Released May 24, 2016

>Released May 24, 2016
>people will drop it in a month!
>g-guys it's a bad game people will forget about it soon

NEARLY A YEAR LATER we still have one of the most committed communities and dedicated players. How does it feel to be completely fucking wrong, Sup Forums?

>when haters try to put down a game you like

Haters wrecked, completely silent!

fuck off homo


it's a blizzard title no one thought it would die. Sup Forums just thought it would be boring as fuck and only cater to casuals. they weren't wrong...

Lots of people posted saying it would die. Did you miss all the threads a month after it came out?

I don't think about you at all. I am only replying to you and your idiotic phone posting because I'm taking a shit right now and need something to keep myself entertained.

Sup Forums has literally only ever been right about tortanic

Still didn't buy it. no regrets from me

stay casual

>no good content released since ana

i wish i could refund this shit

>not buying goty2016 and potentially game of the decade

Sure showed us, champ

It's the TORtanic mentality. It's a fun thing to meme about when it's actually going to be true (like with NMS and Battleborn) but when people keep parroting the death of a game long after it's been successful, it's clearly shills for a competitive game or poorfags who can't pirate said game and enjoy it.

>extremely hostile to single queue players
>koth in comp is best 3 out of 5 causing extremely long matches

these are are kiss of death for me. I can't do it anymore. was fun while it lasted.

If you could create one update that would make a large amount of the hardcore players quit OverWatch what would it be?

Take some examples from TF2.

yeah people are committed and dedicated to grinding loot boxes and gold weapons

don't even try to suggest otherwise

It's good, just all around a swell time. The problem is that if I want to stay competitive it's a huge timesink. It's the same with any competitive multiplayer game, when I'm playing one I end up not playing anything else, so I miss out on all the cool singleplayer games.

But it's lost 20% of its initial playerbase

>implying it's not about rank and honing skills.

Listen kid, I'm only 100 SR from plat. The game is about skill. I would know.


I hope you're saying this as an Activision Blizzard shareholder, faggot.

>queue with someone
>work together
>immediately ride to 3500+ SR

I DID buy it, not exactly regretting it but I dont think its worth picking up without a friend to play casually with

I don't play it much anymore, I was never on the "it's shit" bandwagon, but I am definitely not very interested anymore, I used to play a good bit, now unless there is an event I barely touch it now. Still fun for a goof every so often, but nothing I can play consistently.

We as in overwatch players, cunt.

We had threads spammed here right from the closed beta about how it was apparently going to underperform massively, despite the fact that it was clear even by that stage how much ActiBlizzard were sinking into its marketing.

And then after release when it was announced to have unsurprisingly sold truckloads, it turned into "Just you wait, it's gonna die anytime now!" threads that have been posted on a near daily basis.

>poorfags who can't pirate said game and enjoy it

Those threads we had immediately after it was announced to be a retail title were something else. Seemed like half the population of Brazil and Eastern Europe was in here REEEEEEEEEEE'ing at Blizzard.

> /owg/ is full of babbys convinced of some grand conspiracy to be perpetually stuck with 5 shitters vs the national OW team every match
>Constant value is considered a meme, communication is seen as a wasted effort since "no one listens"
>these are probably the same people who bitch about rankings in MOBA's as well
How the fuck do people even post in the /vg/
without wanting to break their computers

>Those threads we had immediately after it was announced to be a retail title were something else. Seemed like half the population of Brazil and Eastern Europe was in here REEEEEEEEEEE'ing at Blizzard.
>"REEEEEEEEEEEE It's not free to play, wtf Blizzard it looks like a cheap FPS MOBA!"
>"TF2 is free to play, get with the times!"

Apparently they weren't playing TF2 prior to it going free to play, else they wouldn't praise it.

> image related

But seriously, Sup Forumsirgins always say that about every multiplayer game. Most of it's just bait for an argument, because the idea that anyone comes to Sup Forums to do anything but argue or watch arguments is a fucking illusion.

Furthermore, it's a sort of "it can't disappoint me if I've no faith in it in the first place" routine. Expect something and get nothing, that sucks. Expect nothing and get nothing, you get to laugh and be right. Expect nothing and get something, and you're golden.

The only reason people started playing this game to being with is because of waifubait and being developed by blizzard

Quake Champions will kill this stupid game.

I didn't either, I played during the free weekend and it wasn't that fun desu. seemed like every minute someone was using their special move.

>goty2016 and potentially game of the decade

Is this bait lol

Pace of the game (movement speed on everyone) is too slow, so hitscan heroes & tanks are grossly overpowered.

Projectile heroes like Pharah and Junkrat are complete dogshit because they have no way to go fast to ambush someone before they can line up their crosshairs and dink them.

If I want to play a game with hitscan, I'll play a game like CS:GO.

TF2 was balanced between hitscan & projectile weaponry because the only long range hitscan that existed was on Sniper & Spy, both of which were classes with effectively zero reliable mobility and could be easily killed by a player who knew how to go fast with scout, soldier, demoman, etc and ambush them properly.

OW does not have that balance. It's the exact opposite.

Me and my friend calibrated into diamond in season 2 and 3. So what?

>>when haters try to put down a game you like

Wasn't it supposed to be 97%?

Are you guys pretending it wasn't the best game of 2016? Be serious for just a second.

bf1 was way better and it wasn't even that good

>classes only have 1 gun

>I've never played mercy

Try again.

Can buy weapons that do more damage or healing with real money. Can buy consumable instant ult charge. That would kill the game

Objectively wrong.

There are people out there that haven't stopped playing after one month?

I dropped the game after a week. No fucking content at all and the balancing is shit tier. "HURR DURR YOU CAN STACK HEROES BECAUSE EVERY HERO IS VIABLE"
"HURR DURR JUST A PRANK BRO, now that we found out that our game has no balance and there will always be only 10 heroes viable lets change it so that we will see more than one or two heroes in a match"

Overwatch is bad and much worse than Battleborn. This is a perfect example of brand loyalty and cuckolding for the cuck shop. If you can say with a straight face that Overwatch is better than Battleborn you are literally a Blizzdrone who is a manchild which hasn't grown since WoW. If you think hero shooter are fun you are the reason why gaming is dying and only "MUH E-SPORTS" eceleb cucks are trying to scam kids with:
>DONATE DONATE DONATE (most top streamers are "donating" to themselves and do like a stranger had donated to motivate strangers to donate, normal falseflagging)

Begging should be forbidden and every "donation" should be refundable still after a year.

ecelebs on Youtube Twitch etc. are the worst kind of people who are scamming children and steal the money of the parents because they manipulate the children.

I think as soon as a person motivates to give money in any kind of form (even a notification of a donation is a manipulation) the stream should only be 18+ and if the streamer can't guarantee that his audience is 18+ he should be punished with a huge fine and don't have the right to stream anymore.

Could you say that without all the memes and buzzwords you stupid fuck?

What the fuck do twitch streamers have to do with overwatch? lol

Calm the fuck down you stupid spastic