Switch only 50% stronger than Wii U

>Switch only 50% stronger than Wii U
>a console that was already underpowered as fuck back in 2013

Sasuga, Nintendo
You'll surely get all those 3rd parties to crutch their games to fit in the Switch.

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you also for get that it's completely portable


I already forgot about the name Nintendo NX. Crazy to think about it now.

I remember being pretty excited for the Dolphin.

I also remember everyone's utter confusion and disbelief when Nintendo decided on Wii for the Revolution.

Remember the hype for Revolution?

and then...

>3DS underpowered
>got tons of awesome games

hopefully we get a repeat of that

>implying lower quality assets are difficult to produce from higher quality assets
>implying lower quality assets are harder to make from scratch
>implying a large user base with little competition is not incentive enough to make switch games

It's like you don't understand game development at all

If the Switch was nothing but a console, that'd be a problem.

But the fact that it's basically a more powerful, portable, completely self contained Wii U is a fucking awesome.

I'm just sad that stuff like Tropical Freeze and Captain Toad haven't been announced for it yet.

The last thing we need is to t urn it into a literal New Wii U

I already got to play all those games. They damn well better make some new ones and not just remaster everything

Tch. Just...tch.

Honestly, they should do both.

The Switch already has a massive drought of games in it's first year, remasters of Wii U titles is the quickest and cheapest way to fix that.

>strongest handheld of all-time

can you imagine playing Mario 3D World on the road?
or HD Mario Kart?
or Xenoblade?
or fucking multiplayer smash?

honestly it's not so bad. Everyone keeps saying the lineup is barebones but it has a big Nintendo game coming out every other month or so. Really everything will be determined at E3.

Hope is a short trip because otherwise ill be board half way with a dead battery

>tfw an alternate timeline where Nintendo doesn't drop AMD
>They save NVidia partnership for 3DS successor


The 3DS library can't even make a dent in what the DS did.

>Large user base

Citation needed.

Every codename was cooler.

If they went with AMD for Switch, it would be a joke

who doesn't have a USB adapter at this point?

Maybe if I was 12 and still in my parents backseat

I drive everywhere now. I don't have the opportunity to play games "on the road"

in a plane. While waiting for a meeting. At a friend's house. Christ, do you ever leave your shitty apartment?

>you need to spend extra money on extra shit for the full experience

Meanwhile my 3ds offers 4 hours of DQ, 5 to 6 hours of snes/gba play and 4 hours of Monster hunter with literelly nothing else.

And if i want to be a cheeky cunt and actually spend more money on the 3ds, i could get a Mugen battery and make my n3ds last 15 to 16 hours.

>in a plane.
I fly maybe twice a year. It's a very expensive novelty for something that happens rarely
>While waiting for a meeting.
You sound like the type of person who would never be in this scenario anyway if you don't understand why this would kill your career.
>At a friend's house.
Because my friends don't have their own video game machines.

>Christ, do you ever leave your shitty apartment?
Yes. Typically to do things *besides* playing video games. That's something I do at home.

>Intel shills EVEN in a nintendo thread


30,000mah battery banks are only giving you 8% battery

>more than 6 hours with a 3DS
yeah fucking right.

>waiting in a meeting
>Good morning everyone, thank you for being so punctual because as you're well aware, we need to go over the quarterly reports today and...
>Wahaa! BING BING BING! Oink! Wohoo!


It's a handheld so you shouldn't expect it to be anywhere near as powerful as to what Microsoft or Sony is releasing. You should be happy that it's stronger than that piece of shit called the Wii U.

>not owning a n3ds xl
>thinking that you cant get 5 to 6 hours of GBA/NES/SNES game time

Learn to read, you dumb cunt.

Sup Forums has me traumatized, user. Please understand me

3ds has the worst nintendo handheld library. Its not even up for debate

That's seems pretty good for a hand held.

