Other than the ending, why is this game so hated? The gunpla and animations are solid, the customization is fun...

Other than the ending, why is this game so hated? The gunpla and animations are solid, the customization is fun, and the characters are developed. Is this just a internet "he hates it so I hate it" phenomena?

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>Other than the ending

thats really the only reason i can think of.

Everything important in ME1 is retconned or barely-mentioned, everything in ME2 had no effect other than slowing Reapers down by a matter of months, with Arrival fucking that up even more, and ME3 has this artificial sense of urgency that clashes with the casual feeling of everyone else not in Reaper-controller territory

Because Shepard had to do a Jesus performance again. Choices do not matter. Being prepared doesn't matter. Teammates don't matter.

ME was a series whose spinal cord was its plot. Shitting all over it with an ass pull more than irked the fans of it.

Because if I dislike the game, I am both a homophobe and entitled. No seriously, all criticism was met with those two responses OFFICIALLY.

It's really just the ending that gets extraordinary hate.

>Everything important in ME1 is retconned or barely-mentioned

develop your hypothesis

Remember when Disney payed a bunch of people to downplay the hate for the Prequels after they bought the rights to Star Wars?

Why am I bringing this up? Oh, no reason.

if you didnt notice by now your either under age or a complete idiot

So basically the ending.

The game itself was excellent, but everything was building up to this climactic moment, a story arc played out over years that people were anticipating since the end of the first game.

Aaaaaannnnnnnd....splat. According to rumors some dickhead EA Middle manager on a power trips took "personal control" of the ending to make it "just right", and the whole thing was a disaster. Nothing you did in the third game really mattered, let alone what you did in the previous two.

Hell, the Penultimate choice of Mass Effect 2, destroy the collector base or capture it, did not matter. It was barely MENTIONED in three, and had no impact on the story.

I hated how every little loose end from the previous games was tied up with a neat little bow.

>that journal system
>fetch quest side missions
>somehow made planet scanning even more tedious than before
>killing Reegar in an email
>killing Emily Wong on Twitter
Above all
>focusing the plot on Cerberus instead of the Reapers
Changing the ending would've fixed nothing, as the ending is literally non sequitur from a narrative perspective. Ending the Reaper lore after a plot centered on Cerberus was going to be a disaster either way.

It's still a decent game and Andromeda will make it look like a godsend, but it's forever going to be my greatest gaming disappointment of all time

What's with all the ME3 threads all of a sudden?
Did you faggot replay it to be ready when your ME Andromeda Platinum GoodGoy Edition preorder hits?

I literally just finished the first Mass Effect(for the third of fourth time) since I'm doing a play through of the trilogy again. My take:

Whether or not you would consider this bad, (it applies to both ME 2 & 3) the game puts a lot more focus into the game's combat which ends up sucking out a lot of the atmosphere that the first game had.

In the first game, all the areas to travel were vast, enemies had a pretty good distance between each other, allowing you to walk around and just take in the scenery and music, the Citadel was also big and the NPCs were spread out. You could even talk to your squad mates while walking around, they of course don't say a lot but it still adds.

In 2 and 3, you walk through small bland areas until you encounter a bunch of cover and enemies and almost all you see is just metal walls and environments that all feel the same.

Just off the top of my head, Noveria was really comfy for me. The spacious concrete interior with the fountain, that blizzard you can see outside, squad mates telling you how nice it is to be in the warmth of the building rather in the harsh cold. You then get to drive out into it before going through that lab.

Then you have Ilos which really made you feel like you don't even belong there, everything is overgrown and there is that constant drum that is pounding away at your ears.

Mass Effect 2 and 3 did have superior combat, but the environments were clearly designed for fighting in, where as the first game had nice environments that you just happen to encounter enemies in which makes it more immersive.

Its by no means a terrible game, I had a lot of fun in it, but when I think about the ending, its not like "Oh yeah just the ending is bad but the rest of the game is perfectly fine!", to me, the way it ends and wraps things up just ruins everything else and also ends Shepard's story. I cured Genophage, peace between Geth/Quarians and I don't get to see the future of those huge choices.


>takes the entire galactic fleet to take down sovereign in ME1
>you can literally kill reapers by shooting them with the nuke gun in 3

I didn't directly focus on 3 for this post but heres just a quick few things off the top of my head that I hated about 3.

>The fact that you actually have 3 choices at the end(even though its really just a color swap)
>That fucking kid(You really couldn't give flashbacks of Thane, Mordin and the one lost on Virmire? Shepard is instead so broken up about a fucking kid?)
>Kai Leng(What the fuck were they thinking?)
>EDI getting a body(I just wasn't a fan)

Really dumbed down dialogue options. Most of the time you only get two. Also the shoehorned homo shit. I wanted Kaidan to be my bro, not my buttbuddy.


