why is Sup Forums giving attention to this colonialist piece of trash?
Current year no thanks
Other urls found in this thread:
>Dia Lacina is a transgender, queer, Native photographer. She spends entirely too much time tweeting.
fuck off posting this shit and giving them clicks. archive it fag.
So do these people ever have interesting opinions?
>tfw you will never, EVER be this retarded
So whats the problem with colonizing things if no one lives there? Is it wrong just because the words are the same?
I wonder how tiring it must be to try to find a way to be angry at everything
Holy fucking christ you are shit. I'm not buying this game on the merit that someone like you even mentioned it.
Where do you think you are?
What a bizarre reason to dislike something.
native to what? the moon?
jesus fuck
>imperialism is a-ok
>colonialism is bad tho
>tfw if the moortugese and spaniards slaughtered their natives instead of banging them the West hemisphere would be 90% White
>MFW I'm directly related to a lieutenant of Cortez's
>You will never be a Dutch colonist and settle the plains of South Africa, start a farm and raise a family of coloureds with your native wife
>White in the first place
>So whats the problem with colonizing things if no one lives there? Is it wrong just because the words are the same?
Literally nothing is wrong with it. The only argument against colonization is reprehensible misanthropy. But the author is arguing against colonization of inhabited lands.
So yeah, you called it with the bit about him being stupid for arguing against colony ships because the words are the same despite the point of the Andromeda mission being to colonize uninhabited worlds.
n the opening moments of Mass Effect: Andromeda, the player character Ryder awakens from cryogenic stasis after 634 years and is greeted by two shipmates. The first explains that you're a member of the Pathfinder team (an elite group chosen to find a new home for the 20,000 colonists on board). The second cracks a joke with clear colonialist undertones: "Could you make it someplace tropical?"
That's exactly when I decided, unequivocally, I'm not touching this game.
Spaniards had a good go of it.
Did the dutch interbreed like that? I thought they kept to their own much unlike the Spanish who primarily sent men over to knock up native women. The Dutch I thought sent entire families or couples.
um have you seen the first mission user? human gendered organisms fire upon the first aliens they come upon. check your milky way privilege
They didn't. Hence the boers.
Andromeda gets GOAT in my book for triggering both Sup Forumstards and Tumblrinas.
You faggot shills are so fucked up.
Looking it up it seems like it was mostly the British intermixing with the Africans, the Dutch mostly kept to themselves. Although there are natives that do have Dutch Ancestry, South Africa is basically a clusterfuck of ethnicity.
>enslaving, human sacrifice and cannibalism
sure sound like european values to me
>modern ideas of sanitation
>1400s europe
fucking lmao
They're trying to use reverse psychology on us, we'd never buy a shitty game just to spite some SJWs.
Wew, Im a newfag and I thought the switch+zelda made this place go fucking crazy, but ME:A is on a different level.
Sup Forums has a massive hateboner for Bioware. It's justified 90% of the time
Please go back and never return
You shills understand how much of a monumental train wreck this is going to be right?
stay mad faggot :)
If you can't tell that these are threads made and populated by marketers you should lurk more.
look up tortanic
you're welcome
Yeah, and the irony is compounded because Tenochtitlan probably had better sanitation than most European cities.
That said though, the Aztec were relative monsters and deserved to be conquered. The Inca less so.
How am I shilling FOR the game faggot?
retards can't read, I guess
Why are these people always such caricatures?
>marketers visit this board to shill
>its not some rando shitposting
really Sup Forums?
>the Aztec were relative monsters
Not saying they weren't, but yuros calling any other empires "monsters" is ironic as fuck.
>but yuros calling any other empires "monsters" is ironic as fuck
I can't wait till the reviews come out
Because if they were normal then this joke wouldn't work.
No human sacrifice, and cannibalism is a step up.
>all empires are violent
No shit
this person doesn't even understand the ideology that she is espousing, wow. anticolonial thought is based around ""empowering"" the colonized peoples to basically overthrow the colonizers, it has NOTHING to do with the plot of this game. speaking of which, the plot of this game is that you are a FUCKING REFUGEE
You guys are so unbelievably blatant.
Let's not inform them of the nuance, it's more fun to watch them look ridiculous.
it's true, which is why it's stupid to use it to justify colonization
>no human sacrifice
burning pagans at the stake 4 jaysus isn't human sacrifice?
Your colonization of unoccupied territories is undermining other lesser privileged societies' potential for future expansion.
do you know what the word sacrifice means
Not, it's not ironic. It's not ironic at all.
Do you know how the Tenochtitlan was founded? Let me tell you a story. The Aztec entered the Mexico Valley. A neighboring kingdom wanted peace with the Aztec so he graciously offered his daughter for marriage to cement peace with these newcomers. During the marriage ceremony the blushing bride to be was walked up to th alter. Suddenly, some Aztec men grabbed her and layed her out across the alter. She was then killed and skinned.
The Aztec invited her father for a feast afterwards. The king, not knowing the fate of his daughter, arrived. To his horror, the king of the Aztec arrived, wearing his daughter's skin.
The kingdom immediatly went to war with the Aztec, driving the Aztec from the land and into the middle of a lake. From there the Aztec built their capital city.
That's not even where the absurd brutality of the Aztec ends.