Wow 4 hours playing censored dqs. Sounds fun

As a powerful handheld it's nice, but there are two possible outcomes to that:

1) It succeeds both the 3DS and Wii U, getting Nintendo's full library support. This would be incredible.
2) It succeeds only the Wii U, becoming a portable home console, where the 3DS gets its own successor that will have its own exclusive games. This would be utterly terrible for Switch adopters who were hoping for things like MonHun and Pokemon, as they almost surely won't be getting them

Honestly I could see it leaning towards 2 at this point. Nintendo is too greedy to abandon their 2-platform strategy. If they think they can milk the market on 2 fronts, they will try to do it. They have been for 30 years, why would they stop now?

>what is uncensored dq8 mod

Most be real nice being a cucked by Nintendo by being a moralfag. You literelly have no argument here.

>1) It succeeds both the 3DS and Wii U, getting Nintendo's full library support. This would be incredible.
This is literally happening; 2018 will be the last year of the 3DS, the Switch is also replacing that as well. The Switch is both the Wii U and 3DS successor. Nintendo is finished making home consoles and sticking with handhelds since those have been more successful since the GBA.

>he doesnt know

BOI did you miss the uncensored ntr patch? which is done for both moralfags and piratefags?
>not hacking your 3ds to use ntr for those censored games
I bet you also didnt knew about the Bravely Default ntr patches

Theres already a 3ds and vita for that though.

>the Switch is also replacing that as well. The Switch is both the Wii U and 3DS successor.
We don't know this. You're just being hopeful.

I imagine, or at least hope, it will be like the Wii getting a lot of smaller low budget games and re-releases. I also imagine it will share a lot of titles with the 3DS. I guess if it sells well enough I'm sure plenty of companies will want to start pushing shovelware onto it.

virtualboy was portable

It'll seem a lot bigger than that because the Wii U had to sacrifice some of its power.

>mfw no mugen battery for switch
whats the fucking point on living anyways?

>Wii U had to sacrifice some of its power.
Putting a 2D image on a 480p screen isn't a computationally demanding process, and most of the time it was just a map or inventory

I recognize that graveler. Why did such a simple concept have to go to SHIT so fast because of the creator's plot boner?

Switch is like 1000 times more powerful though. Whats your point?

and has 1/1000th the library

it just came out... who would've thought it wouldn't have as many games.... how will nintendo recover

We knew this since the beginning; Nintendo pulled this third pillar shit before with the DS and the GBA. Nintendo stated that the DS wouldn't replace the GBA but as soon as the sells were kicking in, Nintendo dropped the GBA in a heartbeat. You son't think that Nintendo won't pulled the same shit as soon as the Switch starts printing more money, especially when there's such high demand for more Switches to be released?

Are you retarded or something? 3ds came out 6 years ago of course its going to have a larger library.

they'll find a way user. hopefully. I'd much rather have a bulky tablet that lasts for 5 hours than a slim one that runs outta juice in 3 hours


>Nintendo is not about power and graphix
>urrr but is more powerful therefor better, pssh vita? 3ds? Get that underpowered shit away. It has neyywr graphix

This is pretty much everything in a nutshell

You do understand its going to have the pros of the 3ds (actual support from the company unlike sony with vita) as well as the power. Its not like one cancels out the other fag.

if we ever get some bizzare way to add a mugen battery, probably not for retards on how the switch battery works and is "glued" on, would probably be enough to make it last 10 hours or more and even add an extra fan. BUT then the dock would be useless without some cheap modding because of the new bulk. More reason to hate fucking gimmicks

It isn't the same scenario as the DS and GBA *at all*. First of all, think about what third pillar implies: that the DS would have been a 3rd option in addition to the GBA and Gamecube.

If you want to use the third pillar argument, you have to rename it if you're going to suggest they're going to replace their 3-decade old 2-platform strategy to a single platform. Switch wouldn't be a 3rd pillar. It would be a 2nd pillar in addition to the 3DS.

The next problem is, think about this from a business standpoint. Imagine the Switch DOES start "printing money" as you say. What fucking incentive do they have to stop while their ahead?

There are 2 logical scenarios:

1) Switch fails. In this case, the 3DS would very obviously get a successor because they couldn't rest on the failed Switch raking in the cash.

