Huge Lucio changes hit the PTR

Huge Lucio changes hit the PTR
>Sonic Amplifier
Projectile speed increased from 40 to 50
Alt. fire now considers vertical orientation when knocking players back

Radius decreased from 30 meters to 10 meters
Healing has been increased by 50%

>Sound barrier
Radius decreased from 30 meters to 20 meters

>Wall ride
Wall riding is now 30% faster
Lucio gains a short burst of speed when jumping from a wall


Other urls found in this thread:

>>Wall ride
>Wall riding is now 30% faster
>Lucio gains a short burst of speed when jumping from a wall

here's the source if anyone wanted to see it
Eichenwalde is also getting a change made to the first cap point

>wall wide now 30% faster
>Lucios will perpetually be wall riding

Just tried him now. He's gonna reward aggro as fuck players, and will be absolut shit tier in passive Mercy only healslut hands.

I'm liking it.

>if you play well as Lucio, he is better
>if you play shit as Lucio, he is worse


>Alt. fire now considers vertical orientation when knocking players back

What does this mean?



i have 100+ hours in lucio across all game modes and this is triggering as fuck, played a custom game in PTR and you need to practically suck your team's dick to do anything now. will require hoping that the people i get stuck with in qp/comp listen to me over voice and stay as close to me as fucking possible.

lucio is my only main and i feel i might need to find another

I think it means
>Looking up makes them go further
>Looking down makes them go a shorter distance

>baaw I can't heal the entire team just by standing at spawn anymore
They changed his entire playstyle so he's now basically half offense half healer, you have to stay with your team and coordinate now

>stand in spawn
>heal no one since theres healing in spawn

what did he mean by this

why dont they add his reverse amp shit from heroes on the storm into overwatch?

>I don't understand simple exaggeration
I can see why you play current Lucio, you're too stupid to play anyone else.

>makes baseless assumption about my play-style
>y-youre too stupid!

youre objectively wrong

>Wall riding is now 30% faster
>Lucio gains a short burst of speed when jumping from a wall

So basically JSR intensifies even more? I'm totally okay with this. It'll make him more fun to play.

Please do not sexualize Tracer.

>Wall riding is now 30% faster
>Lucio gains a short burst of speed when jumping from a wall

K, enjoy your new main, I suggest Reinhardt, he's just as braindead as current Lucio.
Can't wait to pick him up now that he'll actually be fun to play

Calm down, you autistic fuck.

this and
>if your teammates play well with lucio, he is better
>if your teammates play shit with lucio, he is worse
can't wait to yell at fags to get closer while I'm trying to get close to them

Sorrry, luv.

I've never been calmer

I'm okay with it because I always just played lucio to feel the beat anyway and if I healed or sped up teammates it was just a bonus

I mean it is horse shit and not so much a nerf as a fucking total destruction of his main way of supporting the team, but still

its not going to be fun, QP is mostly braindead even at my several hundred level. only time people will listen is in comp

youre still objectively wrong, so heres your last (You)

I love people who come to me when I'm Lucio and say "I need healing", wanting me to press Amp It Up but it's on cooldown.

>30 to 10

This seems to be a lot. At least they bumped the heal rate I guess.


>adding more crowd controls and unavoidable damage
Imagine the salt that will be produced

>Overwatch is SERIOUS gaming, gaming is SERIOUS.


i main him because hes fun to play, i like the music, and i love playing healers/support in vidya. the reason im so triggered over this is because on payload maps, people are often somewhat far away but still out in the open, not too far away but a lot farther than 10 meters now. all the other changes are perfect, but 30 to 10 is too much. imo, make it 20 and adjust the new healing/speed buff accordingly

Gotta go fast

Who are you quoting

Millienials have invaded Sup Forums and is such that Overwatch is considered to be a strategic game now

This board is a fucking shithole (more so)

My sweet soul brother

>can't spell millennial
>doesn't even know what it means

kill yourself my man

>weapon becomes more reliable
>passive becomes more sanic

I can dig it.


