Melee thread

Melee thread.

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Melee is irrelevant garbage



Sup Forums - Video Games
it's more relevant than over half the threads in this shithole

you can't /thread in your own reply you fucking nigger.

You don't /thread your own post fag


See how stupid that looks? That's (you) right now

One of the few games I can always go back to and find an active playerbase locally, unlike my other great love, Guitar Hero 2

Get fucc'd OP


I'll trash you at GH2.

You don't have a local competitive GH2 scene?

Maybe. Last I played Jordan I only got 93%

You may joke, but I did when I was younger

>Walk into Smash venue
>Smells like BO
>Even the SF venue full of niggers doesn't smell this bad
every time


What happens when everyone is just at 100% optimal scores SuperSpeed mode?

Do you start adding extra challenges like doing charts without looking and while solving Rubik's cubes?

>Walk into Smash venue

Explain why you were there.

>/threads then samefags his own post
is there anything more pathetic?

Pulling off 100%s consistently in front of your peers is way more tough than you think, but the few showoffs of us that there were did things like play behind the head or turn around during specific parts of solos, it became kid performance art at a point. Percentage was always the first thing looked at, but if both players matched, then score was ignored in favor of who rocked out harder.

thinking about going to my first event tomorrow. It's a weekly. Pretty excited to see my skill level.

Smash venues ALWAYS smell like shit, fucking CanadaCup this year, the smash games where in the basement while the traditional fighters where upstairs. I went to go explore and the minute I went into the basement area I fucking gagged. Clean yourselves you dirty fucks. Someone please post kermitpasta since it's the truth.

Reminder ICs are based and all the hate is a meme taken too far.

You'll probably get raped by a Kirby main.

Make sure to throw your controller ifyou lose, who do you play?

t. icies main

This is true, at least the smelly part. I hope other players take leffen's cue and start calling out people specifically for smelling like shit.

Would like to play with other people who could beat me but I live in the midwest so there's fucking no one around to play.

Fuck you

Tbh Smash brings the worst people into competitive gaming, it's a childrens party game that is incredibly approachable by autists and rejects. Maybe more so for smash 4

local trash player picked up icies and now is doing better than other people who have been playing the game longer. It's both just not cool and it gives you easy af wins until a certain level of play.

possible but i don't think so. More likely just get fucked up by a shiek or peach or some shit


Yeah, you're going to get fucked by a kirby.

low tier mains literally prey on average spacies.
I know from personal experience. Until you get to a certain level you'll get wrecked by most roys/kirbies/mewtwos etc you see.

n0ne is a fucking legend

noob Foxes are styling food for experienced lowtiermains and other player lowtier secondaries.

If they go disrespect characters on you just run away and laser or stand there uptilting and back-airing in place to tell them to fuck off back toa real character or you'll get shittered on.

none is a whiner who cried about being wobbled by Dizz. AKA in a MU he wins

did he do that? link?

Sounds like the people that have played longer are not only trash, but also don't know how to deal with grabs.

Have you ever played against a great icies player? It's really frustrating.

He tweeted that some top melee player doesn't take showers to purposefully make people play bad due to the smell. I forgot who it was, but he used his name/tag in the tweet. It was a while back, so it'd be a pain to look for it.
He rants about it on his stream too. Not sure if he's ever been vocal about it at an event.

Tell them to play Peach or learn to actually play the neutral game.
If you play a top 8 character other than pika you have to right to bitch about losing to IC's.
Yes that includes shitty sheik mains who think the matchup is in ICs favors when its actually dead even if you had a brain.
ICs are a meme character like Ganon.
If you lose you probably got massively outplayed.

fuckin thanks for the advice man, I didn't know that as a top tier I could wall out lowtiers.

btw i'm a little kid and just got this game for my fucking birthday you fagoots

>"it was a fluke guys, and every falcon could beat him there"
>he does it again
>still the only one to ever do it

Nah. I wouldn't have an issue with him RQing if he didn't start basically saying he wanted it banned.

Yeah, that's the tweet I was talking about.
Thanks m8, you're a lifesaver.

what's a better way to work on tech skill between bots and netplay? I haven't tried it yet, but netplay doesn't seem like it would be all that helpful with the latency and all

Use a crt you mong
And just practice your tech skill in training in 20xx

You say that now, but wait until you get thrown for a loop by roll > uptilt

>smash player calling ANYONE a mong


>complaining about smash players
>in a smash thread

n0ne has to put a lot of effort into making his Falcon viable by refining his neutral, the combo setups, the DI/SDI directions, etc. Also the guy is considered one of the best crouch cancel users in the game.

All Ice climber players have to do is learn the easy to do wobbling, a few wobbling setups and refine their neutral around said wobbling setups.

Of course n0ne would be assmad if all of his effort was trashed by a cheap technique. Not that his bad manners were justified though.

you misunderstood.
I play melee too, but you must acknowledge that by doing so we abandon any type of self respect or superiority in any aspect of life

I bought a GC adapter a few weeks ago but I haven't had the time to play more than a few matches.

Thoughts on melee netplay?

You dont have to throw away all your dignity because of melee, its not like we're weebs or something.

>tfw he's destined for F tier now

Trash, if netplay is the only way you can play i feel bad for you, go to a tourney or something its better.

I have a local scene. I started playing a few months ago since a lot of friends from my FGC played smash. Main reason why I bought an adapter is so I can have somewhere to train, even if it's not optimal.

Netcode is just a bonus.

Anyone near Toronto want to play some casual matches on netplay?

Then thats fine, just dont make netplay the only way you train, try getting together and doing friendlies it is a way better way to train since no netlag and its an actual person

>Armada is going to lose to a Madden player in a best eSports player bracket
Fucking kek

Madden > Smash

Is NB close to Toronto?

No, sorry.

Armada and amsa dropped out of FP2 this weekend :(

damn i wanted to see more m2k vs armada