2) Switch succeeds. In this case, what do they have to lose? If they release a 3DS successor and it's also successful, they have TWO successful platforms. Just as they have historically. If they release a 3DS successor and it fails, "oh well". They still have the Switch

Use your brain. Logically, they have everything to gain and nothing to lose from continuing their old business model of 2 platforms.

>dock being a problem at all

here's your entire dock being held between this guy's fingers. Making a new plastic case to accommodate the mugen battery additions would not only be piss easy, but would also give the company some more money selling said docks. sounds like a good venture if I've ever seen one

Pretty sure the 3ds recived a hell of a lot of good dev support hence why that shit is till kicking today and god knew if for another 1 to 2 years more. and like the old nintendo argument, you dont need more power for good games.

Question. Since most of the money comes from the games wouldn't it make more sense to just get one system in as many hands as possiboe and steadily release games non stop. Rather than having to support two platforms with games.

Then how you explain Fast RMX running at 1920x1080 with improved screen effects and frame rate, if compared to the WiiU Fast Racing neo title that runs at 640x720?
That's a 5x increase in pixel count that would not be possible at all on a system that is only 50% faster.

Nintendo probably sees 2 separate demographics. Handhelds have traditionally been cheap $150ish devices with $40 games. Switch is $300 with $60 games which is very much premium console tier.

Targetting two separate demographics naturally widens your net, and it also lessens the "all your eggs in one basket" risk

Of course, they'd have a really strong system library by going with 1 platform but this is Nintendo we're talking about. I don't expect them to approach this from the angle of what would be good for their customers. I expect them to approach this from the angle of what would be good for their business.

that implies everyone wants a single system. Lots of people have no interest in consoles and on the other side of the coin lots of people have no interest in handhelds. If you have one of each you can get both markets

Only if they are able to have two devices that can play games comfortable between both architectures.

Which might be do-able with Switch due to the chip it's based on, but there's still good reasons to have a portable.

you are whats ruining video games

jerking off to powerful hardware is just like people who do the same thing but with cars

there's a lot more to games than just how powerful the hardware is just like there's a lot more to racing than how powerful the cars are

>ere's your entire dock being held between this guy's fingers
it's funny because the switch's PCB is smaller

I thought that was tge whole point of the switch tho. It fits both thise scenarios. I know i like portables more than consoles so im just using mine as a portable and it feels like a successor to 3ds to me.

I think it's less about nintendo trying to nail both markets and more about going one step further with what the Wii U started. The promise of possibly getting both markets is just a bonus. At any rate even if it could be considered a handheld it's held back by its size, which impairs overall portability, and the battery life. If they could at least find a way around the latter I'd get one in a heartbeat

so is every smartphone

I agree with the first part of that but battery is not actually that bad if your playing games that are popular on current portables (shovel knight, isaac) but yeah playing "console games" portable it does die pretty fast.

People buy tablets, smartphones and laptops. Normies. Lots of them.

>All those idiots falling for the Memefllop comparison of the OP.
Here we go, all this shit again, and again and again and again.
Bits, Mhz, Number of cores.
You always, ALWAYS fall for some "easy measure" that is completely fucking useless.

>nintendo consoles revealed to be underpowered crap because of bits, mhz, cores, gflops
>"you can't compare those, they're just meaningless numbers!"
>turns out the consoles were as underpowered as we thought they were
You're nothing but a disinformation agent

that's a valid point user, but it feels kinda bad to know you could be getting more from the system, yet it's held back by such a simple problem. Besides, having better specs encourages devs to go beyond what they could do on a handheld. I'm sure HAL, goodfeel, and retro are gonna have a field day with this one as they know how to squeeze every bit of juice out of a system and still publish silky smooth games, but other devs might just go for maximum power all the time and kill the battery

It is underpowered if compared to the PS4 and Xbone.
But "it's 50% faster than the WiiU" is just a retarded affirmation.
As was pointed above, it is at least 5 times faster than the WiiU in terms of actual pixel pushing power, due Fast RMX pushing 5 times more pixels than Fast racing neo, that is pretty much the same game.

>>Switch only 50% stronger than Wii U
>But he is the disinfo agent

shitposting aside
but don't dare let PC shit on Sonyfanboys system and the gaes running lie ass because they fall back on the "we got games" logic.