>>Wall ride
>Wall riding is now 30% faster
>Lucio gains a short burst of speed when jumping from a wall


>not Technopathetic
>not Technopathetic remix

Lucio does decent damage if he has good aim, especially if he does headshots. The increasing velocity for his "bullets" will help.

Ana, Lucio and Zen can heal and damage at the same time. Meanwhile, Mercy can not heal and use her pistol at the same time, and her pistol is bad as fuck. And her healing is outdone by all others. There is no reason to pick Mercy over any other healer.

Literally a scout who runs around the map like a retard calling people names, but doing fucking nothing to help the team.

It's not even technically a fucking word so of course I don't know how to spell it, one has to assume it might have a double n

It's all you kids born around the 80s to early 2000s

I already play Lucio like that so this nerf isn't going to do too much negative to me.

i play like that too, its just the issue is when im playing QP, ill always have those randoms that wont come near me even with the previous 30 meters, and now that its 10 it will be worse, i feel like i need to either beg them to come to me to stick with me and whatever tanks im sticking with, or quickly ditch whoever im healing to go to them

That is the concerning bit, hell I'll jump in the shit to try to help me team if I need to, sounds like these changes really are going to poo-poo on the Lucios who just like to wall-ride pointless around the team and still heal them, but these changes will make getting out of dodge easier and bumping people off the map better.

>Healing radius from 2827 square metres to 314 square metres

I don't believe these patch notes are legit.




i do both those things depending on the situation, if im on the second point of hanamura, i wallride to the top of the map, on that scaffolding across from the one with the entrance to it, and my AoE was able to reach almost everyone in the entire fucking room, and it was great. but if im on a control point, im in the frontlines, wallriding, shooting, trying to knock people off the edge if the map allows that to happen, that kind of shit. but now im restricted to just the latter and it really sucks, i guess it makes lucio more "fun" but it makes him more situational

I like this. He's no longer the goto healer for shitters to pick; it's going to take a lot more skill to be effective with him, but if you have that skill he's still going to be very effective.


Oh yeah, and the extra healing gives him more viability on defense (the one mode he wasn't usually picked), since your team tends to group up anyways

Actually millennials are people born after 2000, youre thinking of generation y i believe. It might be Z, but it isnt millenials

If you are over the age of 25 and still use Sup Forums then I have some bad news for you old man.

>And her healing is outdone by all others
Woah there buddy
>Mercy healing worse than an Ana that's putting shots into an enemy and not her teammates
>Mercy healing worse than current Lucio healing
>Mercy healing ever worse than Zenyatta healing

I tried it out on the PTR and I gotta say, I'm pretty underwhelmed. All it really does is make him more annoying since he self heals faster and he wall rides faster. His AOE decrease is very significant though and really gimps him. He was good because he heal the minor wounds and let the primary healer deal with the heros being focused. Now its very hard to do that efficiently. The upside is that if he stays close than him plus a primary healer in this case a Ana kept a alive through a Phara, 76, and Sombra all shooting at her for the full time it took the rest of the team to respawn and run back to the fight. In another fight my team got gravatoned and my healing boost plus amp it up plus the Ana heal nade basically turned me into an ulting Zenyatta. No one died and we all came out barely scratched.

Its honestly not what I was hoping for. He still feels very passive since hes still mostly only firing in the vague direction of the enemy and just trying to keep as many people in range of his speed and heal as possible.

Cool changes, I dig it.

So basically what you are saying is they failed at what they were trying to do.

>basically half offense half healer

That's Zenyatas role and he does it much better. Lucios gun is still worthless. The only way it wont be is if they make it a stream of shots with no pause. Letting you empty a whole clip in one go if you want.

Not at all; they weren't trying to nerf Lucio, all they wanted to do is make him feel more active, which they've accomplished. The short range means his auras are much less effective if you try to play passively.

He doesn't feel active at all. I played him in three games he feels pretty much exactly the same. His wall ride only comes into play in fringe situations because of map design so it does not really help him move about his team just not get hit and be annoying to the other team. His range just forces him into the line of fire since he cant hide any more. That's not more "active" at all that's the worst possible outcome. Moving around is not being "active" doing things is active. Tracers movement is active because the Tracer needs to know the map know how far she moves and plot what she is doing WHILE trying to snipe picks and not die. Lucio is still just standing there and firing in the direction of the enemy group. Hes shots still are not good for aiming and close range is mostly just going to be aiming and firing as you get into boop range the same as it ever was.