Also, EA being shitty saturating us with pricey SP DLC. Free MP DLC was a nice touch, though.
>Crap fetch quests
>Nothing about your choices matter for anything other than being able to do a certain sidequest or not, and for irrelevant cameos
>"Reapers kill organics so organics don't kill themselves"
>Fight Cerberus 90% of the game because "m-muh indoctrination"
>Ashley is no longer just an ugly girl-next-door, she's a full-blown tranny now
>Everyone is fucking gay "Shepurd, m-muh husband. Shepurd, I only fuck grills. Shepurd, in the first game I was only a whiny loser with migraines, now I'm a whiny fucking homo with migraines, pound my prostate with your cyborg dick pls"
>Using stock photos and DeviantArt as assets
>Bioware has increasingly horrible staff and PR

I could go on

Not him, but any and all references to dark matter

you need to realize that the ending was everything. One of the main points of the entire series was that shit where saves from previous games carried over and thus your choices build up and you can earn the best ending. The ending of me3 simply threw it out the window, and thus everything you did in the past 2 games were for nothing.

I like ME1 > ME3 > ME2.

The only gripes I had with 3 was the feeling that nothing that had transpired in the first two games or the choices you get in three felt like it actually effected anything.

Save the Rachni (Twice?), get an email saying thanks.

Do or don't cure the genophage, nothing in the way or more or less support from the different space races.

Same with the Geth / Quarian stuff. The only differences gameplay wise of all the big huge decisions basically boil down to whether or not you get a few more lines of dialogue here and there, or a different 20-30 seconds of cutscenes during crucial moments.

Just being commander shepard in three didn't really feel like you carried any extra weight to more than like ~20 people tops and they were mostly part of your alliance anyways, I get that it's a video game, but you're gonna charge me space credits to buy a rifle to fight against the galactic threat?

I suppose I wanted more of an episode of the A-Team style of adventure to save the galaxy, then what I got.

No, I don't remember. Considering they're trying to forget they ever happened I don't see your point.





I dont think there's any other reason, and that reason is huge so I'm fine with it even if I don't hate it. Like some other people said the game retconned too much, but the biggest shit in my opinion was that the "gathering the army" part was just a pissing contest that only affects a 10 seconds cutscene

>The gunpla and animations are solid, the customization is fun, and the characters are developed.
What did he mean by this ?


If you are bothered by the insane cynicism and hatejerk mentality of places like /r/games, just don't go there.

Having played most of my 10 hours in the single player, this is not NMS. This game is rough around the edges. Yes there are some tech problems. Yes the animations are all over the place and some character models are subpar.

But man if you are a Mass Effect fan, you are going to love it. I spent last night wandering around the Nexus, and everything I was doing, the quests, the conversations, the ambiance, it just screamed Mass Effect. The gameplay is better than it has ever been, the setup for the story is great, the characters are intriguing, the Tempest is awesome...

Just shut all that shit out. The reddit gaming subs are in hardcore hate MEA mode right now, just laugh and move on. I remember when ME3 came out I used to get super defensive and wasted countless hours arguing with people on BSN. I'm a little older now and realized that getting upset because some nerds on the internet said mean things about the game I like is pretty dumb. Who gives a fuck? I remember I didn't get Destiny for the longest time because the reddit hivemind agreed it was terrible. Same thing that's happening now. It must be awful, I thought. Surely so many reddit posters couldn't all be wrong. Ended up buying it on a whim on sale and I absolutely loved it.

Play the game and decide for yourself.


See, this is why we need giant mechs, they would have fucked the reapers up.

Why is this being pasted everywhere?

Found your mother

ME2 was pointless.
No trial.
Everything after Tuchanka was awful, except for the squad moments.
Characters were killed off in the most senseless of ways.
The entire crucible plotline just didn't work for me.
I just wanted an ultra cheesy happy ending like ME1.

>Latecomer apologists
This needs to be a scientific term given how often these fuckers eventually pop up.

>5 years from now
>"Hey guys, why is Andromeda so hated? The gunpla and animations are solid..."

>The gunpla

Shepard only builds Real grade and constantly breaks pieces like a retard.

They're not latecomer apologists, they're people who were ~12 when the game released, liked it, and are now posting here
Same shit happened to every COD after 4, Halo, Skyrim, etc.

I hated all those useless sidequests where you give someone an item on the citadel. It felt like ME3 had way less real combat type missions than ME2. The galactic readiness tied into multiplayer annoyed me too.

You would probably have to had played ME1 and 2 when they came out to understand. ME1 while it had its flaws had some promising elements with it being a hybrid 3rd person squad shooter/ Kotor style rpg and some great world building. ME2 and even further ME3 then cut out the KOTOR style gameplay and made it more into a generic third person shooter that would be more palatable to the masses rather than improving the mechanics in the original. And plot wise the game gradually became a mess as ME2 had the whole Cerberus detour and ME3 culminated the entire story arc of the last 3 games into different colored explosions.

It's not so hated, even here. Most people with decent opinions recognize it as a game that a lot of love and detail went into despite its faults.


Oh, it appears Bioware has moved funds from its animation and visual budgets to advertisement and shilling.