Great year for games
>No new Monster Hunter on Switch, no MHXX translation announced yet
c-capcom wouldn't abandon us, r-right?
>mfw I see a bad opinion on Sup Forums
wait is there a second sonic generations coming out? holy shit
Did they changed the dragonchick?.
The Progenitor, you're a faggot.
>all that good shit
>then FP2
Made me laugh harder than I should have.
Sonic Forces. Have fun peeking around.
>persona 5 is 17 days away
Wtf guys
The demo was pretty fun, but it is the weak link unless King Knight is less good than the other campaigns. Which I doubt. Specter of Torment was fucking phenomenal, might be my actual GOTY so far.
i dont hate lucoa because of her huge tits
i hate her because shes just a shit in general and all you hear is boing whenever shes on screen
remember when kyoani didint pander to TLRfags?
getting a gf was a mistake
I hate 2017
Got platinum for Nioh and now I'm playing Nier. Also I can't wait for Persona 5. It's a good year.
The fuck is TLR?
why is the dub for this show so good
Is there a dragon girl in that show that isn't fuggable besides Elma?
Even Iruru is fuckable
So what's the deal with this dragon chick why does she want to fuck the little boy so much and why is a normal human woman like Kobayashi completely okay with it?
The demo was worse than one in terms of polish. You could walk on ceilings, the camera was a bit awkward at times, and the dragon's mid-air spin didn't cancel if you landed during a certain part of its animation. It didn't really impress me and just makes me think 2 is gonna be just as bad as 1.
It's not really Kobayashi's problem
Because you're deaf. Funi is literally rewriting the story with their cringey dialogue.
Are you saying you're trying to lewd the Kanna?
I just think a normal person would be against pedophilia is all.
You best be able to back that shit up
>why does she want to fuck the little boy so much and why is a normal human woman like Kobayashi completely okay with it?
Because it's a prank, bro!
It's okay dude Shouta is a wizard and Quetzalcoatl is over 2000 years old.
How would Tohru react if you did this to her:
"Quit slut-shaming me!"
>this is considered good
that's how they were translated in the subs user
>2 lines of dialogue that are only cringy because Sup Forums memes them
So there two dragons now?
>funi is literally rewriting the story with the extremely faithful translation
Excuse me, best dragon coming through.
I dunno
Is Quetzalcoatl a dragon?
There's like 5 dragons dude
theres like 5 or 6 also other monsters at comiket
>There are people that don't consider Fafnir to be the best
He is perfection
>You will never be a hit for him
When the mother loving fuck is Iruru going to show up?
T: But I’ll let you know this one.
T: I love you, Miss Kobayashi!
K: Are you planning to eat me?
T: I don’t mean that way! I mean sexually!
K: I’m a woman, though?
Funimation dub:
T: However I can certainly let you know one thing I like.
T: It’s you, I love you, Miss Kobayashi!
K: You’re gonna eat me?
T: No, not like that, like sexually!
K: I’m not into women or dragons.
Plus the dub director has confirmed that Kobayashi's sexuality, rather than her introversion, is a character arc.
>hot girls harem at night
>Unstopable killing machines at day
MC must be a lucky guy
Tubby tush
Did you even watch a single episode?
>it's another pedophilia slideshow
it's not like she ever reciprocates tohru's love in any way but platonically nor is she ever explicitly stated (or even implied) to be lesbo
if that small nitpick about removing the most generic yuri line ever written is the worst complaint you have then I don't see how the dub is anywhere close to bad
But its a moe harem anime, why it wont be the MC a guy?
What, not good enough for your epic quest for hentai?
It's a lesbian who actually is aware of the maid dragon's feelings.
>this dub is supposed to be considered good
Go watch something like Space Dandy, Gurren Lagann, or Cowboy Bebop and tell me this still sounds good.
Hell even Kill la Kill sounded better.
I'm loving it so far.
So many good Vita games have come out in this year alone I can't even keep up anymore.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how badly do you want to fug the Dragon Loli?
about a 3
Kanna is for hug not fug