He has the exact same play style with a slightly different more annoying dress.

>tfw healer main
>Blizzard just keeps making healers boring af

T-Thanks I guess

How is having to play aggressively and staying near your team boring compared to hanging back and letting your aura piddle out healing?

>now even more difficult to hit wall-riding and jumping around
>have to be more aggressive and stick with team
>more boring

what did they mean by this?

I see they finally found a way to drive people away from using Lucio in every competitive comp now that you have to suck his dick for the speed boost.

Lrn2 area

>sniper healer that requires aim
>glass cannon debuff/healer hybrid with high dps
>area of effect healer with powerful movement abilities

Aside from Mercy all the healers are super interesting and fun, I dunno what you're going on about.

Do you even know how guns work you fucking nigger?

As it should be

I'm still fucking pissed they gave Mercys planed second Ult to the gay new tank. They were throwing the idea of giving her a damage boost ult to let her proactively use her ults instead of waiting for her team to suck ass and fail at the game.

Racking the bolt on the rifle after using the grenade.

In a nutshell:
better healing
get to go fast as FUCK
smaller area of effect
slightly better gun

This is going to make me run off even more to go fuck shit up, thanks Blizz

you mean healing people by standing around and doing absolutely fucking nothing?

lucio instalockers that get carried can suck it, enjoy dropping thousands of SR.

Yeah I'm not complaining, anything to take Lucio and/or Ana down a few pegs is alright in my book.

That wall-riding boost is going to make him fucking insufferable though.

>ey yo senpai you should be riding walls all day long for that speed
>aura range nerfed to shit and have to hug the team to support
some quality design here Blizz

Why did Lucio fuck Paige?

>oh shit that genji is being a fuckass and is on the other side of the map with really low health!

>well fuck him then, i have to stay here


So why don't they stop beating around the bush and release Overwatch surf maps?

PTR Lucio is fucking amazing now. LMB is easy as fuck to land now, and his others buffs mean I have an insane amount of passive healing plus essentially free self-speed buff while wallriding.

Radius nerf is harsh, yes, but it means I have to pick and choose which teammates I'm going to taxi out of danger or heal up. The buffs, however, mean that I can save amp it up specifically for those situations.

Overall, I love the changes; they really push the skill ceiling up for Lucio, but I think Blizzard will pussy out and reduce the strength of some of the buffs and increase the radius to 12-15m.

>Radius decreased from 30 meters to 10 meters

I honestly think the changes are going to stay.

If they tweak anything further it'll be the UI circle around him and his ult generation rate.

>lucio instalockers that get carried can suck it, enjoy dropping thousands of SR

lmao as a solo queue instalocking lucio is the only way to climb



Yeah the wall run speed bonus and speed boost when detaching might actually be OP with high-tier Lucios so I can see them nerfing that a bit.

>Healing has been increased by 50%

Fucking yes, I don't care about the decreased radius, I always felt useless even when I amped up to heal someone.

This is going to be nerfed to hell and back just you wait. They just got done implementing a feature to not let defenders trickle the time out. They wont let that stay.

It actually makes turning around corners impossible since it rockets you off in once direction.

fucking hell

>>Alt. fire now considers vertical orientation when knocking players back

THANK THE FUCKING LORD. I'm tired of getting blown the fuck out of the map when it's defying physics.

Shit, hadn't considered that. Sounds like a pretty big pain in the ass actually.


Hope you're ready to hear this a ton.

wow actual fucking retard detected

thats gen z u moron

People who claim this is a nerf don't play an aggressive Lucio. I've been shitting on people in PTR because I'm almost unkillable to diamonds and lower

Jump off slightly earlier and you'll be able to do corners


I dont know the in game:real life scale but 30m equals a 10 floor building.

Finally Eichenwalde is being changed. It's the most cancerous first point in the entire fucking game. You have to run a dive comp or else you just spammed the fuck out or ice walled.