Breath of the wild thread

Breath of the wild thread

Keep it civil

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Go back to /vg/

Nobody posts there. It was created as a containment board for Pokemon Generals, and ceases to have a meaningful purpose now that we have /vp/.

What did she mean by this?

Man I gasped the first time I saw that big boy. Such a cool moment as he circles you around on the bridge.

OoT or MM!?


the game keeps surprising me. Found a Woolly Rhino today.

The dragon and location remind me of the electric eel from Shadow of the Colossus.

Can't kill it. Can't ride it.

MM is objectively the better game when the two are compared.
OoT is the more important game in the history of the series.

I think is means she wants to suck the juice out of your pee pee.

>nobody posts there
Maybe your cancerous fanbase.
I had some good times with Huniepop general, Danganronpa general when DR3 was on, Ace Attorney general, and many more.

Great posts, fairly fast replies

>objectively the better game

Not that I disagree, but what makes you say that?

It seems like in the last 10 years or so MM shot up in popularity. I guess that might have to do with the fact people actually learned how to play the game properly.

Worse dungeons worse story. Too much having to go into the menu. Mask transformations are slow and just mimic normal zelda items. Gay. Muh deep and edgy story. I don't hate it but all the theories (game) match the level of the writing.

Better dungeons, more interesting moment-to-moment gameplay, more variety, better world and story

Having a ton of fun. Great game, playing on Wii U and it's awesome, not sure why everyone is so salty on this version.

We're playing a new game now


The old games are still there and good

I actually only really liked Great Bay and Stone Tower. Woodfall and Snowhead weren't that great IMO. MM shinning aspect was it's side quest.

Ok so I am playing it (for free) on my wiiu and decided to play OoT for some time, just because.

OoT its an awesome game. Flawed for sure, but an impressive craft.

When I came back to BotW it was kinda shocking. Specifically the fps. OoT runs almost entirely on 15 fps while BotW runs on 30 with dips. I could see how much the series 've been improved.

BotW its the kind of game too good for its own good, like Wind Waker and Majoras was, but in a different way. It causes so much passion for fans and eventual shitstorms from haters that it became a difficult task to discuss or review it seriously.

/vp/ existed before /vg/

120 Shrines, stormed Hyrule Castle with the Cap of the Wild, Hylian Tunic (green) and Hylian Trousers (white) because anything else doesn't feel right.
Fuck Sentry Guardians, their range/angle throws me off my reflect timing.
Ganon was pretty disappointing desu, but the game as whole blew me away.

>Keep it civil
Or what, Bitch?

When it comes to Zelda there are like 3 games that are considered the pinnacle and still are:


All the other games, people seem split on...especially the other 3-D titles (excluding BotW for the moment). Some people adore WW, and some find the sailing an abomination that RUINS the game. TP some love because it's "traditional Zelda", other hate it for being souless. SS, some people love it but a lot hate it.

We'll see where BotW stands in 5-6 years. I remember the days when MM was considered the "black sheep". It wasn't until the 3-D remake that it's popularity skyrocketed IIRC.

Can you fight these things?

She is so beautiful they had to give her entire race a deformed lower body just so Zelda can stand a chance.

I was actually planning doing something similar until I realized the game just isn't that really well put together.
Korok seeds were put in the game to make it feel like there is a lot of things to do when there isn't and the final reward is a slap in the face.
Most shrines take longer to load then they do to complete.
I had two of the divine beasts dead before I decided that I will probably never play the game again after beating it so I went to the castle and easily beat the remaining blight bosses and ganon himself.

Don't half ass a lot of things. Whole ass one thing.

That's right. /vg/ is still a waste of space though.

You don't fight them as much as you attack them to harvest valuable crafting components.

>weapon connoisseur
Fuck this quest.

>mask transformations are slow

Nigga, if you press "A" twice, you skip the whole transformation sequence.


Woodfall and Snowhead were depressing as fuck.

I blame the music.