Hardware means shit all if you don't know how to properly use it

Fast racing Neo wasn't pushing the Wii U to the max. You could tell because it capped the framerate at 60. How much higher than 60 could it have gone? We don't know.

BotW, on the other hand, runs at mostly sub30 fps on both systems, with essentially identical visuals. We know it's pretty much maxing each systems power because it's not hitting the frame cap.

As it runs at 900p on Switch and 720p on Wii U, this indicates about a 50% increase in power on the Switch.

By specs alone, its not even 10 times more "powerful" than the vita. The vita hower is mich more portable, solid and is actually usable on a battery. Also tons of great games.

It's not 480p, and in tons of games it literally mirrors exactly what the TV is displaying...only it does it with less latency than your TV because Nintendo are fucking wizards.

>pushing 5 times more pixels
And where the hell are you getting this from?
1080p is 100% more pixels.

It's still a reaction goldmine

Fast racing neo had several frame rate dips, which means that in several occasions it was truly running under 60, and those are gone on the switch fast RMX.
And no, zelda is not "maxing the switch" because the code is still a Open GL 3.3 tier code (the best supported on WiiU), and thus not getting all the optimizations you can do when using Open GL 4.5 tier code(what you can do on the switch)

1080p is 100% more pixels if compared to 1280x720.
Fast racing neo runs at 640x720.

>Fast racing neo runs at 640x720.
Do you have any evidence of this

Here, have fun:

So if they could have ran BotW at 1080p instead of 900p by using OpenGL 4.5, why didn't they?

This is a highly dubious claim as I'm sure they would have if it made any difference.

BotW is probably just a much more demanding game that hits some other bottleneck in the hardware besides raw pixel fillrate.

all i care about is games with good mechanics, graphics are more or less a meme

>So if they could have ran BotW at 1080p instead of 900p by using OpenGL 4.5, why didn't they?
Because they're lazy and cheap

1080p probably yes, as well its a pixel fillrate load.
Now over 30 fps, not very likely, given how dense the geometry of the game is, and all the physics etc etc etc...

Maybe if they abused the tesselation engine of the switch by redoing all the models to have less detail than the WiiU version, and then used the tesselator engines to subdivide the models after the vertex shader stage, thus cutting quite a bit of the weight on the vertex side and memory, but the physics would still be an issue, as the switch CPU is not THAT faster than the WiiU one.

And most importantly, rushing the thing like madmen.
How else would you explain the obvious design flaws, sparse launch, etc?

We can see that from those BoTW slow downs

We know it's using a downclocked X1 already

And that shitty chip is not that much more powerful than a Wii U.

It's still leagues behind a PS4.

>muh handheld
Nintendo has marketed this as a home console and Wii U successor. Fuck off with the ">b-b-ut it's a handheld!" damage control to defend underpowered as fuck hardware.

According to this video, RMX uses dynamic resolution scaling so claiming it to be 1080p is inaccurate. 720p with vertical interlacing is not the same as flat out 640x720 either

Fuck you and your rushed WiiU game that actually still runs better than the WiiU, specially when running on the same resolution.

Yes, it do fall for 900p and even in some rare cases 720p.
But even on the worst case, its still twice the pixel load, as it is not just rendering half of the pixels and using some really lightweight temporal shit to invent the rest.

There's no doubt that one's better than the other
It's just not the type of leap we're used to getting between console generations. It's like the GC to Wii leap.

Actually scratch that. It IS the leap we're used to getting. From Nintendo.

It's probably the biggest leap nintendo did in decades.
But this sadly say more about the other jumps than any actual merit.
My optimistic prevision on the switch is it being pretty much the PSP of PS4 so to speak.
Like the same difference of power between PS2 and PSP, with it running roughly the same textures and lighting effects and even kinds of game, but being quite low poly.

You need to use yours, this is the main reason they have massive droughts with their systems, because they have to keep supporting two systems with different software. Dropping the home console and going full handheld that's powerful enough to run console games is the way to go. What is so hard to understand about this?

For how many time BoTW was in development?4-5 Years? And still was a rushed game.
