Popular side character gets killed off in a tasteful way

>popular side character gets killed off in a tasteful way

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>one hit

>Oh fuck not again

How did that even kill him? Is that Old-bi wan?

>at least it was vertical this time

>try to look it up
>get fucking nothing but speculation and trailers
what? fucking disney

So old-ass Alec Guinness Obi-Wan is able to attack with that much speed and precision and then can't do shit against Vader?

>watching rebels

It ain't Sheev,
It ain't Sheev,
I ain't no galactic senator's son

>important character decides to leave halfway through the quest

There's so much difference between an Ob1 fight with Maul and one with Vader.

more chubbers

The general, cliched idea is that he let Vader kill him. Basically he knew through the force that it was his time and that he could better move Luke along the path by dying at that precise moment the way he did and becoming a ghost of the force.

Standard mentor dies so the pupil continues to grow kind of trope.

maul is fucking jobber

>Lvl 99 Obi-wan beats low level scrub

>7ft tall cyborg who's also as skilled and powerful as young Obi Wan, albeit just slower
>Obi Wan has not been in combat for decades, rather meditating

Also, consider he never wanted to kill Vader, you noob. The prophecy had to be fulfilled.

I'll make you regret those words

Post the helicopter saber webm.


But you can get him back

been jobbing since 1999

Why? they get me off