Difficult-looking boss has surprisingly low HP

>difficult-looking boss has surprisingly low HP

>easy as fuck boss has surprisingly low HP but can only be damaged at certain time & only with field gimmick items

>coolest boss is the easiest
>lamest boss is the hardest

>boss has an absurd amount of defense and extremely low HP

>boss turns out to be qte event

Bravo, Filoni

>boss is fucking easy but has metric shittons of HP
>turns into a test of "how long can you go without fucking up" instead of actually being good at the game

FUCKING Moon Presence in Bloodborne.
>hello I'm the secret boss for the true ending of the game with my own dramatic as fuck minute and a half into cutscene and one of the coolest designs in the game btw I have maybe a third of the health of the my thrall which you killed seconds ago and literally no threatening attacks whatsoever please just shred through me in less time than my intro took and receive your ending
MP should have been much harder
Failure should also kick you into new game.

>bosses hp bar fills up
>then another fills up
>then another
>and another
>and another
>and another
>and another
>and another

>Sup Forums trying to rationalize this saying it was realistic and how samurai would actually fight
>wanting a realistic fight in fucking Star Wars

The duel would have been bad if was overly-choreographed and drawn out as well. But this is a slap in the face, they hyped this shit up for almost a year and the entire season was leading up to it.

>mp's puppet was a cooler and harder fight
God Gehrman was so fucking badass, he even tries to show you mercy

>punch him once
>all lifebars drain instantly

fucking spiderman 2

fuck you halo 4

>boss is invincible but dies after a relentless set of attacks

This was kingdom hearts. So stupid.
They didn't be creative with making them hard they just got 50 health bars

>Boss is hyped up to be the biggest OG ever
>You go back in time and find out he is a fucking loser and push his shit in
>You make the legend yourself but everyone thinks he did it

>boss is HP
>don't even need to do anything, he's probably defective and will die within six months anyways

>waste all your good items fighting a boss
>you literally cannot beat him
>turns out you were supposed to lose to him and trigger a cutscene

>Boss has lowest HP in the game
>also has lowest defense
>breaks fourth wall to become more difficult

>t. scrub who couldn't beat sephiroth
git gud fgt

>really plain looking boss
>seems like he'll just be a pushover
>proceeds to savagely rape your ass the first time you fight him

>waste all your good items fighting a boss
>turns out you were supposed to lose to him and trigger a cutscene

Came here to post this

I always give up against tough enemies and bosses the first time because of this shit.

>You're supposed to lose to the boss
>But you have to reach a certain threshold before you lose, otherwise you get a normal Game Over

I forget which game did this but it pissed me off so bad.

>Final raid boss of the expansion just goes unconscious
>Next expansion has you fight him 1v1 holy fuck
>Fight gets interrupted so a shitty NPC can kill steal you

Still mad, Thrall. Still fucking mad.

Artorias is a lot better of a fight if you let him power up. Had no idea you could stagger him out of it the first time I fought him and had a hell of a time with it.

>you beat the boss with 1 hp left

>Game full of nameless rank and file soldiers
>One NRFS is secretly a boss on par with optional postgame superbosses
>Can and will push your shit in if you run into him at a bad time.

>Darth Maul's lightsaber gets cut
Jesus christ when did he become such a bitch?

>boss isn't immune to status effects
>can cheese effect combos to instakill the fucker

>When the boss beats you with 1hp

God damn rebels still looks like shit, bet the show in general hasn't gotten good

How the hell can you let this happen? Just hit him once. Just one hit. All you had to do is hit him one time. I know the game requires a little thought to not die, but come on. That's like a sneeze and he dies.

oh child

There was not a single hint that he got hit by the blade. At least in the other ones, there'd be a flash after the blade gets broken in half. That dude just keels over without a scratch from a glorified laser cutter.

This makes me think of that blob thing at the end of demons souls. For such a challenging game that thing was pathetic.

That was my first playthrough though user. At the time my PC could only run the game at like 20fps max, so rolling was nearly impossible. Doesn't help that Gwyn goes ham on you 24/7

like it or not, this is the canonical end of Darth Maul

thanks again Disney for saving this franchise

Its even more disappointing when clone wars was consistently good only to be followed by the crap that is rebels.

No, playing the entire game again just to fight one boss is retarded. Wanting him a) to be harder and b) only allowing a single attempt would be an extremely stupid design choice which is why you're a retard on Sup Forums and not a game designer.

Ok so you make the moon presence hard as fuck, and you need 10-20 attempts to learn his attack patterns, who the fuck is going to endure playing the game so many times?

Such a great scene, especially after all the buildup.
I miss that game.

Dark souls 1 took you offline if you had too low FPS. That happened during the fight which gave me that message window, in which the boss killed me.

So did Obi get better or did Darth Maul get rusty

Obi-Wan had the high ground.

Does it matter? It's non canon

Not you apparently.
A secret ending should be a reward. It was altogether too easy to pick up three third umbilicals and fuck up MP.

>incredibly easy boss has extremely bloated HP and a single OHKO attack

Obi-Wan was canonically an exceptional duelist. Like, it was his most notable feature as a jedi.

Obviously the movies don't portray this particularly well, but that's the deal with Obi-Wan.