MM had better structure. It was fun playing as a Zora/Goron/Deku. Added another dynamic to the game. The masks were fun to collect. I genuinely cared about the side quests. The whole game had an eerie feel to it.

It was popular long, long before the remake, which itself is very divisive.

It won the best Zelda bracket tournament on Sup Forums years and years ago.

Why are chain threads even here, go to /vg/

Well fuck you too Naydra

what am I looking at?

What is love
Baby don't hurt me
Don't hurt me
No more

How did it go from being the "black sheep" back in 2000 to now? Did the Majora fans all come out of the closet so to speak?

woodfall was awesome

Like twenty Lizalfos and Naydra's Fang in the middle of the Promenade with them

upgrading the champion tunic was such a pain in the ass and I still havent even gotten the fourth fairy yet

BotW is objectively better than OoT and MM!!!

It's always been well-liked, it's a Zelda game. I think the perception of it being the "black sheep" is probably just because it didn't review as well as OoT and might have been missed by people since it came out so late in the N64 lifecycle and required an expansion pak that it didn't ship with. Maybe it got some more attention after Zelda fatigue set in since it was so different.

Go watch the Skyward Sword reveal and notice how all the cheering happens when Majora's Mask goes by.

any word on CEMU yet? I heard they figured out the shit that was fucking up the water, magnet, and collision stuff, any word on an update?

>60+ hours in
>decide to go back to the start of the game
>after jumping off, go slightly to the right, to that bridge I've never been to (the end of which is in OP's image)
>see an island, glide there
>notice a chest in the ground, so take out my Magnet...
>it's not responding, game doesn't even recognize it as being metal
>"Huh, that's weird... After 60 hours I've never seen a chest not respond to the magnet. I guess I finally found a glitch! I knew it was just a matter of time"
>walk to the chest slowly, and...


I didn't mind that one, I completed it fairly effortlessly over the course of the game. His first few requests where just common shit I basically already had or was getting fairly often and everything else just showed up eventually over the course of the game.

The only one I got stuck on for awhile was the ancient short sword which I had to go out of my way to buy which I actually think was the last one.

The one I hated was that damn Zora monuments. I already looked at most of them on the way up there but you can't get the quest until you're in Zora's Domain which means you had to backtrack through that whole area to find all those fucking monuments you just read.

It never fucking ends

Makes sense, personally it and OoT are tied for my favorite games in the series, not including BotW yet. OoT felt more "epic" while MM had more heart.

I keep thinking that BotW might have surpassed them, but little things in BotW annoy me such as most quest giving a messy 100 Rupees or the frame rate that holds it back, then I discover something that makes me think its better than those two again.

How would that relationship work anyways? Zora aren't mammals so what the fuck

It has still released recently. Therefore, still on Sup Forums. Your attempts are noted, though futile.


I got the Master Sword and Hylian Shield.

Should I go into the final boss with Link wearing his blue Champion Tunic or one of the classic green ones(probably either TP or OoT tunics)? it's for the aesthetic.

Katawa Shoujo General is a thing that still exists and that's sad

Are they? It's the better version.

He's right though, it's more of a menu simulator than MGS3 and Great Bay Dungeon is just awful.

>koko sidequest


they'd still find some way to fuck, obviously

No you dont, talk to the guy again, it should already register all the ones you've seen.

When I started that quest, I only had 3 remaining.

>these dialogue options
Why is Link such an asshole in this game?

TP looks the best.

I'm still stuck on that bow he's asking for. It's an item I've literally never seen in game yet, even while trekking through Hyrule Castle.

Doesn't matter, it's great. Such snark.

Holy shit why was the Ganon fight so god damn disappointing. I absolutely loved every moment of my 60 hours I spent running around and I got to get some closure and I literally stumbled around the entire fight but he did so little damage and the horse formdoesn't even fucking aim at you so I just aimlessly wondered around him trying to find where the last target was.

Given the clues that TP gives about OOT Link's life, and the Zora customs espoused in both OOT and BOTW, BOTW Link isn't even the first Link to get with the fish princess.

I did it with Champion Tunic and Cap of the wild dyed blue

You haven't done Gerudo yet.