>tranny "native" upset about Colombus
>im 1/8th cherokeeee
Real talk, native bitches back then were all over superior foreign dick and the only ones who hated the pioneers and shit were ugly ass Injun men who got cucked.
Fucking natives aren't even indigenous to America, as Asians crossed over the Bering Strait to the Americas anyway.
Also colonialism is nature's way of making the weak fear the strong.
If a lion moves into a new area of the Savannah, what do you think happens to hyenas? Does the transspecies hyena whine to its brothers about how the big bad lions are taking over thir land and eating their meat?
Fucking kekd
No, that's not human sacrifice.
>citing Columbus in vidya review
That was retarded.
But just in case you need to know, the retarded part in both far left and far right are "far" not left or right. So yeah fuck off to Sup Forums buddy. At the very least, "she" isn't the one who post that shit here, you did.
talk to me when we find that the europeans cannibalized prisoners of war
Can you recommend some reading material on this?
>Human exceptionalism is a driver of the original Mass Effect trilogy, which can be traced back to BioWare's initial white, male and all-American protagonist, Shepard. Our hero is given carte blanche to traverse, exploit and annihilate across the Milky Way in service of pursuing a rogue agent and destroying the Geth — a violent, savage and mysterious extraterrestrial other. It's difficult to divorce this human exceptionalism from the history of American imperialism.
Holy shit this person is real. This os hilarious to read
God I hope this post is supposed to be ironic.
>poo in the loo designer
>colonialist game
write what ya know Pajeet.
Not wanting to enter the shitshow of a Sup Forums thread but that's cool as fuck.
killing people under a very specific circumstance
end result is someone died for their beliefs, like burning pagans
I'd take that over Europe's millenia of constant war and treachery to be honest
>im 1/8th cherokee
nice identity politics you got there bucko
>Real talk, native bitches back then were all over superior foreign dick and the only ones who hated the pioneers and shit were ugly ass Injun men who got cucked.
this is false
you are a retard
Is it really this easy to trigger Sup Forums now?
>That's not even where the absurd brutality of the Aztec ends.
Story time us.
This is now vidya related
That sounds like it could easily be a Norse myth though, there's plenty of brutal shit behind every culture. Life for the vast majority of people throughout history sucked.
>If a lion moves into a new area of the Savannah, what do you think happens to hyenas? Does the transspecies hyena whine to its brothers about how the big bad lions are taking over thir land and eating their meat?
hyenas wreck the shit out of lions though
Fuck off this shit board is becoming more racist by the day. Gen z come here from youtube and they think attacking feminism or lgbtqia+ is somehow "cool".
Before Sup Forums was a good place to hangout now it's just full of racists and insecure cis white toddlers.
Keep attacking women and minorities shitters it will come back and bite you in the ass sooner than you think.
>He'd prefer to be worn as a skin
Is this some sick fetish again i don't know about?
>Does the transspecies hyena whine to its brothers
And no, because as girly as they are, at least hyenas have a sense of humor. Landwhales don't.
Conquistadors were assholes and so were many religious people who enslaved them too.
Sure the aftermatch is probably positive but it's a bit unfair to say that conquistadors were bringing civilization to them, they were not benevolent at all.
Same thing about most colonizing nations honestly.
I'm talking in general on empires
one spooky story that might or might not have happened doesn't scare me
How much time would you say you spend on a given day searching for some literally who who has an opinion you don't like?
Fuck you and your bait.
Why did you think that'd be ok to post on a blue board?
whats the name of this meme? I see it in different variations all the time
You could give these motherfuckers a gold bar no strings attached and they'd complain about it being ablest because it's too heavy.
Hi my fellow far leftist
>kill someone for the gods
>kill someone for my gods
fuck off christcuck
so when will there be partiarchie comics spam
Why are you posting to yourself? You fucking can't read for shit.
This is a myth.
Also, they used sticks with stones attached to them, and dressed in feather costumes.
found it on /his/ good luck
Less filtered picture.
>Teach them to read and write
They already knew how dipshit, just not in your language.
>Convert them to Christianity
Why is this inherently good?
>Modern sanitation
I'm laughing at this one considering the native Mayans bathed daily meanwhile Louis and his nasty ass would bathe once a month.
i'm argentinian and i've got 100% inca blood running through my veins
my name is martin rodriguez btw and all my ancestors were either spaniards or italians but i'm still 100% native kill all yuros
> Before Sup Forums was a good place to hangout now it's just full of racists and insecure cis white toddlers.
Please don't pretend you've been on this board for any longer than a year or maybe even two.
Also here's your (You) for the obvious bait.
I'm not sure European nations could enslave until the enlightenment. Pretty sure it was forbidden by the church, but I could be wrong.
>human sacrifice
False equivalence. When did they ritualistically murder and cannibalize people for the sun god?
That's the thing though, the selfishness of a more advanced culture is still better than the best a barbaric culture has to offer. That is not to say every less technologically advanced culture was necessarily barbaric or violent. However the Aztec objectively were. They kept sovereign kingdoms within their borders for the sole purpose of constantly warring with them so they could have a supply of thousands of enemy soldiers to sacrifice whenever they wanted.
>Sure the aftermatch is probably positive
>Tenochtitlan obliterated and 90% of the population died due to war and famine
>this shit board is becoming more racist by the day