>"But m-muh cartoons and c-canon!"

Did... did Maul try to do that same hilt-to-face trick he used on Qui-Gon?

No I'm serious, Star Wars canon is simple. Star Wars, Empire, and Jedi are the only canonical movies

Rebels is canon. They even had a Rogue One crossover to make it clear.

Why the fuck did Lucas and Disney feel the need to bring Darth Maul back to life and do so much other shit? Who fucking cares so much, he was lame as hell in Episode 1.

Believe it or not, Vergil, even in his final fight, is pretty damn fragile HP wise compared to some of the other bosses. A well timed DT explosion can pretty much kill him.

Man I get darth maul is mad he got his shit chopped but come on the dudes hunted this guy down like 3 times now even though he pretty much whooped them by killing his master

Youd think in a galaxy as big as star wars hed find a new peeve or have trouble finding a guy whos in hiding

>Rogue One
Not canon either

did he split his head in half too or what the fuck is happening here

>Boss does high damage, has no weaknesses, gets eight attacks per turn
>Boss has extremely low MP and becomes completely ineffectual once it runs out if you can survive until then.

>The Prequel to the original series that leaves off exactly where the original began.
>Not canon
Okay user.

How autistic can you be? It's not a canonical movie, it isn't a real even that happened. Only the original 3 movies are. that's always been the truth.

And TFA, whether people like it or not.

No, that's not canon either

stop replying to bait posters

Poor Sundowner.
You don't even have to see his second stage.

>can't prove me wrong
>resorts to autistic anti-bait posting

Yes it is. It takes place after and acknowledges those movies.

>revenge of the sith
>not canon


So? Fan fiction references events all the time, see You can't prove me wrong so you shouldn't even try

Fucking Filoni That man ruins everything he touches

In 1991 during the filming for 'Point Break' Keanu Reeves (whose role involved playing rookie FBI agent 'Johnny Utah') was surfing with co-stars when a small child was dragged under the waves and began to struggle to stay above surface. As his co-stars rushed to help, Reeves held out an arm infront of them, stopping them and was reported saying by Lori Petty (who played the character Tyler Endicott in the film) "The waves have claimed her, let her fight for her own life". The crew, dumbfounded, proceeded to watch her struggle until her body disappeared beneath the waves, lifeless. He was later spotted outside the child's house, making drowning gestures and thanking the family for their child's sacrifice to the great ocean.

>beat game
>watch a streamer fight a few of the bosses I liked
>they beat my personal hardest boss on like the third try
>took me dozens of tries
>go up against a boss I didn't think was very hard at all
>get btfo bad over and over again
Furi was a fun game

Yeah but his DPS is fucking insane, especially in DMD when he got Spiral Swords. Not to mention his DT heal and the fact that you can't hit him out of Super DT

I like it that way though. It's befitting a duel


Fuck I hate that
>boss has 10 hp to your 100000 hp
>can only deal 1 damage every 30 minutes

I'm guessing is what happened. Obi-Wan probably put a ton of thought into the fight where he lost his master, so he was able to read Maul's attack like a book and exploited it.

I don't know why people are getting angry over this. I admit I don't keep up with modern Star Wars, but that clip is pretty satisfying to watch.

>rare enemy
>runs away from you whenever it wants
>high defense
>high evade

>menacing dark souls enemy turns out to be weak as fuck


>Main party is hyped up by trailers, interviews, and even comics
>They die halfway through, and the story wobbles around with other people until the end

>use gold orb
>destroy him since he already used up his DT
gg no re cunt

>boss fight is really, really fucking hard
>if you lose, you have to do it all over again
>if you win, a cutscene plays that shows you losing


I didn't even know he had a second stage until like 2 years later when I did my S Rank Revengeance run, and only because it was a requirement.

His second form was fucking awesome though, I should have ditched the shield from the get go.

>not playing on Yellow

literally no reason to not play on Gold

>Running BP for some orbs to get some moves I missed and level styles
>900 floors no problem
>All of a sudden vergil 3
>Try to get motivated
>Die like a bitch

Goddamn man you cuhrayzee

plebs on here aint never seen sanjuro, this was a classic kurosawa duel

>boss has surprisingly low HP
>has a difficult as fuck moveset and can break you in half if you're not paying attention

>kill boss
>it gets up and has a new health bar
>kill boss again
>it gets up again and has a new health bar
>if you die you have to start from the beginning again


Every Demon's souls Boss
>Play Mage
>Make Glass-Cannon build
>2 Shot every boss in the game with magic

Best Rap song ever

>"good at the game"
>press turn system
do people who love this shit delude them into thinking that they're doing rocket science, instead of baby's first simon says reactionary logic and doing monotonous chore-like mechanics like stacking debuffs/buffs?

The fist fight with Armstrong in MGR is kind of like that on Very Hard and Revengeance modes. He hits like a truck and you do nearly no damage. You need to either survive for like 3 or so minutes or knock about 10% off his HP (and each of your punches does about .1% damage). And then of course, once that's done with he beats the shit out of you in a cut scene and the actual boss fight starts, which is much easier.

Nigga everyone knows Kurosawa's best duel was the one in The Hidden Fortress with the spears that was like ten minutes long.