Can we all agree that this is the best Zelda we've seen?

dick in cloacapussy

It means if you get a snake bite she'll suck the venom out for you.

>Given the clues that TP gives about OOT Link's life
Elaborate? Are you saying that Link actually managed to fuck Ruto in the end?

Anyone know good reliable ways to get star fragments? Perhaps certain shrines or npc? Sometimes I do witness one crash down, but I never find it. Some say that a marker appears on the map, but I never see it.


Both characters wise, and design wise

get the 120 shrine tunic and max that out and then go kill ganon like a real link

MM was anything but gay. Besides Tingle I don't think there were any gay people in it. Plenty of women that wanted Link's dick.

>failed in every way possible
>got everyone in hyrule killed
>got her father killed
>got all of the champions killed
>got link killed
>first one to truly fail in at least 10,000 years
What was her fucking problem?

Also, Hylia is the true villain of this series.

You'll see a pale beacon from aways off that points to a fallen star. I'm not sure how long it takes to despawn though.

Which 3-D Zelda would you say had the best final boss (final "form")?

OoT: Roll between legs and hit tail
MM: Fierce Deity rape
WW: Just wait and roll counter over and over again
TP: More or less the same as WW
SS: Parry GG

Atmosphere is one thing, but most of the final bosses in 3D Zelda's are kind of a joke.

She sprays her eggs into the pond and he jerks off onto them.

Racemixing in Zelda works like Pokemon. Always the same species as the mother. If a Gerudo hooks up with a Goron and gets ROCKED, she'll pop out a Gerudo.

The marker is a thin glowing beam that will fade when the sun rises. You gotta be quick

I remember getting a star fragment on a quest or two.

I think one was from a little girl in a stable East f Hyrule Castle who asks you to show her how to use an Octoballoon

Great Bay Dungeon isn't great, but that first part is hyper horseshit.

Disappears at 5AM on the dot

>3D Zelda's are kind of a joke.
Agreed but Majora without Fierce Diety is actually kind of challenging if you don't use Light Arrows relative to Zelda bosses.

I'd say if anything Link ended up with Malon since TP Link is confirmed to be a direct descendant of him and grew up in a ranch community.

It's just like Skyim. The main story is always disappointing when you have over leveled.

Spirit Tracks negro

Oh damn, that means the last one I picked up was less than a minute away from despawning. Gonna keep that in mind.

She's cute in those hylian clothes but that white goddess dress is awful.

I don't know why everyone likes this Zelda. She bland,whinny and even without having that terrible VA is just bland, I'd rather deal with TP Zelda stone cold ass.

5/10 Zelda, she's cute and that's about it

There is literally nothing wrong with talking about video games on the video games board.

Golden Bow is a sniping bow from Gerudo Desert, there's one in a hideout near the Gerudo tower.

so are you saying that if Link hooked up with a Gerudo, their kids would all be 10ft high amazon goddesses?

>Finally manage to mount a deer
>hear strange grunting noise
>Turn around
> Its a fucking Lynel
>Stares at me with his sword out for what seems like forever.
>"Oh do Lynels not attck you when you're riding a deer? That's pretty cute-"
>It draws its bow

RIP Mountain Man the Deer, your meat was delicious.

>b-but my research
>m-my shiekah tech will save us
>ganon takes all that shit over


For a moment, he thought you were a chick Lynel.

Zelda in this game is literally
Also reminder that In the End is 17 years old.

She's chronologically 117 so it's fine don't worry.


They don't directly say it, but there is a lot of circumstantial evidence.
- TP says that the Zora kept making new clothing for OOT Link.
- TP provides OOT Link's suit from the Zora royal gravesite.
- OOT Link had the Zora royal betrothal gemstone.
- BOTW declares that Zora clothing from the princess is now the betrothal method.
- The dead Zora queen in TP wears clothing and has OOT Link's hairstyle. No other Zora wears clothing or has hair.
- OOT Link never passed on his fighting skills, possibly because his daughter was a fish.